human nature

  • n.人性
  • 网络人之天性;人的本性;人类本性

human naturehuman nature

human nature


1.人性the ways of behaving, thinking and feeling that are shared by most people and are considered to be normal


  关于人性(human nature)问题,古今中外思想家提出过无数不同的观点。维基百科上给出的定义是:“人性是人类倾向于具有的 …


Human Nature_百度百科 ... If They Say – 果人们问 Human Nature 人之天性 Looking Out 向夜色中 ...


Such is human nature_百度知道 ... Such 如此的,这样的 human nature 人的本性,天性 human nature 人的本性,天性 这个 …


人类本性》(Human Nature)3月刊中发布的 研究 中,研究者表示,相比女性,男性在有关身体攻击能力的生理和心理特征 …


关于杰克逊《就是这样》里面歌的_百度知道 ... "Jam" 困境 "Human Nature" 人类天性 "The Way You Make Me Feel" 你让我觉 …


危险的问题倒在于人的天性(human nature),即使这些实验的结果不是改变人,倒像是摧毁人;其方法是创造一个社会,在这个 …


考研词汇分类 - 英语 考研论坛... ... ordinary people 普通人 human nature 人的本性,人之常情 be typical of 是…的最明显特征 ...

You know I am a sordid piece of human nature, ready to sell myself at any time for any reasonable sum. 你知道我是那么一个贱坯,只要有人出相当数目就随时准备把自己出卖。
In class society there is only human nature of a class character; there is no human nature above classes. 在阶级社会里就是只有带着阶级性的人性,而没有什么超阶级的人性。
Day continued to broadcast on the loss of human nature, moral decay is the thing it is often seen. 每天陆陆续续播报的关于人性缺失,道德沦丧的事情已经是屡见不鲜了。
Ni Zhou Yong mother to see her lying down "management of human nature" does not seem to be on the same boat found the mother Zhen Liang Qun. 母亲周咏霓躺着看她的《人性管理学》,似乎没有发现同病相怜的妈妈梁群珍。
As you may've guessed, upper east siders, prohibition never stood a chance against exhibition, it's human nature to be free. 正如你们所知,上东区的贵族们,“阻止”在“表现”面前是无力的,人天性就向往自由。
As lads they had an aversion to each other, and Heathcliff would hate just as much to hear him praised: it's human nature. 他们做孩子的时候就彼此有反感,要是希刺克厉夫听你称赞他,也会一样地痛恨的——那是人性呀。
Thought of parting when, Magnolia, Feng ER, Moon seems to be pass human nature, and are silent, showing a sense of desolation. 想到离别之时,玉兰、风儿、月儿仿佛都通人性,都默不作声,显出凄凉之感。
This being a human nature, we keep pushing our happy days forward again and again, as if our time in this life has no limits. 这是人的本性,我们把幸福的日子不断向前推进,好象我们的一生没有尽头。
However, theory of benevolence is able to exist forever since it fits in with the general mental characteristics of human nature. 儒学已随封建时代历史的结束而永远逝去,仁学则因针对人性心理特质而可普世长存。
In an age where human nature is often considered profoundly selfish, here's a selfish reason to be nice to people. 在这个往往认为人类本性是相当自私的时代,这里有一个对大家而言很不错的自私的理由。
So let's look at some of the dimensions of human nature that seem to leave room for improvement. 那么,让我们看看人类本质中哪些部分是有进步空间的。
The human nature of the damage, survivors of the few biotechnology to protect you, to assume its responsibility Save the Earth you are! 在人类对大自然的破坏中,幸存的不多的生物交由你来保护,请承担起应负的责任,地球等你拯救!
Just how much can, and should we change human nature by genetic engineering? 到底基因工程能改变且应该改变人类本性多少呢?
B: I'm beginning to see that human nature is pretty much the same everywhere. 我开始认识到无论任何地方人性都是大同小异的。
The artist should be able to "feel" the life, to understand human nature, and then to record them in his own art form. 艺术家应能够“感受”生活,理解人性,然后忠实地将这些录入作品。
"We did it just to appease the spirits, " she said. "It's human nature to be a bit perturbed in the presence of death. " “只是为了安抚死者的灵魂,”她说,“在死亡面前感到不安是人之常情。”
And so this has been a real puzzle to me as a sort of scholar of human nature. 作为一位研究人性的学者,这一问题困扰着我。
The First and second parts of this article are parallel relation, expounding the theory of human nature of Schiller and Li Zehou separately. 正文的第一、第二部分成并列关系,分别梳理了席勒与李泽厚的人性建设思想。
But Jesus would not trust Himself to them because He knew them all, and did not need anyone to testify about human nature. 但是,耶稣就对他们不信任自己,因为他知道所有这些,并不需要任何人作证人的本性。
And linguistic innatism is part of a wider debate about just how much of human nature is wired into the brain. 而语言学的天赋论就是关于人性多大程度上固定于人脑这一宽泛讨论的一部分。
Markets reflect human nature, and human nature is often wrong. 市场反映了人的本性,而人的本性往往是错误的。
Every sort of permutation and combination is possible in human nature. 火的本性可能有各种交织和组合的情况。
There's something about human nature that is awfully repulsive, and the healthier people are, the more repulsive they seem to me to be. 人类的天性有些东西是非常讨厌的,越是健全的人,好象就越叫我讨厌。
While she always decried the fickleness of human nature, she carried on an unrelenting search for the ideal servant to the end of her days. 尽管她一直在指责人性的变化无常,她却继续毫不放松地寻找称心的仆人,一直到她死去。
However, when you think of adoption theory where the vast majority of people do not want change, are we going against human nature here? 然而当你想到普适性的大多数人不愿改变的理论我们是在反对人类的自然属性吗?
The dark side of human nature accounts for the colonialists' cruelty of exploitation and dominance over the colonized native people. 人性的黑暗体现在殖民者对殖民地人们残酷地剥削和统治。
Titanic on a confusion in critical moment, the human nature of good and evil, the noble and despicable more accountable. 泰坦尼克号上一片混乱,在危急之中,人类本性中的善良与丑恶、高贵与卑劣更加分明。
The abstract concept of economic man came from human nature so that this category must relate to morale and ethic principles. “经济人”的抽象定义正是来源于人性,“经济人”必定是与道德伦理相联系的范畴。
He generally affected a brusque manner, but he had a great smile, a good sense of humor, and a keen understanding of human nature. 他总是装出一副很粗鲁的样子,但笑起来却十分爽朗,也很有幽默感,对人性有着深刻的洞察。
He said that this movie was a tragedy reltated to the human nature and its age; the most dipressed spot lied in the man's insincerity . 他说这部影片写的是人性与时代的悲剧,在这出悲剧中,最令人痛心处是人的背叛。