night after night

  • adv.夜夜
  • 网络一夜又一夜地;一夜连着一夜;夜复一夜

night after nightnight after night

night after night


大学英语四级常用词组 ... by night 在夜间;趁黑夜 night after night 一夜又一夜地 night and day 日以继夜地 ...


新概念英语第三册课堂笔记-第2课 ... recognized somebody as: 认出某人是 night after night: 一夜连着一夜 ★equal 等于 ...


you and... ... Help me make this make sense 让我叫你明白 Night after night 夜复一夜 You sat up and cried 你哭着辗转难眠 ...


night的翻译中... ... wet night [俚]醉酒的夜晚 night after night 一夜又一夜地; 一连好几夜地 night and day 昼夜, 日夜不停地 ...


赖世雄讲语法 S091-S105 ... day by day: 天天 night after night夜夜 little by little: 渐渐 ...


西城男孩的if... ... If I let you go 如果我让你离开 Night after night,I hear myself say 一夜有一夜,我听到内心深处的自己说 ...


Eng28 Flashcards ... it was knocked over in d struggle 在争斗中撞翻的 night after night 每晚 period 句号 ...

This was one of almost two thousand missions that have been conducted over the last couple of years night after night. 这是数年中夜间执行的近两千次行动之一。
The dream came to me night after night until one day, I felt debilitated and fell down in the washroom with a shock and much sweating. 这个梦重复了许多个夜晚,终于有一天,我病倒了,流了一身的虚汗,休克倒在了卫生间。
Yao said he had known Lin was a good player but was stunned that he was able to reproduce the sensational form night after night. 姚明说,他知道林是一名优秀的球员,但仍被其在赛场上连续几天的表现惊呆了。
They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl, day after day, night after night, Michael sings to his sister in Mommy's tummy . 他们知道了这是个女孩,于是,日复一日,一夜又一夜,迈克尔趴在妈妈肚子上为他的小妹妹唱歌。
Surrounded on all sides by Calcutta houses and walls, he would dream night after night of his village home, and long to be back there. 周围除了加尔各答的房子墙壁外还是房子墙壁,他每晚都会梦见他的村庄,并深深渴望着回到那里。
He said he lay awake night after night afterward, fixated on the navy track suit his daughter had coveted. 他说,他夜复一夜地睡不着觉,脑海里满是女儿一直梦寐以求的海军田径服。
Following the same routine night after night before bedtime seems to help prepare both the mind and the body for sleep. 每晚睡前坚持这样做,有利于让身体和精神都做好睡眠准备。
He was still sitting up in the bed listening -- just as I have done, night after night. 他还躺在床上坐起来听——正如我所做的一切,夜复一夜。
Night after night have I sung of him, though I knew him not, and now I see him. 夜莺说,“我一夜一夜的为他唱歌,尽管我不认识这个人。现在我终于看到他了。”
Karen: People waiting around night after night just to see you, even in the wind and rain. . . 凯伦:人们日夜等待,就为见你一面,甚至刮风下雨之时。
There was no way she could come to terms with death, she lay night after night in a confused terror. 她无法和死亡达成协议,一夜一夜,她在混乱的思想和恐惧中躺着。
When his father gave him a compass he would just sit up night after night watching the needle pointing northward. 当父亲给了他一个指南针,他就整晚熬夜看指针指向北方。
They found out that the new baby was going to be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael sang to his sister in Mommy's tummy. 当他们发现是个女孩的时候,迈克尔每天都对着他妈妈肚子里的孩子唱歌。
I change my dress for her night after night, leaving the tattered cumber of the old in the wayside inns when the day dawns. 每个夜晚都为她换上新装,每个清晨,我都将褴褛的旧衣留在路旁的客栈里。
When those riots go on night after night for the best part of two weeks, only to continue getting worse, it starts to become truly alarming. 在过去两周的大部分时间里,出现一次又一次骚乱,情况不断恶化,越来越让人们感到担忧。
just as I have done, night after night, hearkening to the death watches in the wall. 就像我这样做,夜复一夜,胜有死亡的墙表。
Night after night, French television news seems to announce yet more job losses and factory closures. 夜复一夜,法国电视新闻似乎都在播报又有多少职位丢失、多少工厂倒闭。
He was even more startled, night after night, to hear them walk down to the river slowly, half asleep, and bathe in the water. 更令他惊奇的是,夜复一夜,他都听见他们半睡半醒地缓步走向河边,趟到河里洗起澡来。
Perhaps the mother sits at her work night after night, while her children go to bed without a prayer or a good-night kiss. 或者作母亲的,一晚复一晚的忙着自己的工作,而她的儿女们,没有什么祷告或一个“晚安”的亲吻,便去就寝。
night after night, a packed house, largely young people, follows the action for three and a half hours with an eager intensity. 剧场夜夜爆满,观众们--大多是年轻人--一连三个半小时;敛声屏息地注视着剧情的发展。
Day after day, night after night, they carry out missions like this in the face of enemy fire and grave danger. 他们冒着敌人的炮火和极大的危险,日日夜夜都在这样执行任务。
Terry had been written off by other teams as a stats guy who produced hollow numbers while losing night after night with Atlanta. Terry曾被其他球队看成数据男,每晚为输球的亚特兰大贡献的只是空洞的数字。
As the services progressed night after night, my mother tried to persuade me to join. 宗教仪式一晚又一晚地进行着,妈妈劝我也参加。
"It took months to do it, night after night, " he said. “做这些事情要整夜整夜地花费几个月时间,”他说。
Remember, don't hang up the wedding, because, night after night, wedding will have vertical force, the skirt body elongated even tear. 记住,不要把婚纱挂起来,因为,年长日久,婚纱会产生垂力,把裙身拉长甚至撕裂。
And how is Neil Diamond able to sell out concerts with minimal PR and advertising expenditures night after night? 尼尔·戴蒙德又是用何种方法日以继夜的以最少的公关以及广告花费上卖出演唱会门票的?
The experience of remaining on the roof night after night under fire , with no protection but a tin hat, soon became habitual . 人们虽一夜复一夜地冒着敌人的轰炸呆在房顶上,除一顶钢盔之外别无其他防护,但不久就习惯了。
So night after night Horace, then aged just 21, risked his life by breaking out of his cell to meet his young lover. 于是那时才刚21岁的贺拉斯一夜又一夜地冒着生命危险逃出监狱去见他的情人。
In many ways, this is unfortunate for the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the same lines night after night. 从许多方面说,这对可怜的演员们都是不幸的,这要求他们夜复一夜地重复相同的台词。
He tried to rouse them, first by staying up night after night to print mimeograph newspapers, and then by fighting. 他试图唤醒他们,首先是持续、连夜打印油印报纸,然后是战斗。