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Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 齐 qi qiu 商 shang ...

中文姓氏罗马字标注 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 房 Fang Qiu 缪 Miao ...

东北方言!!成介有意思了! ... (qier-3) 晃悠。 qiu-3: ,拿 chǔ[ 杵] ...


经常被读错的汉字大全_百度文库 ... (渣) ,不读“茶”音 晁:读 chao2 (巢) ,姓 仇:姓氏应读为 qiu2 (答) ,姓 单:读 Shan4 ...


百人计划----中国科学院水生生物研究所 ... 夏晓勤 xqxiaihb.ac.cn 邱东茹 qiuihb.ac.cn 电话 xiepingihb.ac.cn ...


KISSZZ-KISSZZ... ... 买家:遥遥 syt 2013-04-18 买家:依依在线 qiu 2013-04-18 买家:燕麦儿 dh 2013-04-17 ...

■学习广东话之《读音篇》 ... 部分对应。例: 每 mui5 部分对应。例: qiu1 对应。例: 记 géi3 ...

Qiu Deshu focused on creativity of ink painting out of his potential as he was not out of any academy or school. 非学院派出身的仇德树,更注重从自身的潜质中发挥水墨的创造性。
Then, writing means of Chun and Qiu was always used in Du Fu's poetry, is one of the important reasons of his poetry was named poem history. “春秋笔法”的大量使用,也是杜诗获得“诗史”称号的重要原因之一。
But when Qiu Xinghua was interviewed at the Hanyin detention center, he denied all this. "That is a lie, " he said in a vague way. 但是,在汉阴县看守所接受本报记者采访时,邱兴华却对当初算卦一事并不承认,“那都是骗人的”,他含混地说。
When Qiu Xiaoyuan was 7, her father left the family, and her mother gave Qiu and her younger brother up to the care of an uncle. 当邱小圆(音译)7岁时,她爸爸离开了家,她妈妈将她和弟弟交由一位叔叔照顾。
This puts "Years of Red Dust" at something of a disadvantage because many of the stories Qiu tells are already quite familiar in the West. 然而,从这个角度来说,本书《红尘岁月》并无特别之处,因为裘小龙笔下的故事,许多西方人都已相当熟悉。
Qiu and his family went into hiding to avoid being detained, according to a person familiar with the matter. 据一位知情人士透露,仇子明和家人因此躲了起来,以免被拘留。
However, disillusionment - Meilen his wife were killed when the executioner England, home of a Shashi Jian Qiu hate Chung and on. 但当理想破灭——他的妻子美伦被英格兰刽子手杀害时,家仇国恨刹时间一涌而上。
Since he had "no gainful employment, " Qiu Xinghua is usually the suspect whenever some incident takes place locally. 由于被认为“不务正业”,当地每每发生案件,邱兴华总是容易成为怀疑对象。
He made Qiu Xinghua promise to pay by a certain date and he raised his voice deliberately. 他让邱兴华保证某天之内还,并故意将声音提高。
Kan Specialty Material spokesman said the company never offered bribes to Mr. Qiu or to the Economic Observer. 凯恩公司的一个新闻发言人声称公司从未向仇先生及《经济观察报》提供贿赂。
The answer of course right, but I feel a bit Tipi Qiu, the blame to the general public. 这个回答当然有道理,但是笔者感觉有点踢皮球,把责任推给了普通民众。
She suspected that Qiu Xinghua did not really hear anything outside, but he only wanted to check if she was inside. 因为她猜测,邱兴华其实并没听到什么动静,而是想探查一下她是否在里面。
As I reached for the draft copy of my speech notes, I realized Qiu Qiu had left me a message as only a partially house-trained puppy can do. 我伸手去拿演讲稿,发现只受过一点儿家庭训练的秋秋给我留了言。
Qiu is now a manager, but she has no long-term ambitions of staying in manufacturing. 邱小圆(音译)现在是一位经理,但她没有在制造业长期工作的想法。
Modern poetess Qiu Jin's revolutionary cause is well known, ran this article to be by her artistic life, to view the issue of her identity. 近代女诗人秋瑾的革命事业众所周知,然本文拟由她的艺文生命以观看她的身分认同问题。
The reporters found out that the neighbors at several of the places did not really accept the outsider Qiu family. 记者采访中发现,他的几个住处的邻居,都没有真正接纳邱家这个“外来户”。
Mr Qiu said the rapid development also reflected local officials' "blind pursuit of the large, new and exotic" . 仇保兴表示,城市的快速发展也反映出地方官员盲目求大、求新、求异。
From this point, the power of the intellectuals and traitorous Qiu Rong Wang Jingwei no difference. 从这点来说,这些掌权的知识分子和卖国求荣的汪精卫没什么分别。
Being applicable to a pathological changes may be descend a Qiu brain and hang, can also used for the Jing Suo varix disease. 适用于病变可能在下丘脑及垂者,也可用于精索静脉曲张症。
Guo Hongchao, a senior editor at the newspaper, said the staff was stunned by the officially sanctioned persecution of Mr. Qiu. 《经济观察报》总编助理郭宏超说,得知对仇子明的迫害是官方批准的,全体工作人员都感到震惊。
Kong Qiu found out that Pixiu had fled into the mountains, and wanted to tell it to go home, but Pixiu just kept running away with fear. 孔丘发现了逃到山里的皮休,欲劝其回家,但惊恐不知所措的皮休还是逃走了。
Deemed an underachiever in school, Qiu began reading on his own and subsequently began to write and paint. 他自幼对正规学业不感兴趣,反而喜欢自学,后来从事写作、绘画。
Qu Qiu bai was an early leader of Chinese Communist Party as well as an emotional poet. 瞿秋白既是中国共产党早期的无产阶级革命家,又是一位才气横溢、感情丰富的诗人。
The Ji clan was even wealthier than a Zhouduke, and yet Ran Qiu helped them impose a land tax and add further to that wealth. 季孙家族比周王朝的公侯还富有,而再求呢,却为他征收赋税,增添财富。
Qiu Xinghua could not forget the matter about the two daughters. 邱兴华仍然念念不忘两个女儿的事。
Qiu Zhi circled the shadow stained, just feeling the heat of a sudden have dissipated, leaving only bursts of cool and pleasant. 虬枝盘旋,树影斑斑,刚才的炎热感一下子都消散了,只剩下阵阵的凉爽与惬意。
In Dalian, Ms. Qiu, Rino's chairwoman and the wife of its C. E. O. , says only that it is business as usual at the company. 在大连,作为绿诺科技的女主席和总裁夫人的邱女士,说这仅仅是公司的照常营业。
The initiator of the company as well as the board chairman and general manager is Qiu Yu. 莱美药业的创始人便是该公司现在的董事长兼总经理邱宇。
On the first occasion, Qiu Xinghua did not meet with his "enemy, " the Iron Tile Temple director Xiong Wancheng. 这一次,邱兴华与他的“仇人”、铁瓦殿的住持熊万成并未谋面。
On the surface, we Qiu big, the whole school's eyes are focused on the penalty of our playground. 表面看,我们糗大了,全校的的目光都集中于在操场上受罚的我们。