
美 [ɔl]英 [ɔːl]
  • pron.一切;全部;大家;全都
  • adj.一切;全;整个;全体
  • adv.都;全部;全身;那么
  • n.一切;全部;全体
  • 网络所有;所有的;全部的



1.所有;全部;全体;一切the whole number of

2.所有;全部;一切the whole amount of

3.(与单数名词连用,表示某事在某段时间内持续发生)全部的,整个的used with singular nouns showing sth has been happening for a whole period of time

4.极度;尽量the greatest possible

5.唯一;全是;仅仅consisting or appearing to consist of one thing only

6.无论什么;任何any whatever


and all that (jazz, rubbish, etc.)

以及诸如此类的and other similar things

not all that good, well, etc.

不那么好;不很好not particularly good, well, etc.

not as bad(ly), etc. as all that

并非那么坏(等)not as much as has been suggested

of all people, things, etc.

在所有的…当中偏偏used to express surprise because sb/sth seems the least likely person, example, etc.

of all the…

(表示生气)真是,真气人used to express anger


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The editor has all the necessary tools for document creation, which seems to be from a different service than MemoryPress. 该编辑器中包括所有创建文档所需的工具,和MemoryPress提供的服务有所不同。
s the kind of help that you notice most of all during the difficult times, of which there have been a few during my time here. 在这里我遇到困难的大多数的时候,你们关注着我,你们给予了我这样的帮助。
I just do not know how much I can do for the world. All I can do, is to try. Is there anything else you would like me to do? 我不知道我对世界有几多贡献.我所能够的是尝试.你有其它事情我可以效劳么?
Sagittarius man, being extremely lovable, kind and caring will fulfill all the needs of his partner even by going out of his way. 恋爱中的男人是那么的可爱、宽容和体贴,他会满足他伴侣的所有要求哪怕是超出他的能力。
All animals have it. It seems to vary enough, but not too much, to act as a reliable marker. 所有动物都有这个基因;这种基因有它的变体,但变体不多,因此可以作为可靠的标记。
I said to you: give me a year's time, I can put all the memory format, including you. 我曾对你说过:给我一年的时间,我可以把所有的记忆都格式化,包括你。
The function is called with a Lua state argument; once again, all interaction between C and Lua occurs through the stack of the Lua state. 该函数是借助一个Lua状态参数来调用的;同样,C与Lua之间的所有交互都是通过Lua状态栈发生的。
an't. That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left. 年轻人早已淹没在岁月的长河里,只留下一个老人孤独地面对过去。
He is one of the leading minds of our age and deserves to be better known to the general public of all nations. 他是我们时代的卓越科学家之一,理所当然为世界各国公众所推崇。
As a general and high efficient optimization algorithm, genetic algorithm has already been used in all realms of engineering calculation. 遗传算法作为一种通用、高效的优化算法,已应用到工程计算的各个领域。
He was a bully always picking fights-Wall Street, health insurers, oil companies, the U. S. Chamber of Commerce. He took on all comers. 他是个好斗之人,从华尔街、医疗保险公司、石油公司到美国商会(U.S.ChamberofCommerce),他跟所有人较量过。
on countless occasions he was in no mans land, running all over the box but nowhere near the ball. 我无数次看到他象只无头苍蝇一样在禁区横冲直撞,却总是碰不到球。
Their conference was, after all, a warm-up for the full summit taking place in Pittsburgh later this month. 毕竟,这次会议是本月下旬美国匹兹堡G20峰会之前的预热活动。
"It's important that we all know we have a future and it can be very successful, should we as an industry decide to make it so, " he said. 他说:“我们都知道未来会更美好,这点很重要。因此我们行业应该作为一个整体去决定该怎么做。”
I think all those unicorns and werewolves and whomping willows around the place would be very difficult to deal with. 我想城堡周围的独角兽、狼人以及打人柳很难对付。
And she went down unto the floor, and did according to all that her mother in law bade her. 路得就下到场上,照她婆婆所吩咐她的而行。
"It certainly does, " I chuckled as he opened his mouth to show all his teeth, minus the one in his little hand. “的确是啊。”我轻声笑着说。儿子张开嘴巴向我展示他全部的牙齿,除了握在他小手中的那颗。
"Even including all the confounding factors I could find, the risk reduction was still significant, " he said. 他表示,即使将我可以发现的所有共变项都纳入,降低的风险仍然很显著;
Tom told her mother all that had happened. 汤姆把事情的全部情况告诉了他的妈妈。
Her mother says Mollie - who organises and selects all of the stock for each of the branches - is now determined to expand her empire. 妈妈说,莫莉亲自负责挑选店里的糖果品种,现在她又想扩大她的糖果小帝国了。
Dozens of interviews with all sorts of people found few willing to praise their government or that of its competitor. 笔者与当地许多人面谈,发现几乎没人会表扬他们的政府或者政府的竞争者。
At such a time, the Mahavishnu holds all Ten Octaves of Love for the purpose of leadership on Earth and within Shamballa. 这时,为了香巴拉内部和地球上的领导阶层的宗旨,“大毗湿奴”掌握了全部的十个爱的八度音阶。
a ship that was going asunder beneath his feet, he was in charge of a vessel whose timbers were all coming apart. 杰罗尔德感到仿佛被遗弃在一艘行将解体的轮船之上,要他指挥一艘船骨正在散架的船只。
She was not old enough to understand all that. 她年岁不够大,不能理解这一切。
The micro- hole machining is all along the difficulty in mechanical manufacturing, especially in national defence manufacturing. 微小孔的加工一直是机械制造业中的难点,对国防制造业更是如此。
Of Elinor 's distress , she was too busily employed in measuring lengths of worsted for her rug to see anything at all . 至于埃莉诺的痛苦表情,她正忙于计量她织毛毯所需毛线的长度,一点儿也没有看到。
Despite all my efforts to persuade him to give up smoking, he never made up his mind. 虽然我尽力劝他别抽烟了,他还是下不了决心。
Like all British people we always end up with a bit of weather-related chat when the conversation flags. 就像所有英国人一样我们总喜欢在聊天快结束时聊点天气。
In a week, he was running all over the apartment. 一星期后它在整个房间里到处跑。
But Mabel did not take any notice of him. They had talked at her and round her for so many years, that she hardly heard them at all. 但玛贝尔对他置若罔闻。他们在她周围喋喋不休了这么多年,她压根儿就没当回事儿。