go round

  • na.绕着走;迂回着走;运行;(食物等)人人分到
  • 网络顺便去;绕道走;足够分配

go roundgo round

go round


初中英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... go over to 朝……走去 43) go round 顺便去,绕道走 46) go up 上去 47) ...


初中英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... go over to 朝……走去 43) go round 顺便去,绕道走 46) go up 上去 47) ...


单词round 意思_百度知道 ... Drive round 开车绕某处转 Go round 流传;足够分配 I've only 2 rounds left. 我只剩下两发子弹了 …


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(G) -亿城英语 ... go round and round 旋转 go round 到处走动 go scat 破产 ...


英语短语_百度知道 ... go out 1. 出去[国]; (妇女)离家工作 go round 1. 四处走动; 绕道走 go straight 1. 笔直地走 ...


高考英语常用词组~~_高中英语吧_百度贴吧 ... go over 转向,温习,仔细检查 go round 绕道走,绕…运行 go through 通过, …


EEC初二上学期英语单词表 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... a part of( 一部分) go round绕着…运动) the Milky Way( 银河系) ...


轻松学语法:悲情“... ... round 是表语 go round v. 到处走动, 顺便去, 流传, 长得够绕一圈 a part of the universe 宇宙的一部分 ...

If you do not hold on tightly to one of the painted horses, you will be flung in a straight line tangent to the merry-go-round' s circle. 假如没紧抱其中一匹木马,你必定顺著旋转木马圆盘的切线方向被直直地甩出去。
The Asian Development Bank said there was enough food to go round, and the key was to help the poor afford it. 亚洲发展银行称有足够的粮食可以供应,关键是让穷人买得起。
It's a bit of a shame for all the fans that come out and sit out in the rain and travel so far to watch the cars go round. 这对于来到这里、冒着雨并且从很远的地方赶来看赛车在这里飞驰的车迷有一点遗憾。
I would take more turns on the merry-go-round, contemplate more dawns, and play more with children. If I had my life ahead of me again. 我愿意多玩几次旋转木马、注视黎明,还要和孩子们多玩一会。如果我还有来生。
Al: I don't feel a little bit sick all day, but it happened so quickly. I just sit in here; everything started to go round and round. 今天一整天都没什么事,这病也来得太快了点。我就坐那儿,就感到天旋地转起来了。
The earth is one of the nine planets. All nine planets go round the sun the same way. Each of them also turns on its own axis. 地球是九大行星之一,这九大行星都围绕太阳运转,每个行星也绕着自转轴自转。
We were both equally squeezing each other. He tried to go round the outside of me, he didn't leave me enough room, so we touched. 我们都在挤压对方,他尝试从外道出去,但是他没给我足够的空间,所以我们碰了一下。
and bloom explained he meant , on account of it being cruel for the wife having to go round after the old stuttering fool. 布卢姆还在解释说,他指的是由于做老婆的不得不追在那个口吃的老傻瓜后面跑跑颠颠,这太残酷了。
It was nasty of you to go round telling tales you know weren't true. 你明明知道并无其事,却要到处乱说,你这个人真不知好歹。
The constant merry-go-round of prime ministers at a time of entrenched deflation is increasingly seen as a national disgrace. 而在长期的通货紧缩中,像走马灯似的换首相也被越来越多的人看做是一种国家耻辱。
The girl on the merry-go-round caught at the brass ring, but she did not get it. 旋转木马上的女孩想去抓铜环,但没有抓着。
I don't have enough time to do as much of it as I would like, but my wife and I go round Hampstead Heath every weekend. 我没有那么多时间想走多久就走多久,但是我和我的妻子每周末都会去汉普斯德特希思走走。
I'd go round to see Nessie to try to find out what was up, and she'd beg me to persuade him to change his mind. 我会去看内茜,试图发现究竟怎么了,而她哀求我劝说他改变主意。
You say that we go round the sun. If we went round the moon it would not make a pennyworth of difference to me or my work. 你说咱们是绕着太阳走的,可是,即使咱们绕着月亮走,这对于我或者对于我的工作又有什么关系呢?
The earth takes a year to make a circuit of (ie go round) the sun. 地球绕太阳一周需要一年时间。
As the sombre wheels of the six carts go round, they seem to plough up a long crooked furrow among the populace in the streets. 这六辆车的阴沉的轮子旋转着,似乎在街上的人群中犁出了一条弯弯曲曲的沟畦。
His head seemed to go round, and he clutched at the nearest passerby. 他感到头有些晕,便抓住离他最近的过路人。
They've all got their faults . . . but they're not such a bad little gang . . . and luckily there's always enough love to go round. 他们都犯过错误,但他们并不是一群小坏蛋,而且幸运的是总有足够的爱来应对。
On a Saturday, he left us after lunch, saying he would go round to that shop to get a cushion for his aunt. 在星期六,他在午餐后留下了我们,说他会到那一家商店为他的伯母买一个垫子。
She told me to go round the corner on the left and keep going straight for two blocks. 她告诉我绕过左边的街角,然后径直走两个街区。
The Gunners might have to go round to captain CESC FABREGAS' house instead. 枪手也许不得不转而去队长法布雷加斯的家里。
I wanted to have the traditional application experience I'd missed out on during my first go-round. 我想弥补我在第一轮申请中错过的传统的申请经历。
The information the police received had then on a merry-go-round until they realized they were victims of a hoax. 警方意识到自己上当受骗后,他们所得到的情报虽花了很大的力气但却毫无价值。
You know, you go round the first few times and you're telling yourself that it's impossible to drive on the limit at this track. 你知道,只有在上面走一走,你就会告诉自己:这条赛道上要发挥极限水平是不可能的。
LET me go round just once more before we leave the playground! 离开运动场前让我再转一圈。
The faces of English girls look as if there is not enough materials to go round. 英国女孩的脸瘦削而失圆润,看上去像没有吃饱的样子。
Let me go round just once more before we leave the play ground. 让我再玩一回我们才离开游乐场。
Ball physics have been redone from scratch this go round so the ball will spin, bounce and generally move how it should. 球的物理因素被重新制作,这样球将旋转,反弹和整体地按照应该的方向运行。
He got his feet, I just could follow and, go round and round with it, which moved quietly. 太阳他有脚啊,轻轻悄悄地挪移了;我也茫茫然跟着旋转。
The Germans began moving their armies to the French coast and prepared to go round. 德国人开始移动他们的军队去法国海岸,准备绕道离开。