get through

  • na.花光;了结;(使)通过(议案);及格
  • 网络到达;度过;接通

第三人称单数:gets through 现在分词:getting through 过去式:got through 过去分词:gotten through

get throughget through

get through


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... get on with sb. 与……相处 get through 通过,拨通(电话) get together 聚会,联欢 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... get the better of 占上风;克服;抑制 get through 到达;完成;接通电话 get together 聚集;会面; …


四级英语短语大全_百度文库 ... get over 恢复,克服,解决 99. get through 完成;度过;被理解 100. give away 赠送;泄露 101. ...


谁能总结一下英语口语中最常用动词_百度知道 ... 11. get up 起床 13. get through 通过,接通(电话) 14. get married 结婚 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... get the better of 占上风;克服;抑制 get through 到达;完成;接通电话 get together 聚集;会面; …


仁爱英语八年级上册词组汇集 ... call back 回电话 get through 打通,通过 leave a message 留口信 ...


MBA英语常考的各类短语及习... ... get the better of 占上风,胜过 get through 到达,完成,及格 get through 结束,完成;接 …


大学英语三级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... get rid of 处理掉;摆脱 get through 完成;打通电话;通过(考试) get together 聚会 ...

She even thought of killing herself, but her cats have helped her to get through the difficult time. 她甚至想过自杀,但她的猫帮着她克服了这段艰难的时光。
Robert is a real tub of blubber. A little more and he won't be able to get through the door. 罗拔真是够胖的。再胖一点他就过不了房门了。
The scientific literature is so huge at this point, that it's really impossible to get through, you know, everything in your topic area. 如今科学文献浩如烟海,你也不可能通读专业领域内的所有文献。
The fatso boy wants to get over there through the window of storage, but it is not easy to get through due to his fat body. 那个胖男孩想从仓库的窗户里爬过去,不过他太胖了身子不易通过。
I told my readers we would get through it together and carried both roles for a few weeks before the load was heavier than I could bear. 我告诉读者会和他们共度难关,并把这个双重角色坚持了好几个星期,直到自己被工作压得喘不上气来。
I go, "Oi! " you know, to get out of the chair! It would take me 10 to 12 pain relievers a day, just to get through the day. 我会说:“哦!”你知道,从椅子上站起来!我一天需要10-12片止疼片,只是为了熬过一天。
Generally you want to generate attraction with your opener then try to get through qualification as quickly as you can. 通常,你用开场白产生让对方感到你的吸引力,然后尽快获得对方的好感和信任。
Sara tells him she feels that she can get through to Michael, and that she would like to understand more about how his mind works. Sara告诉他,自己感觉可以与Michael交流,她希望更多的了解Michael的思想是如何运作的。
It might take you a little longer to get through it, but I wanted you to have the same experience. 这可能需要你多花一点时间来通读它,但我希望你有同样的经历。
A training lightsaber did not have the power of a true lightsaber, but it could most likely get through the metal door over his head. 训练专用的光剑虽然没有真正的光剑那样强大的力量,但也勉强可以戳穿他头顶的金属。
It takes me hours to get through two or three pages, and I can't skim to save my life. 读两三页书要花掉我好几个小时,而我甚至不能略读来节省些时间。
GROSS: Now, let's talk more about the FBI documents that you were finally able to get through the Freedom of Information Act. 葛洛斯:现在,让我们来谈谈你通过情报自由法最终得到的列侬FBI档案。
Some people are so dry that you might soak them in a joke for a month it would not get through their skins . 有些人干巴巴的,在笑话里浸泡一个月,也不能渗入皮肤。
Sometimes though, if you just want to get through a test you may be able to use some of the techniques below for memory aids. 如果你想通过一项测试,你可能会使用下面的一些有助于记忆的技巧。
My leg , it was a little sore and a little heavy, but I was able to get through it , so I definitely turned the corner. 我的腿有点儿痛,有点儿沉,但我能完成训练,所以我肯定自己拐出了伤病之角。
The message did not get through in the real world, either to staff or to customers. 但这一信息并没有传递到现实世界中,既没有传达到员工,也没有传递给客户。
There seemed to be less need for blankets, for instance, as more supplies get through, he said. 他说:更多的物资运抵后,看来这里不再急需毯子了。
Fortunately, he eventually did not let me down, half an hour later, he offered to get through the phone. 还好,最终他没有让我失望,半小时后,他主动打通了电话。
The main function of it is to help me to get through the winter. 它的主要作用就是帮助我度过冬天。
But a little advance preparation can go a long way in helping you get through all that pre-flight rigmarole with minimum fuss. 但稍微提前做些准备就能有很大的帮助,让你在通过起飞前的繁杂手续时少一些慌乱。
And they were all communicating, and giving me the thumbs-up and saying you know we are going to get through this, we are going to recover. 他们都是交流,给我竖起大拇指,说你知道我们要去度过这,我们将恢复。
Actually we thought it a bit too thick that no one from her family came with her to help her get through it. 实际上,我们觉得她家没有谁来帮忙料理此事,也太难为她了。
Operator, I've been trying to get through to the Front Desk for the last 5 minutes. Their line is always busy. 话务员,刚才5分钟我一直给前台挂电话,可总是占线。
Yes, Barcelona were lucky to get through against Chelsea, and with anything like a normal referee they might have gone out. 是的,巴萨淘汰切尔西有运气成分,哪怕裁判执法稍微公允一点他们说不定早已打道回府了。
Then, after a few nights in the chair, I realised that I would not get through this without some time alone and some sleep in my own bed. 然后,在躺椅上度过了几个晚上后,我意识到让我单独待会儿和让我在自己的床上睡会儿我才能好受些。
I know a woman who's an incurable optimist: She shows up for work actually believing she'll get through her to-do list. 我知道有一位女性是一位“没治了”的乐观主义者:她来到办公地点认为自己能把待办工作完成。
This is no "Learning Perl" material; at least a few years of programming experience are necessary to get through the rest of the book. 它不像“LearningPerl”那样例子都非常具体;要充分掌握本书剩余的部分,至少需要几年的编程经验。
Watching "Rebirth, " she was struck by all the different ways that people suffer and all the ways they get through it, she said. 她说她看《重生》的时候,人们遭受的各种苦难以及他们各自渡过难关的方法深深震动了她。
He had a heart attack when he was still trying to get through her phone line. 当他试图接通她的电话时,心脏病突然发作。
The tall man had to stoop his head to get through the door. 那大个子只好低头才能进门。