ipod touch

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ipod touchipod touch

ipod touch


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通过移动设备(如iPod Touch)使用Buzz,用户的当前位置会被标识出来。用户可以在隐私设置里调整位置显示的精确度—— …

My video iPod although I miss the iPod touch given to me that I left in an airplane seatback pocket on a hurried flight. 我的视频iPod,虽然我错过了iPod的触摸给我,我在飞机座椅靠背的口袋里还有一个匆匆飞行。
The residents of these countries seem to understand that they have it pretty good, whether or not they own an iPod Touch. 看起来,这些国家的居民们很清楚他们的生活很不错,不管他们是不是有iPodTouch。
Apple's App Store for the iPhone and iPod touch has set the bar high: The company recently announced it had exceeded a billion downloads. 苹果的应用程序商店已经将门槛提得很高:该公司最近宣布超过十亿的下载量。
The iPod touch also has a few other features that iPod enthusiasts had hoped to see on standard iPod models. iPodtouch还具有几个iPod疯狂粉丝一直以来希望在标准iPod型号上看到的特色。
The iPod touch user string differs in that the beginning of the parenthesized expression is iPod, rather than iPhone. iPodtouch用户字符串的不同之处在于括号表达式的开头为iPod,而不是iPhone。
You could play this game alone or play in two people. It just need one IPHONE or IPOD TOUCH. Calling your friends and enjoying it together. 这个游戏可以一人玩,也可以两人一起玩,只需要一台iPhone或iPodTouch即可,快找朋友一起来玩吧。
CBS Outdoor told city officials last week that it will remove two advertisements, at least one of which is the iPod touch billboard. CBSOutdoor公司上周告诉政府官员称他们会撤掉设在市内的两则广告,而其中至少有一幅广告是宣传iPodtouch的。
Others contend that the iPod classic will continue to be a top seller, since it holds vastly more music and movies than an iPod touch can. 另一些人坚持认为iPodclassic仍会保有最大出货量,因为它能容纳比iPodtouch多得多的音乐和电影。
Now we're seeing similar questions coming up in regard to the iPhone and iPod Touch. 如今,对于iPhone和iPad来说我们又看到了同样的问题。
The jury's still out on whether the iPod touch will be as popular as other iPod models. 对于iPodtouch是否会像其它iPod型号一样流行的争论还在继续。
Today, I was taking a bubble bath, and had my iPod touch on the side of my bathtub so I could listen to my music. 今天,我在浴缸里面泡澡,我把iPodTouch放在浴缸沿上面,这样我就可以一边听音乐一边泡澡了。
The iPod Touch is still slimmer and easier to tuck into a pocket. 相比之下,iPodTouch仍然更加纤细,更加容易装进口袋里。
If Wi-Fi were widespread, I could use an iPod Touch as an ersatz cellphone. And I wouldn't need yet another phone number. 如果到处都有Wi-Fi,我就可以使用一个iPodTouch来替代手机了。我也不再需要另一个电话号码。
The whole reason I was attracted to it was because it looked to be a giant iPod Touch designed for a toddler. 吸引我的原因是它是为儿童设计的巨大的触控式iPod。
Still, rumors that Apple plans to release a new device with a screen size between an iPad and an iPod touch have cropped up on occasion. 另外,还有关于苹果计划发布尺寸介于iPad平板电脑和iPod音乐播放器之间的新设备的传言也零星出现。
Apple devices (iPhone and iPod Touch) also claim the top two spots on both the U. S. and the worldwide charts of top handsets. 此外,苹果手机(iPhone和iPodTouch)在美国和全球市场都占据了前两位的位置。
If you want to turn your iPhone or iPod touch into the ultimate gaming machine, we have some game recommendations for you. 如果你想将你的iPhone和iPodtouch变成终极游戏机,我们有一些游戏推荐给你。
I'm also betting those high-capacity models will look more like the iPod touch, and less like my iPod classic. 同时,我打赌那些大容量型号将看起来更像iPodtouch,而不像我的iPodclassic。
iPod touch grew 27% year-over-year, and was more than 50% of iPods sold. iPodtouch的年增长率是27%,比iPods的销售多50%。
Get it now and instantly turn your i Phone or iPod touch into a private health care doctor. 现在就来下载,立刻把你的iPhone或iPodtouch变成一位私人保健医生吧。
Old iPhones that are no longer activated as phones can still be used like the iPod Touch. 虽然换下来的老款iPhone无法激活入网再作为电话使用,但还是可以拿来当iPodTouch。
Apparently, until Apple releases its fix, the only way to secure your i Phone, ipod or iPod Touch against this threat is to jailbreak it. 显然,在苹果发布修复程序之前,唯一能确保安全的做法,是将你的。
This is a free new application that allows you to stream audio to your i Phone or iPod touch over a local network. 这是一个免费的新的应用程序,允许你去用你的苹果手机和苹果电脑触板在局域网里面播放视频。
Features that the iPod Touch is expected to inherit from the iPhone 4 include video chat and a crisper resolution screen. 新的ipodTouch将会继承iPhone4的许多特性,包括视频聊天和一个分辨率更高更加亮丽的屏幕。
The Perfect CompanionThe touch Duo features a clever removable belt clip that keeps you and your iPod touch firmly connected. 完美的伴侣触摸组合特征一个聪明的可移动的带夹使你和你的金色触坚定地连接。
An iPod touch with a camera (the surprise would be if Apple didn't save it for fall). 带摄像头的iPodtouch(如果苹果不把它雪藏到秋天就爽了。)
Next, we'll take a look at exactly what's behind the iPod touch's most distinctive feature. 接下来,我们去看看iPodtouch背后最具特色的部分。
And in Ohio Apple is being sued by the mother of a child whose iPod Touch reportedly exploded, burning his leg. 在美国俄亥俄州,一位母亲也因此将苹果告上了公堂,她可怜的儿子被自爆的iPodtouch烧伤了腿。
iWebKit is a file package designed to help you create your own iPhone and iPod Touch compatible website or webapp. iWebKit是一个文件包,用来帮你建立适用于iPhone和iPodtouch的网页和应用程序。
Levitt said he plans to bring the app to the iPhone 4 and the latest iPod touch, but said it will remain an Apple-only app for now. 列维特(Levit)表示其打算把该应用带到iPhone4及最新版的iPodtouch上面,可其也强调该应用现阶段只会推出苹果系统版。