the middle

  • 网络左右不逢源;中产家庭;中间之道

the middlethe middle

the middle

左右不逢源生活片,挺好看的左右不逢源The middle)经典美式幽默太空堡垒卡拉狄加前传:卡布里卡(英文我忘了…


中产家庭》(The Middle)更新第四季第八集[720P][HDTV] 《妙警贼探》(White Collar)更新至第四季第十集[720p][HDTV] 《开 …


  目前,ABC的周三晚间档已经整季订购了《中间之道》(The Middle)、《摩登家庭》(Modern Family) 、《熟女镇》(Cougar Tow…


中之道》(THE MIDDLE) ABC 2.4 《开心汉堡店》(BOB’S BURGERS) FOX 2.4 《鞋店律所》(HARRY’S LAW) NB…


左右不逢缘》(The Middle) 401 (新季首播) 《犯罪心理》(Criminal Minds) 801 (新季首播) 《摩登家庭》(Modern Family…


中in English,中translation,中Chinese... ... [中国] China [两端之间的] the middle [不偏不倚] impartial ...

No, I'mnot in the middle of a daydream, I'm in a private clinic in London, andI'm about to have my fat zapped. 不,我不是在做白日梦,我正在伦敦一家私人诊所,要消除身上的脂肪。
About ten o'clock one night a policeman found a man lying unconscious in the middle of a lonely road. 一天晚上十点钟左右,一个警察发现在一条冷僻的马路当中有个人躺着,已经失去了知觉。
In the middle of the yard was a water pump where the four little girls pumped water for cooking, cleaning and watering the garden. 院中央的是个水泵,小女孩们就在这里泵水用来做饭、打扫卫生、灌溉花园。
Even in the Middle East, where oil is relatively easy to extract, it will be harder to get out of the ground. 即便是在石油相对容易获得的中东,从地下榨取石油也比以前难了。
German experts also suggested that this method is extended to the United States throughout the Middle East. 德专家还建议美国将此方法推广到整个中东地区。
The middle of the square has been converted into a tent city, complete with winding pathways, food stocking centers, and a hairdresser. 广场的中心地带已被改造成一个帐篷城,有蜿蜒的通道,食品贮存中心,还有一个理发师。
One of our daughters woke me in the middle of the night and said, "Dad, I had a bad dream, and now I can't sleep. " 我的一个女儿在半夜把我叫醒,对我说:「爸爸,我作了一个恶梦,现在睡不著了。」
He drove them into the middle of a forest, got out, looked around, shook his head, got back in the car, and off they went again. 他载着他们开进了一片森林的深处,下车看了看,摇了一下头,又回到车里继续开车。
As you moved towards it, again it coiled, with its tail in the middle, ready to strike. 当你靠近它的时候,它又盘起来,尾巴在中央,准备好了进攻。
A sudden breaking off of a thought in the middle of a sentence, as though the speaker were unwilling or unable to continue. 突然中断,中止法,顿绝思想在句子中间突然中断,好象说话人不愿意或无法继续讲下去。
far offshore in the middle of the night, the ship to the center of the lake, when suddenly a storm of wind, the waves swept over the boat. 在深夜离岸甚远,船到了湖中心的时候,忽然起了暴风,甚至船被波浪掩盖。
The real recognition of the Bishop of Rome as sort of the Pope, in the way we think of it, that actually develops in the Middle Ages. 真正把罗马主教视为类似于教皇这样的角色的,根据我们的了解,是在中世纪出现的。
He took to ringing us up in the middle of the night. 他开始习惯在半夜给我们打电话。
He's very understanding: if I'm hard up by the middle of the week he'll always let me have a few groceries on tick till Friday. 他很会体谅人:要是我们到星期二左右手头紧了起来,他就赊给我一些食品杂货,直到星期五再付款。
Adam Smith, who described Britain as a nation of shopkeepers, had a keen sense of what could be expected of the middle class. 亚当·史密斯形容英国是一个全民皆商的国家,对能够对中产阶级寄予怎样的希望有着清楚的认识。
To a young man with the least fire in him that little upward lift in the middle of her red top lip was distracting, infatuating, maddening. 她的中部微微向上掀起的红色上唇,就连最没有激情的青年男子见了,也要神魂颠倒,痴迷如醉,为之疯狂。
The United States' yawning income gap between the middle class and the top percentile isn't unique. It's part of a global phenomenon. 美国中产阶级和顶尖富人之间巨大的收入差距不是独有的。它是一个全球现象的一部分。
The easy-to-operate fake hymens are also used by women in the Middle East, where pre-marital sex still has a strong social stigma. 使用方便的人造处女膜,也被中东的女性所使用,婚前性行为在这里被视为社会的奇耻大辱。
The middle school teacher contrasted her best student's work with that of her weakest student. 这名中学老师把他最好学生的作业与最差学生的作业进行对比。
However, the middle-aged dip in happiness was also compared to that of losing a close relative or suddenly becoming unemployed. 然而,中年幸福感下降同样跟在这段时期失去一个亲人或突然失业有关系。
In the middle of your regular walk, walk as fast as you can for a minute or so. 在你经常的步行当中,试着以最快的速度走个一、两分钟。
Joshua: True. It would be distracting to worry about your skirt flying up in the middle of a fight. 真的。这会让人因担心裙子在打斗之中飞起来而分神。
Declaring that he would actively pursue the goal of peace in the Middle East, Obama said the world should not give in to pessimism. 他宣布,他在中东将会积极争取实现和平的目标。奥巴马说,对世界不应该持有悲观的态度。
President Obama's supporters say he is trying to take a more "even-handed" approach to the Middle East conflict than his predecessors. 奥巴马总统的支持者说,和他的前任相比,奥巴马试图在解决中东冲突上采取不偏不倚的方法。
When he took off the blindfold, he was in the middle of thick woods. By himself. All night long. 当他将蒙眼布拿开时,已经孤身于丛林之中,在那里要待上一夜。
So the next time you wake up in the middle of the night, think of your pre-industrial ancestors and relax. 所以下次当你在半夜醒来,想想你工业时期前的祖先们并且放松下来。
But how surprised she was to see in the middle of the flower, a tiny little man, as white and transparent as if he had been made of crystal! 小姑娘感到多么惊奇啊!在那朵花的坐着小小的男子!――他是那么白皙和透明,好像是水晶做成的。
The bank on Friday was in negotiations with a collection of sovereign wealth funds in Asia and the Middle East, The New York Times reported. 纽约时报报道说,这家银行周五还在与一些亚洲和中东的主权投资基金谈判。
Two weeks later, he found himself caught in the middle of a congressional debate over the size and direction of a behemoth stimulus package. 但仅仅两个礼拜之后,他就发现自己身处有关经济刺激计划的争论漩涡。
It was hard to make out through the nighttime shadows, but there was a strange box in the middle of the floor, like a little wooden cage. 很难看清夜里黑沉沉的房间,不过在中央有一个古怪的箱子,像是一个小小的木笼。