my will

  • 网络我的意志;我祈祷;志在

my willmy will

my will


The Day My Classmate Fell Ill--英语作文网 ... Some of My Classmates- 同窗好友 My Will- 我的意志 My Village- 我的村庄 ...


演唱:岛谷瞳/作词:BOUNCEBACK/作曲:BULGE/编曲:前嶋康明 (第154话~第167话) 片尾曲 「我祈祷」(My will


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网友点播歌曲 网友点播专辑 美思音乐网 ... Change the World V6 (犬夜叉主题曲) My will (犬夜叉的片尾曲) Don't Cry (枪花) ...


犬夜叉主题曲_戈薇吧... ... I am 去搜寻吧!搜寻梦想的碎片 My will 一向只会逞强的我 Brand-New World 新的世界 新的梦在开 …


_mustard_新浪博客 ... “马上就来” 'i will be back immediately' 遗嘱 my will 如果有人找我 if somebody want me ...


同问求英语作文:我的遗嘱my will) 回答 共1条 2012-07-07 10:22 提问者: a1263694701 | 悬赏分:15 我来帮他解答 2012 …

As he allowed me to wander about the mountains at my will, so in the quest for truth he left me free to select my path. 如同他许可我随心所欲地在山间漫游一样,在寻求真理上他也让我自由地选择自己的道路。
Endlessly he sought to break my will, to force me to serve him, to bind me to his blade. 一直试图摧毁我的意志,强迫我服从于他,用他的剑禁锢着我。
I enjoyed hearing what you had to say. Cheer up, you can come to my hanging and I'll remember you in my will. 瑞:我喜欢听你说些什么。高兴点,你可以在我被绞死时来看我,我会在遗嘱上提到你的。
Very true; and if I had my will, we should. But my dear Lydia, I don't at all like your going such a way off. Must it be so? 你讲得真对;要是照我的意见,我们早就应该一起都去。可是,丽迪雅宝贝儿,我不愿意你到那么远的地方去。你难道非去不可吗?
Whatever the cause of your recent rebellions against my will I wish to see you and your Archbishops in council immediately. 不论你近日的反叛行为是出于什么缘故,我希望你和你的同胞可以到议会来,马上!
I smash the strongholds of Satan formed against my will today, and I give my will to You, and choose to make the right decisions of faith. 我要攻破撒但进占我意志的营垒,我愿将我的意志献给你并做信心的抉择。
Do not fear dear ones, this is the end of a long struggle and nothing can stop it for My Will is in alignment with Source. 不要恐惧,亲爱的人们,这是一个长时期挣扎的结束,没有什么能使它停止,因为我的意志与源头是一致的。
next of kin If it were known and anything happened to me, my next of kin would dispute my will on the ground of insanity. 这事要泄露出去了,我再出点什么事情的话,我的那些至爱亲朋们就会疑心我精神错乱。
My soul swear by the name of my will remember: "justice" , my heart is a balance to incarnate, my sword will point to rough! 吾以心灵之名起誓:吾将牢记‘公正’,吾的心是天平地化身,吾的剑会指向不平!
I shall see to it that you will inherit a substantial sum under my will, if you save me. 如果你救了我,我保证根据我的遗嘱你将继承很大一笔钱。
I could use my will to judge everything, decided to go walk my own way. 我会用自己的意志去判断一切,走我自己决定要走的路。
However, urged by my renewed requests plus their intention to toughen my will in hard conditions, they finally agreed to let me have a try. 但禁不住我的再三请求,同时也想让我受点磨炼,他们终于答应让我试试。
My soul swear by the name of my will "honesty" , and as a knight, our words will always straightforward to mind. 吾以心灵之名起誓:吾将‘诚实’,身为骑士,吾地言语将永远直白心灵。
Example: This latest development has further strengthened my will to leave. 最近事态的发展更增强了我要离开的决心。
Yuchun: If I say no, I feel against my will. If I say yes, I fell a little narcissistic. 春春:如果说不是我觉得有点违心,如果说是呢,觉得很自恋。
it made my will more firmed. it also told me to insist on my own idea instead of frightened by difficulties. 它磨练了我的意志,不能被困难吓倒,要坚持自已的想法。
She left me, whispering often, and she said this, 'oh what a cruel fate is ours, Sappho , yes, I leave you against my will. 她窃窃低语,她离我而去,她说过:“我们的命运是如此残酷,萨福。是啊,我将不得已离你而去。”
And I would never force anybody to follow my will, to like the same music or same color as I do. 我从不会强迫别人遵从我的意愿,不会要求他们喜欢我迷恋的音乐,喜爱我钟情的颜色。
I wish I were the fish, he thought, with everything he has against only my will and my intelligence. 他想,我真希望我是那条鱼,用那么多的力量来对抗的仅是我的意志和智慧。
All at once there was a convulsive movement and, irresistibly, against my will, I suddenly opened my eyes. 这时出现了一个痉挛性的运动,我突然并不情愿地睁开了两眼,实在忍不住了。
I permit my intelligence and physical power worse than someone, but I never permit my will worse than anyone. 我允许我的智力和体力比某些人差,但我从不允许我的意志力比任何人差。
I'll follow the orders from my supervisor, and with my will i can conquer all the difficulties. 我会严格遵守上级给我的任务,我的意志能克服一切的困难。
One thousand soulless puppets, devoid of hopes and fears, helplessly bent to my will - it's enough to bring tears to my eyes. 一千个没有灵魂的傀儡,没有希望,不会恐惧,完全服从我的意愿——我的眼泪都快掉下来了。
My will was to be playing and training with the team, but I missed it and I have to accept it. 我的信念是和我的球队一起训练,比赛。但是我错过了它,我不得不接受(这个)的事实。
If you promise to stop interrupting, alright. Against my will, I'm gonna knock it up another notch. 如果你保证不再干扰我的话,好,我会很不愿意地再敲出另一个切口。
As long as I believe, the word "Depress" can never be thought about in my will. 只要我认为,将“抑制”绝不能在我的思考会。
My soul swear by the name of my will remember: "sacrifice" . 吾以心灵之名起誓:吾将铭记‘牺牲’。
I have not written my will yet; and how to leave my property I cannot determine. 我还没有写下我的遗嘱;怎样处理我的产业我也不能决定。
Sometimes I might do things at my will, no matter others think. 我有时会不管别人的想法,而照自己的意思去做。
Against my will, in the course of my travels, the belief that everything worth knowing was known at Cambridge gradually wore off. 我曾相信,所有值得知道之事,我在剑桥都知道了。在我旅行的过程之中,这一想法逐渐消失了。