
美 [kwaɪt]英 [kwaɪt]
  • adv.很;相当;非常;完全
  • 网络十分;颇;彻底



1.颇;相当;某种程度上to some degree

2.完全;十分;非常;彻底to the greatest possible degree

3.在很大程度上;很;的确to a great degree; very; really

4.(表示赞同或理解)对,正是used to agree with sb or show that you understand them


高考英语单词最容易出错的36组_高考网 ... ) drawn draw 的过去分词; ) quite 相当; ) affect v. 影响, 假装; ...


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 307 foreigner n. 外国人 308 quite ad. 很,十分 309 certain a. 肯定的,无疑的,必然发生的 ...

八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 307 foreigner n. 外国人 308 quite ad. ,十分 309 certain a. 肯定的,无疑的,必然发生的 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... quilt n. 被子;被状物 quite ad. 完全,十分 quiz n. 测验,小型考试 ...


牛津英语7A全套教案 - 豆丁网 ... far 远 quite 十分,非常 minute 分钟 ...

狠字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 非常。同“很”〖 very〗 ,相当〖 quite〗 下定决心〖 determine〗 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... answering answering 应答的, 答复的 quite adv. 相当, 完全, 十分, 彻底 careful adj. 小心的, 仔细的 ...


quite和rather的区别_百度知道 ... had rather: 宁愿|宁肯,宁愿 quite: 相当|完全|的确 Quite so: 正正如此|正是如此 ...

I get quite a bit of grief from people for raising my family vegetarian, but it is so worth it. 要张罗全家都是素食者并不容易,但我认为是值得的。
The result shows that the NRCS of a nonlinear sea surface is quite different from that of a linear sea surface. 分析结果表明,非线性海面和线性海面的NRCS存在着有很大的差异。
In fact it was quite as well that she should not know. 事实上,她确实还是不知道为妙。
I am a partner in a recruiting firm, so I know quite well how much a person's reputation can help or hurt a process. 我是一家招募公司的合伙人,所以我非常清楚一个人的声誉对有助于或者妨碍一项进程是多么地举足轻重。
I noticed that I seem to be quite familiar with shares recently and find it satisfactory, whether the price goes up or down. 我发现,近来我好像做股票有点入门的味道了,跌也好,涨也好,我都很顺心了。
the Shi'ite kingdom of Persia under Abbas the Great was quite prepared to ally with European states against the Ottomans. 然而,在边界那边阿拨斯大王统下的波斯什叶派王国,已完全准备好与欧洲国家联合反对奥斯曼人。
No one is quite sure why this might be and no one knows if it will last. 没有人能完全确定这其中的原因,也没有人知道它是否将持续。
Emma was quite eager to see this superior treasure. It was the end of an old pencil, - the part without any lead. 爱玛急于要看看那件更珍贵的宝贝。那是一个旧铅笔头,里面却没有笔芯。
The small rota diameter does mean she spins very fast and their is quite a bit of tip noise, but not enough to worry about. 小罗塔直径意味着她旋转非常快,他们是相当多的冰山噪音,但不足以担心。
When we got to the strange house it began to snow in quite a different way. 当我们到了这所陌生的房子就开始下雪了,与众不同。
Indeed, their way of life is thought by many anthropologists to resemble quite closely that of pre-agricultural people throughout the world. 许多人类学家都认为他们的生活方式与世界其它地方进入农业社会之前的人类十分相似。
Goyle is quite dense. He follows Draco Malfoy around and serves as something of a bodyguard for him. 高尔相当笨,他跟着德拉科·马尔福出来进去,充当他的保镖。
We' like to say that the 10% d cash discount is quite satisfactory and we intend to place regular orders with you. 贵方给的10%的现金折扣,我方非常满意并愿向贵方定期订购
This sort of form is still quite common, although it's usually not isolated on its own Web page. 这类表单仍然很常见,尽管它通常不是孤立在单独的网页上。
Then she slammed the door to, in great haste, sat down to dinner again, and was quite frightened. 然后,她砰地门关上,转身赶紧回到座位,心里害怕极了。
In a recent interview, Suekichi said he would like to sell his watches in American stores and there have been quite a few enquiries. 在最近的采访中,Suekichi说他愿意在美国商店中售卖他的表并且已经有相当多的顾客询问此事。
As I said this to her, I actually began to feel quite calm, and my heart slowed down. 当我将这件事告诉她的时候,我确实开始感到平静了,而且我的心跳慢了下来。
It is not easy to memorize Chinese word meaning, stroke order and Pinyin as well. In fact, it is quite boring and frustrating . 这是不容易记住中文生字的意思,笔顺及拼音。事实上,这是非常乏味和令人沮丧的。
I still did not quite grasp that someone had picked my pocket and was now presenting me with my own wallet as a gift. 我仍旧不清楚是谁先搜括了我的口袋,现在才将我的皮夹当成礼物送给我。
I'm afraid some of my answers made people sit up a bit. They got quite nervous as to what was coming next. 我的一些回答令人们正襟危坐起来,他们紧张下一刻将发生什么。
There is, however, quite a bit of illustrative code from which the nuances of Blitz syntax can be gleaned. 然而,有不少说明性的代码,从中可以了解Blitz语法的细微差别。
But it's a hard process to do because, as you know, the middle of a star is quite hot, almost by definition. 但这是一个艰难的过程。因为,如你所知,恒星中心相当炽热。
When he came quite close, his face became red with anger and he said, "Who has dared to wound you? " 当他走近男骇时,他气得满脸通红,他说:“谁竟敢伤害你?”
This strange process is quite baffling and I can imagine there were many heated boardroom discussions about this decision. 这一奇怪的流程相当让人沮丧,并且我能想象到这一决定会引发很多热烈讨论。
The performance of these instruments is quite different from that of those used to date. 这些仪器的性能和迄今所使用的完全不同。
Walnuts are wonderfully nutritious -- but contain a bit of saturated fat, and quite a lot of calories. 核桃营养非常丰富,但是含有少量饱和脂肪和相当不低的卡路里。
The ease with which he drives was quite a revelation to me. 他开车如此娴熟自如,这可大出我的意料。
Is no use to bury your head in the sand; you know quite well that enquiry will have to be made. Be a man and face up to it. 拒绝承认问题是不行的,你完全知道人家必定会追究事实的。拿出男子汉大丈夫的气概来,面对现实。
You can both promise to write, to call, or to hang out together in the future, but in your heart you know it won't be quite the same. 尽管你和她定好将来要互相写信、打电话或一起出去玩,但内心深处你知道,事非如此。
"We would be quite concerned if young children, especially preschoolers, began to dramatically increase their mobile screen time, " he said. “如果年轻孩子,特别是学期儿童开始突然的增加他们面对移动设备屏幕的时间,我们将会保持重点关注。”他说到。