an affair

  • 网络情事;汉城晚娘;婚外初夜

an affairan affair

an affair


如影随形_李翘_新浪博客 ... Message in a bottle/ 瓶中信 An Affair/ 情事 Cast Away/ 荒岛余生 ...


国立中央大学电影文化研究室 ... 漂流欲室 The Isle 汉城晚娘 An affair 绿洲 Oasis ...


《女教师日记... ... 狂走情死考 Kyoso Joshi-ko 情事정사 情逝 汉城娩娘 婚外初夜 婚前初夜 An Affair 炎炎夏日炎夏 Un Ete Brula…


《女教师日记... ... 狂走情死考 Kyoso Joshi-ko 情事정사 情逝 汉城娩娘 婚外初夜 婚前初夜 An Affair 炎炎夏日炎夏 Un Ete Brula…


《女教师日记... ... 狂走情死考 Kyoso Joshi-ko 情事정사 情逝 汉城娩娘 婚外初夜 婚前初夜 An Affair 炎炎夏日炎夏 Un Ete Brula…


《女教师日记... ... 狂走情死考 Kyoso Joshi-ko 情事정사 情逝 汉城娩娘 婚外初夜 婚前初夜 An Affair 炎炎夏日炎夏 Un Ete Brula…


TaiwanOnline • 检视主题 -... ... 〈通知〉 a notice;news 〈事柄an affair 〈指令〉 instructions;orders ...


令人震惊的是,基督教处理美国教牧涉及性侵犯,往往把涉及暴力的性侵犯罪行称为“只是一段情”(an affair),或者指那是“你情 …

Life is already ready to make an affair with you're your existence is the proof of that, but can you accept Life as your beloved? 生活已经准备好与你谈恋爱,你的存在就是证明,但你是否能接受生活为你致爱?
Did you know he was having an affair and deceiving his wife? 你知道他有外遇了吗?欺骗他的妻子吗?
When he knew his wife had an affair with others, he flew off the handle. 当他得知妻子有外遇时,他勃然大怒。
Just eight months into their marriage, Amy and Cody Waddell had not been very amorous since Cody admitted he had had an affair. 就在结婚的前八个月,阿米和考迪·瓦德尔并不显得情意绵绵,因为考迪承认自己有风流韵事。
Public opinion turned when it was revealed that the president had an affair with a white house intern. 当总统被揭示与一名白宫实习生之间有不寻常关系时,舆论转向了。
She might have been away with Summerville, he might have wanted to have an affair with her. 她或许会和索姆威勒一起走,他也许想要和她发生关系。
By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair. 到了她脸上看开心和惊讶,克莱尔知道格拉迪斯认为她有外遇。
had to resign after being caught having an affair with his secretary. Like some of his predecessors, he was found to have feet of clay. 这位内阁大臣在与秘书私通时被抓住,他不得不辞职。如同他的几位前任一样,他也原形毕露了。
The press reported that Flowers had been paid for the story, and that she had vigorously denied an affair a year earlier. 据媒体报道,弗劳尔斯是因为有人付钱才把这事给捅出来的,一年前她曾拼命否认这则绯闻。
Having found out that his wife had an affair with another man, the poor man wanted to kill himself. 那个可怜的男人由于发现他的妻子与另一个男子有私情而想自杀。
She indicated no curiosity in the woman who had carried on an affair with her husband for more than a year and then murdered him. 她显得对这个跟她丈夫有过一年多风流韵事后谋杀了他的女人没有任何好奇。
They start arguing when she tells him to put out his cigarette and complains about an affair he is supposedly having. 他们启动辩论她告诉他灭掉他的香烟并且抱怨他的一事件根据推测什么时候。
Children also said it was justified for a husband to be violent towards his wife if she had an affair. 孩子们还说,如果妻子有外遇,丈夫对她实行暴力是正当的。
Mr. Smith has had an affair. Mrs. Smith, devastated, seems to be the hapless victim. 当时,史密斯先生有了一桩外遇,而史密斯夫人对此极为震惊,她似乎是一位无辜的受害者。
But when her husband admitted he was having an affair and said he wanted a divorce, there was nothing she could do to stop it. 但是,当丈夫承认自己爱上了别人并且要求离婚时,她真的无能为力,似乎一切都不可挽回。
But please do not pretend to be friendly to my husband and wink at me like an Ovidian lover, because I will never have an affair with you. 但请勿假装对我老公友善,却似奥维德(Ovid)情人一样对我挤眉弄眼,因为本人永远也不会与您发生婚外情。
Lisa? No way. I've heard a rumor that she and the boss were having an affair. You know rumors can't come out from nowhere. 丽莎?不可能。我听到谣言说她和老板正在搞婚外情,你知道的这种事不可能空穴来风。
It was a colleague his wife had started an affair with and for whom she eventually left him. 这是他妻子的一个同事,他们已经开始了外遇,也正是因为这个人,她后来离开了他。
The tabloids say that she had an affair with her manager. 多家小报纷纷报道她与她的经理有染。
Before long, rumours of an affair between Spencer and his leading lady of the time, Selena Royle, began to circulate. 不久以后,斯潘塞和他当时的女主角塞琳娜•罗伊尔开始幽会。
home avoid hotel like a corridor as with a row of several room to occur, or having an affair, and a rare phenomenon eloped and peace. 居家忌象宾馆饭店一样一条长廊连着一排数个房间,否则易发生外遇及私奔现象,难得平安。
Two-thirds of men and women had cheated online, while three-quarters admitted having an affair having had an affair in real life. 有三分之二的男性与女性曾经通过网络出轨,有三分之一的人坦诚在自己的现实生活中的确有过婚外情的发生。
In a single afternoon, a young fugitive lands a stolen plane in the desert, meets a woman there and has an affair with her. 一个下午,一个年轻的逃荒着进了沙漠中一架偷来的飞机,在那里见到了一个女人,和她发生了关系。
For many monetary risk-takers, starting an affair may be another way of satisfying their urges without breaking the bank. 对于那些嗜赌成性的人来说,婚外情是一个既可以满足自身欲望,又不至于花费过大的方式。
Now this society, not afraid of you having an affair, but has an affair you do not know how to deal with, this is terrible. 现在这社会,不怕你有外遇,而是有了外遇你不知如何处理,这才是可怕的。
Then Rosenberg told his son a secret: for more than a year, he and Marjorie had been having an affair. 后来罗森博格告诉了儿子一个秘密:一年多来,他一直与马约莉有染。
She had an affair, but then he took her back. 她曾出轨过,但是后来他还是重新接受了她。
According to former feng shui recorded in books, lie in bed too near a window, easy to cause the "have an affair" , have this to say. 据以前的风水书籍中记载,卧床太靠近窗户,容易导致“红杏出墙”,有此一说。
But prosecutors if George kiss was to photograph of that both people having an affair, make was big feeling of accidents. 但检控官果真以佐治吻婷的照片来指出两人有暧昧关系,令婷大感不测。
says that he is the master of all women, but one of his women is always having an affair with another man. 一夫多妻的老爷说,他是所有女人的主人,然而他的其中一个女人总是跟别的男人有暧昧关系。