
美 [neɪm]英 [neɪm]
  • n.名称;名字;名声;名誉
  • v.命名;任命;给…取名;说出…的名称
  • adj.〈美口〉著名的;(作品等)据以取名的
  • 网络姓名;品名;产品名称

复数:names 现在分词:naming 过去式:named

same name,real name,family name,Common name,name marry
use name,sign name,spell name,get name,print name


n. v.

1.名字;名称a word or words that a particular person, animal, place or thing is known by

2.[ususing]名誉;名声;名气a reputation that sb/sth has; the opinion that people have about sb/sth

3.有…名称的;以…著名的;有…名声的having a name or a reputation of the kind mentioned, especially one that is known by a lot of people

4.名人a famous person


by name

凭名字;用…的名字using the name of sb/sth

by the name of…

名叫…的who is called

enter sbs/your name (for sth)|put sbs/your name down (for sth)

申请参加;替…报名(入学、参赛等)to apply for a place at a school, in a competition, etc. for sb or yourself

give your name to sth

用自己的名字命名所发明之物to invent sth which then becomes known by your name

go by the name of…

自称为…;假称是…to use a name that may not be your real one

have your/sbs name on it|with your/sbs name on it

是冲…来的;是为…准备的if sthhas your name on it , or there is sthwith your name on it , it is intended for you

in all but name

(表示实际存在但未得到正式认可)在只缺正式名分情况下used to describe a situation which exists in reality but that is not officially recognized

in Gods/Heavens name|in the name of God/Heaven

(尤用于疑问句,表示愤怒、惊奇或震惊)看在上帝的分儿上,到底,究竟used especially in questions to show that you are angry, surprised or shocked

in the name of sb/sth|in sbs/sths name

为(某人);在…名下for sb; showing that sth officially belongs to sb

in name only

名义上;有名无实officially recognized but not existing in reality

sbs name is mud

某人臭名昭著used to say that sb is not liked or popular because of sth they have done

the name of the game

问题的实质;最为重要的方面the most important aspect of an activity; the most important quality needed for an activity

a name to conjure with

大名鼎鼎的人;重量级人物;影响巨大的事物a person or thing that is well known and respected in a particular field

put a name to sb/sth

知道…的名称;记住…的称呼to know or remember what sb/sth is called

take sbs name in vain

滥用…的名义;亵渎…的名字to show a lack of respect when using sb's name

(have sth) to your name

拥有;获得;收归某人的名下to have or own sth

under the name (of)…

用…名字;以…假名using a name that may not be your real name


飞享印尼航空,体验非常印度尼西亚 - 蚂蜂窝 ... 航班号 FLIGHT GA 0051 姓 名 NAME 始发站 ORIGIN ...


字典中 名 字的解释 ... (8) 通“明”。明白[ understand] (1) 名字;名称[ name] (5) 名声,名誉,名望[ fame;reputation;renown] ...


字典中 名 字的解释 ... (8) 通“明”。明白[ understand] (1) 名字;名称[ name] (5) 名声,名誉,名望[ fame;reputation;renown] ...


的名称(Name)是每个类的图形中所必须拥有的元素,用于同其他类进行区分。类的名称通常来自于系统的问题域,并且尽可 …


水星家纺二合一蚕丝被参数_太平洋家居网产品库 ... 明 细[ Details] 品 名[ Name] 货 号[ No. ] ...


“网站公告”“会员登陆”用英文怎么说?_百度知道 ... 推荐产品: Recommended 产品名称Name 市场报价: Market Price ...


GNU Parted 不完全攻略 - PKKJ的日志 - 网易博客 ... 2.4.8 move( 移动) 2.4.9 name命名) 2.4.10 print( 输出信息) ...

