never think

  • 网络从不去思考;片尾曲

never thinknever think

never think


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...因为她(Catherine)想要听。然而她把它放在片尾曲(Never think)。然后她说 ' 嘿,看这个。' 而我没有注意到在播的是我的歌。 …

Never think that what you yourself get is the best. If you think so, you may never confess that others get something better than you. 并非我的东西就是最好的。如果我这么想了,我是在不服气别人得到比我更好的。
Countdown of love, the only remaining few days, you will never think of me. Honey, I love you. 倒计时的爱,仅剩的几天里、你永远不会想到我、亲爱的、我爱过你。
It has that sense of going up and away, and yet you never think about how you would really trip if you were, particularly going down. 那种悬上即离的感觉,然后你永远不知道整个过程是怎样的如果你知道,大概就是下来的时候吧。
This was the case, and I downloaded the new versions, but most people would never think to check for this kind of thing. 但多数人从来不会想到查看这类东西的。
You've helped me so often to see the bright side of my problems that I never think of you having any. 你总是让我看到问题的光明面,有时候我就忘记了你也会有烦恼。
Forgetting someone doesn't mean never think of him, but thinking of him with a calm heart. 忘记一个人,并非不再想起,而是偶尔想起,心中却不再有波澜。
"Don't talk like a fool, " I said. "Besides, what happened to me is supposed to be funny. I never think about it. " “别说傻话了,”我说。“而且,对我自己的遭遇,我总是一笑置之,我从来不去想它。”
You've been a great friend, you've help me so often to see the bright side of my problems, and I never think of you have any. . . 你一直是个很伟大的朋友。你经常帮我从诸多大麻烦中解脱。而我却一直认为你没有任何难题。
everyone is not what you see, and never think them simply. you want to do well, and the others want to do better. that is all. that is work. 每个人不是你所看到的表面那样,不要把别人想的太简单,你想做得好,别人更想。这就是工作。
she cried, catching hold of his hands. 'But how cruel of you to run away and keep silent for four years, and never think of me! ' 她抓住他的手,兴奋地说,“可你多忍心啊!出走之后杳无音讯都四年了,也从不想我!”
You never think what i'm feeling, but I also want to care more for her . 不想想我的感受,我也多么想多么关心她一下。
Though it was terrible to have frightening masks on , people never think of it as something bad. 尽管戴着吓人的面具是可怕的,但人们从不把它看成坏事。
Flicking through the channels on an otherwise boring night and a movie you love, but would never think to watch, is just starting. 在一个无聊的夜晚调台时,正好发现某台有一部你喜欢却没有机会去看的电影才刚刚开始。
Never think of investment capital as an end in itself, it's simply a tool to carry you and your company forward. 永远不要把获得投资当成是结果,钱永远只是一件简单的工具,一件让你和你的公司前进的工具。
To look at him you'd never think he was a successful businessman. 若看他的外貌,谁也想不到他是个事业有成的商人。
What shapes our lives are the questions we ask, refuse to ask, or never think to ask. 我们的人生是由我们所问、拒绝提问,及没想过要提问来决定什么样的人生。
To me I am always proud of my work, but I never think this one would be a masterpiece before I do it. 对于我而言,我对自己的每件作品都感到骄傲,但是我在设计一件作品前,从来没有想过这会变成一件杰作。
'Gerald! ' she exclaimed. 'He's the most wanting of them all. You'd never think it, to look at him now, would you? ' “杰拉德!”她叫道。“他是孩子们当中最没用的一个。你没想到吧,是不是?”
I never think about the consequence, i just wanna hold your hand, be with you forever. 我没有考虑过结果,我只想过牵着你的手一直走下去。
'Now, listen. You must never think of such a wicked thing again. Promise me as your husband never to do anything like that. ' 现在,听着。你必须永远不再想那样邪恶的事情。向我,向你的丈夫保证你永远不会做出那种事情。
Business analysts never think in terms of system boundaries, execution, messages or business objects (but developers do). 业务分析师从不根据系统边界、执行、消息或业务对象进行思考(开发人员是)。
However, Allosaurus would never think of in their own behind a Tyrannosaurus rex is known as land-based supremacy eyeing it. 然而异特龙绝不会想到的是在自己身后,一只号称陆上霸主的霸王龙正对它虎视眈眈。
Would you never forgive me, then, Nancy -- never think well of me -- would you never think the present made amends for the past? 南希,那麽你永远不会宽恕我了--无论怎样,你永远不会对我有好的看法--你永远认为过去的过失不可弥补吗?
You will be setting your cap at him now, and never think of poor Brandon. 你现在要去追求他啦,从此再也不想可怜的布兰登了。
please never think about this, god has given you this life. your day will come too. 请不要这样,人命天定。你的好日子也会来的。
I never think of a bird's nest but think of my childhood. 每次想到鸟巢,我就想到到了童年。
If anyone has any ounce of spirituality in their soul at all, they would never think of destroying another's Holy Book. 如果任何人有任何盎司的精神在他们的灵魂,那麽就不会觉得破坏他人的圣书。
Never think you are stronger more than others, you just aware more so far. 永远别觉得自己比别人强,你终究不过是比别人看的多而已。
You guys never think I can do anything, but I'm an equal member of this herd. 你们这些家伙从来以为我什么都不会,但我也是这个集体中平等的一员啊。
I thought u would understand that after what happened to me, that I would NEVER think that way. 我相信你应该明白了后来我发生了什么事,我从未那么想过的。