and i know

  • 网络我知道;而我知道;我也知道

and i knowand i know

and i know


我们的世代 (豆瓣) ... Suck School 烂学校 And I know 我知道 Monkeys Party 泼猴 ...


老D的博客 - 老D - 网易博客 ... There's peace I'm sure 必定是一片祥和 And I know 而我知道 There'll be no more 将不再有人 ...


纪录片《this is it》,迈克尔·杰克逊... ... I can feel 我能感受得到 And I know 我也知道 Yes,for sure 这绝对是真的 ...


巫妖王之怒英文原版CG_太平洋游戏网PCGAMES ... Remember, 记住, And i know, 同时我也知道, Arthas. 阿尔萨斯。 ...


求翻译歌词... ... But where's your. 但是哪里是你的。 And I know 而且我知道 There's nothing I could say 有我可以说的无 ...


MCR... ... But where's your... 但你的... And I know 并且我知道 There's nothing I can say 无论我说什么 ...


LoHiuYin_新浪博客 ... Cause I've been there before. 因为我也曾经经历 And I know, 我明白 Do it,now. 现在就行动吧 ...


阿尔萨斯_互动百科 ... My child, 孩子, And i know, 我也相信, But the truest victory my son, 但是,真正的胜利, ...

I ve enjoyed writing this series and I know from your feedback that it has been a valuable process for you as well. 我享受着编写这个系列文章的乐趣,并且我从大家的反馈中知道,这对您也是一个很有价值的过程。
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry. I've been a cad, and I know it. 我猜我自己想说的是什么,但是很抱歉,我只是一个计算机辅助设计制图程序,我知道它。
To me, it is indeed very thoughtful and kind of all of you and I know you guys just wanted me to be happy in life. 对我来说,这确实是非常体贴和种所有的你和我也知道你们只是希望我能幸福的生活。
If you read any personal development blogs (and I know you do or you wouldn't be here), then you know all about this one. 如果你看过我的自我提升的部落格(我知道你看过,否则不会出现在这),你就会知道这个。
Peggy: Come on, I used to work under him for 5 years and I know him like the back of my hand. 当然,我过去在他底下工作过5年。我对他可是瞭若指掌呢。
Today, it was my boyfriend and my six-month anniversary. I've really fallen in love with him, and I know he loves me the same. 今天是我和BF的恋爱三周年纪念日,我真的很爱她,我也知道他爱我。
I'm on low budget and I know how much it costs to make such a website so please no overpriced quotes. 我在低预算,我知道多少成本,使这样的网站,所以请没有过高的报价。
I want her to be mine, but she doesn't think of me like that, and I know it. 我希望她是我的,但她不会这样想我的,我知道。
And I know sign language so haha if you know sign language than we would be able to communicate. 并且我懂手语,因此如果你也懂的话那我们就可以交流了,哈哈。我应该学习一下你的语言。
And but for his illness he would have been put in irons, for he was regarded as a determined prison-breaker, and I know not what else. 如果不是因为重病,他必得戴上手铐脚镣,大家都认为他是一个死心塌地的越狱犯,还有许多我不知道的坏话。
Still, it is a "good" job with a steady paycheck, and I know millions of people would trade places with me in a heartbeat. 每个周末我都害怕周一的到来。这份工作其实可以算是一份收入稳定的“好”工作,我知道有数以百万计的人巴不得立刻跟我互换工作。
And I know if the boss is there, even it is an informal evening, it does not make a good impression to get totally drunk in front of him. 我知道如果老板在那里,即使那是一个非正式的晚会,在他面前喝醉也会给他留下一个不好的印象。
If they were right, I'd agree, but it's them you know not me. Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away. 如果他们是对的,我会承认但是,那是他们,而不是我现在我找到了一条路,我知道我该离开了。
And I know it was a huge emotional win for you to complete your personal slam last year at the US Open and a lot of good memories for you. 我知道在去年美网的时候为了实现个人金满贯你有着极大的意念去获胜。
and I know how much you wanted to find and bring Danny home. 我知道你们是多想找到丹尼,带他回家。
As most of you know, I am an old Navy pilot and I know when a crisis calls for all hands on deck. 众所周知,我是一个老海军飞行员,我知道当危机来临的时候,所有的人务必同舟共济。
You should clear, if we do not together, and can only be a stranger. No pleasant words, or friends, you and I know impossible. 你应该清楚,如果我们不在一起的话,就仅仅只能是陌生人,没有共同语言,也不会是朋友,这是你和我都了解的。
Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand; But I know Who holds tomorrow, And I know Who holds my hand. 有许多未来的事情,我现在不能识透但我知谁管著明天,我也知谁牵我手。
And I know how much I'm asking for. 我知道这个要求很过分
I read about it and I know how much better it is but I just don't see that. 我读到它,我知道那不是更好,但我就是不明白这一点。
I was very close with my mother, and I know how much she enjoyed these things, watching the birds, so I do that now, " she said. " 我知道她有多享受这一切,有多喜欢仰望鸟儿,所以我现在也这么做。
I love your ideas, and I know a few people who might be great matches for your project. 你的想法很不错,我很欣赏,但我现在可能暂时没法加入,不过我知道某某兴许比较适合做。
I know you're busy and I know it's hard for you but I would appreciate it if you could clean it up. 不过,要是你能打扫一下,我会很感激的。
From dawn till dusk I sit here before my door, and I know that of a sudden the happy moment will arrive when I shall see. 从黎明到黄昏我都坐在门前,我知道欢乐的时刻会在我应该看到时突然降临。
But it was a good discussion today, and I know the Chinese also are very interested in trying to make progress. 但今天的会谈情况良好,我知道中国方面也非常希望争取进展。
I know every one here in the house, and I know there was once a time when I did not lie out here in the cold, fastened to a chain. 这屋子里的每一个人,我都了解得清清楚楚;我还记得自己不曾被扣在冰冷的院子里的时光。
I know there are other more deserving women, and I know she's just a brunette bimbo. . . a lingerie-bikini model. . . but I can't help it. 我知道还有其他更值得嘉奖的美女,我也知道她只是个黑发的笨女郎。。。一个比基尼内衣模特。。。
Just hear me out. You've got nothing to lose, right? My name is Jester, and I know a thing or two about this place. 请听听我的建议吧,对你没有任何损失,不是吗?我的名字是杰斯特,关于这座建筑略知一二。
"They look at me like I'm crazy, " he goes on to say. "And I know if they continue, they won't be able to take it. " “他们看我的样子好像我疯了一样,”他继续说道:“我知道如果他们继续做瑜伽,身体将无法承受。”
and I know no matter where life takes me to, a part of me will always be with you ! 我知道不管生命带我去哪里,我永远守护着你!