He could scarcely pronounce my name but he taught me that it is not how much we give but how much love we put in the giving. 他连我的名字都说不清楚,但他教给我:重要的不在于我们给了多少,而是在我们给的时候有多少爱。
One day he met a Wemmick who was unlike any he'd ever met. She had no dots or stars. She was just wooden. Her name was Lucia. 有一天,他遇到一个与他见过的所有的人都不一样的微美克人。她既没有灰点也没有星星。只是木头,她的名字叫露西亚。
This door does not demand of him who enters whether he has a name, but whether he has a grief. 这扇门并不问走进来的人有没有名字,但是要问他是否有痛苦。
you might not know the name but his art, once seen, tends to stay with you. 弗兰克弗雷泽塔…你或许不知道他的名字,但他的艺术,一旦为你所见,终生难忘。
It is even prepared to be flexible over the contentious issue of the name the island uses. 台湾甚至准备柔性处理存在争议的名称。
The name Susan is often abbreviated to Sue. 人名Susan经常被缩写为Sue。
You can obtain the name of the class to which an object belongs, as well as its member properties and methods. 你可以取得对象所属的类的名字,以及它的成员属性和方法。
Only the people sacrificed in high places, because there was no house built unto the name of the LORD, until those days. 当那些日子,百姓仍在邱坛献祭,因为还没有为耶和华的名建殿。
The name must be identical with that used on the HKID card, passport or other identity document of applicant's home country. 该内容必须与所用的身份证,护照或其他身份证明完全相符
Mr Madoff was himself a big name, having been a chairman of the Nasdaq exchange, and his investors regarded him as a Wall Street insider. 马多夫自己就是个名人——他曾任纳斯达克(Nasdaq)证交所主席,他的投资者将他视为华尔街的内部人士。
Name and money are an extremely fat body and a burden of spiritual progress, which make us no longer lithesome and unable to go ahead. 名和利就是臃肿的身体,是精神进步的累赘,让自己变得不再轻盈,也无法进步。
Specifies the name of the author of an application or component, usually the name of the company that developed it. 指定应用程序或组件的作者名,通常是开发它的公司的名称。
A great owl, with yellow sulphurous eyes, called to him by his name, but he made it no answer. 一只长着黄色硫磺的巨大眼睛的猫头鹰,呼唤着他的名字,但他没有应答。
A more promising tip involves thinking of someone else you know well with that name and trying to connect them to this person. 一个更可行的建议是,想想你的熟人里有没有也叫这个名字的,试着把他们和这个人联系起来。
It's got a great library and great bookstores: Fact & Fiction, Shakespeare & Co. , the Book Exchange, to name but a few. 它有一座伟大的图书馆,还有几家好书店:事实小说、莎士比亚公司、书籍交换所……仅举几例。
But in the name of Allah, swear, I all do not know you. 不过,以安拉的名义起誓,我全不知道你的情况。
This parameter specifies the name of the Client Access server on which Outlook Anywhere is to be disabled. 此参数指定要禁用OutlookAnywhere的客户端访问服务器的名称。
And the children are surrounded with Chinese characters on everything from the name cards on their desks to the drawing of a fish on a wall. 这些孩子周边到处都是汉字,从他们桌上的名片,到?上画的鱼。
Once a Zabrak from Iridonia, Maul abandoned all trace of his former identity when he took on his Sith name. 曾经是一位艾里多尼亚的萨巴克人,魔在他接受西斯之名时,抛弃了所有和他过去身分的痕迹。
He took the name George Orwell, shortly before its publication. 在这本书出版之前,他取用“乔治·奥威尔”这个笔名。
Type in the name of a file to be inserted into the current file buffer at the current cursor location. 先把文件的名称键入,它将会插入在目前缓冲区的游标所在之处。
Lambda If you just want to create a temporary function and don't want to bother giving it a name, lambda is what you need. 如果你只是想创建一个临时函数,并不想给它一个命名,lambda如你所愿。
The name of the element to be created is specified by a required name attribute and an optional namespace attribute. 要创建的元素的名称由必选的name属性和可选的namespace属性指定。
During that time, the colonists convinced her to convert to Christianity, and she was baptized with the name "Rebecca. " 在那段时间,殖民说服她改信基督教,她受洗成为「蕾贝卡」(Rebecca)。
Paulson is not the only big name caught up in the storm. 保尔森并不是卷入这场风暴的唯一大牌人物。
The combination of your name and a strong password provide sufficient corroboration. 将您的用户名和强密码组合在一起,这样可以提供足够的安全性加强。
The method metadata token provides the name, class and signature of the method to call. 方法元数据标记提供要调用的方法的名称、类和签名。
At this time, a senior medical scientist-old shouted: "Enough! " then said: "The Miracle of the name, called his father. " 这时,一位资深的老医学家喊道:“够了!”然后一字一顿地说:“这个奇迹的名字,叫父亲。”
The couple was backed by the County Administrative Court in Goteborg, which ruled on March 13 that there was no reason to block the name. 哥德堡地方行政法院对这对夫妇给予了支持,并于3月13日做出裁决:税务局没有理由拒绝注册这个名字。
After fumbling through her purse, she presented me with what she said was the only thing that bore both her name and address. 在手提袋中找来找去,然后,她给了我一张她说唯一拥有她的姓名和地址的东西。