have been

  • na.来过
  • 网络是;现在完成时;一直

have beenhave been

have been

外贸常用英文缩写_众恒_新浪博客 ... HAVE 有 HAVE BEEN INWARD COLLECTION 进口托收 ...


be的五种形式_百度知道 ... 将来时 will be 现在完成时 have been 过去完成时 had been ...


Think you have been是什么意思?_百度知道 ... you 你 have been 一直 think 想 ...


《走遍美国》(第一册)【共747个词】第十二课部分1 ... some a.了不起的 have been 动词):现在完成进行式 a lot of 很多 ...


英语中的各种时态-青石-搜狐博客 ... (has gone 表示不在说话现场) (have been 表示在某场所延续的时间段) ...


英语选择题_百度知道 ... two weeks ago 两周前,用一般过去时态 have been 已经去了,并且回来了 have gone 去了,还没有 …


几句英文歌词翻译~ - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... àit 应该指的是酒瓶 à have been (现在完成式) 已经… à block 街区、路口 ...


一个英语问题... ... You have been kind 可以翻成:一直以来,你都对我很好。 have been 是现在完成时态 have done 是现在完 …

Indeed, hydrogen produced by exposed and overheated fuel might have been the cause of it. 当然,暴露在外的高温燃料所产生的氢气也可能是起火的原因。
Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different. 如果蝴蝶没有扇动翅膀,系统运行的轨迹可能会很大不同。
The gentleman next to you wonders if you would care to swap seats with his wife, as they have been seated on different sides of the plane. 坐在您旁边的先生想知道,您愿意跟他的妻子换一下座位吗?他们坐在不同的一侧。
he could have been genial to all the world , and he bore no grudge against his wife. 他现在对任何人都抱着友善的态度,对他妻子也不存芥蒂。
Looking back, I still think Lehman should have been allowed to fail, but I was wrong not to grasp that it had to be done in an orderly way. 回想起来,我还是认为政府应该让雷曼倒闭,但我错在没有领悟到这需要以一种有序的方式来进行。
There were disappointingly few mentions of me on other people's blogs, but this may have been just as well. 在其他人的博客上,提到我的人少得可怜,不过这或许是件好事。
It should have been a joyous occasion, a time to celebrate a program that has brought dignity and decency to the lives of older Americans. 这本来应该是一个欢乐的时刻,一个庆贺这个给年长的美国人带来尊严与体面的计划的时刻。
So it may have been the timing of the McChrystal affair that made him feel he had to insist on the resignation of the egregious general. 所以,这也许是麦克里斯特尔事件的时机,他感觉到不得不坚持辞去臭名昭著的将军一职。
Smile means that we own, means that our own sovereignty , does not mean that we have been flooded out in which no. 微笑意味着我们是自己,意味着我们对自己拥有主权,意味着我们没有被淹没于无明当中。
He may have been disappointed in himself, even shaken, but outwardly he was as smooth and focused as a socket wrench. 也许他对自己有些失望,甚至有些动摇,但至少那聚精会神的神情看上去一切都还顺利。
In ancient societies, nearly all work seems to have been of this type. 在古代,基本上所有的工作都是这种类型。
Reports from Nigeria say at least five people have been killed in an attack on a bar in the northeastern city of Maiduguri. 来自尼日利亚的报道称,东北部城市迈杜古里一个酒吧发生袭击,至少5人被杀害。
It's particularly worrying that over half a million unemployed people have been out of work for at least a year. 特别令人担忧的是超过50万失业人口已失去工作至少一年。
I seem to have been on the go all day. 我似乎整天一直忙忙碌碌。
You have been used as a cat's paw by Nancy; she only wants you to help her get into local society. 你被南希利用了,她只是要你帮她进入当地的社交界。
Expatriates gorgeous place for classical soft spot for the launch of High West eleven units, four units have been let less than a week. 外籍人士对古典味浓厚的地方情有独钟﹐西苑十一个单位推出后﹐不足一星期已经租出四个单位。
Between 1980 and 2008 global investment was some $700 billion a year less than it would have been had the trend of the 1970s persisted. 若与保持1970年代的趋势相比较,从1980年至2008年,每年全球投资减少了大约7000亿美元。
Antigen receptor gene rearrangement and hybridization have been used routinely in auxiliary diagnosis of lymphomas. 抗原受体基因重排和杂交检测等分子技术已稳定运用于辅助淋巴瘤诊断。
That what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise. 别人看起来会觉得以前的你,或是你应该可以成为的你,根本跟一直以来的你是一样的这种情形是不可能的。
He said that he felt that the translation we had done of Nausicaa was "as perfect as could have been made. " 他说他觉得《风之谷》的翻译是他“所见过的近乎完美的作品”。
He breaks down in tears. "Up to 500 have been killed, " he says, including his parents, wife, and two children. 他泪流满面。“最多有500人死亡,”他说,包括他的父母、妻子和两个孩子。
In general, the children are healthier than the past, and have been a good education. 总的来说,孩子们比过去任何时候都要健康,受到了良好的教育。
The nuclear energy issue seems to have been the deciding theme that concerned everyone. 核能为题似乎已经成为每个人担心的决定性的话题。
So far utilities have been so focused on tamping costs that they haven't been willing to pay for robust across-the-board security measures. 目前,基础设施建设将精力集中在充分利用资金上,并不愿意为稳固的、全面的安全措施埋单。
All the same, they have been looking sort of in control up to now. 不过到目前为止,他们的表现还算得上是有条不紊。
There would have been a fitness in her being pretty and graceful , intelligent and distinguished. 妩媚、文雅、聪慧、高贵,这些原来是她应有的品质。
The interventions have been classified in a way that makes the evidence easy for policy makers and programme managers to understand and use. 对干预措施进行了分类,以便使决策者和规划管理人员便于了解和使用证据。
Had he not become a bullfighter, his grace was such that he could have been a world-famous accountant. 马诺莱特是个伟大而又伟大的艺术家,要不是当了斗牛士,他风度优雅得本来可以当一位举世闻名的会计师。
The checks that have been written but are not included with the bank statement are called outstanding checks. 已经被签名的但不含银行说明的支票被叫做未支付的支票。
Observations have been made of the children at the beginning and the end of the preschool and the first grade. 对孩子们在学前和一年级阶段之最初和结束时之情况进行了观察。