it s you

  • 网络就是你;你看不到

it s youit s you

it s you


3. 就是你 (It s you)_Rearranged 4. 她很危险 (She wants it) 5.


明明一眼就能看出来的 为什麽只有你看不到 (It s you)

It's you who are telling me things I should have known; opening my eyes to things I'd looked at so long that I'd ceased to see them. 是你在告诉我我应当知道的事,擦亮我的眼睛,使我看清了我看得太久以致视而不见的东西。
"Oh, it's you, " said Ron, looking at Malfoy as if he were something unpleasant on the sole of his shoe. “哦,是你,”罗恩看着马尔福,仿佛看到了鞋底上什么恶心的东西,
it's you who said he would love me for ever. But finally you abandoned me. 是你最初说爱我永不变。可最终你却抛弃了我。
Sometimes sitting in the dark wishing you were he returns me crazy, but it's you who makes me lose my head. 有时坐在黑暗的希望你在这里原来我疯了,但它是你让我失去了我的头。
Tom: My goodness! It's not me that need a doctor, it's you! You need a doctor to see your ears. 汤姆:老天哪!需要看医生的不是我,而是你啊!你得请医生看看耳朵!
'Yes, my child. It's you "and the reflection of you. You are just that big. ' The mother hen was nodded and said: ' it" . “是的,我的孩子,那是你”你就跟你的影子一样大,妈妈点头说道“它不会像阳光一样跟你开玩笑”
Hi! I'm probably home, I'm just avoiding someone I don't like. Leave me a message, and if I don't call back, it's you. 嗨!我可能在家,我只是在躲某些我不喜欢的人。留言给我,而假如你没收到我的回电,那我就是在躲你。
I'm probably at home. I just don't want to get the calls from someone I don't like. Leave me a message, and if I don't call back, it's you! 我很可能在家。我只是不像结一些我不喜欢的人的电话。给我留言,如果我不回电,那个讨厌的人就是你!
It's you who are telling me; opening my eyes to things I'd looked at so long that I'd ceased to see them. 现在是你在开导我,让我睁开眼睛认清那些我看得太久因而不能认清的事物。
In a heavy masculine scrawl were these words: " In case of accident . . . remember, honey, it's you I love, not the car! " 只见上面用男人的笔迹写着:“如果发生事故……请记住,亲爱的,我爱的是你,不是车!”
Like the wind they blow, how do I know it's you for sure? 像他们吹过的风,我怎么才能确定这是你呢?
So the work has always been, really, a prime focus, and so it's - you know, it's very exciting. 所以我的工作其实一直都是我最主要的关注,并且这也是非常令人兴奋的。
"Is it true? " he said. "They're saying all down the train that Harry Potter's in this compartment. So it's you, is it? " “是真的吗?”他问,“整列火车上的人都在纷纷议论,说哈利-波特在这个隔间里。这么说,那就是你了,对吧?”
Maybe it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. 或许你就能靠你自己,整理碎片,重新开始,轻松淡定只为更美好的未来。
The left one can just sit by the phone lonely , wait and wait. If there's choice , you'd rather it's you to say "I will call you" . 留下的那一个,只能寂寞地坐在电话机旁边,守候又守候。如果可以选择,你宁愿由你来说:“我会打电话给你。”
But it's you , your scent, It's like a drug to me . you're like my own person's brinvolving course heroin. 但是你,你的气息,对我来说就像毒品一样,你就像我私人的海洛因。
'I don't know where he is, sir. Anyway, it's you who should tell him to leave home. ' 我不知道他在哪儿,先生。不管怎样,只有您才可以对他说让他离开这个家。
It's you who've granted me with a chance to get systemized higher education, which I cherished much. 在你手上我才开始接受正规系统的高等教育,所以我非常珍惜这个机会。
Really? -Yeah, so it's, you know, just, I know it's not fun, but lots of things in life aren't fun. 真的?-是的,所以,你知道,我想这没有趣,但生命中的很多事都没有趣。
That said, it's you who puts all the work into a perfectly designed and executed Web site, or a finely tuned Web application. 尽管如此,您的职责是将所有工作整合到设计良好的Web站点,或一个经过调优的Web应用程序。
And maybe this happy ending doesn't include a wonderful guy. Maybe it's you. . . on your own. . . picking up the pieces and starting over. 或许这个所谓幸福的结局中并没有一个很棒的男人。或许只是你…你一个人…整理好心情吧,然后重新出发。
You know I don't really like wearing skirts. It's you who should try it on. 你知道我不喜欢穿裙子的。倒是你才该去试试看。
Leave me a message, and if I don't call back, it's you. 留给我一个信息,而且如果我不回电,它是你。
Glad to see you! You, you, you, It''s you! Glad to see you! How are you! What''s wrong with you? May I help you? 你,你,你,噢,是你!见到你真高兴!向你问个好!出了什么事?是否要我帮助你?
Marty, I can look into your eyes, and I know it's you. 马蒂,我知道是你。
Do not reconcile yourself to your fate. It's you who has the final say on your life. 不要被动地接受命运,你才是你生活的主人。
Seawater soaked the paper, but the last sentence could also be read: Time didn't wait for me, it's you, forgot to take me away. 海水浸泡过的纸,依稀还能看到最后一句话:时间没有等我。是你,忘了带我走。
Cheater a: Oh, it's you, minister, and come in please! Come up closer, look at it carefully! 骗子甲:哎呀,老大臣来了!请进!请请请!请走近一点,仔细地看。
"Say it's not you, it's not me, it's you and me together that is not the best interaction right now, " Yager said. “要说不是因为你,也不是我的原因,而是我们在一起目前不能给对方最好的影响,”Yager说。
Policewoman: Oh, hi. It's you again. Okay, we'll send a policeman over to your house to check up on your son. 女警:噢,又是你。好吧,我们会派人到你家去看看你儿子。