
美 [dɑt]英 [dɒt]
  • n.点;小点;小圆点
  • v.点缀;在(字母上方、字母或单词旁边)加点;星罗棋布于;遍布
  • adj.一瘸一拐的[地]
  • 网络现代结核病控制策略(directly observed treatment shortcourse);短程化疗;直接观察治疗

复数:dots 过去式:dotted 现在分词:dotting



n. v.

1.点;小点;小圆点a small round mark, especially one that is printed


on the dot

准时;在指定时刻exactly on time or at the exact time mentioned

现代结核病控制策略(directly observed treatment shortcourse)

全省现代结核病控制策略DOTS)覆盖率保持在100%;2012年发现活动性肺结核患者3.8万例,超额完成患者发现任务;新 …


监督下的短程化疗DOTS)是当今结核病控制的首要策略。新发菌阳性肺结核患者在直接监督下至少头2个月应联用4种药物( …

ZBRUSH功能详解 - derful的日志 - 网易博客 ... Texture( 纹理) Dots( ) DragRect( 拖拉矩形) ...


3d max 中英文对照 - 小M的日志 - 网易博客 ... Dope Sheet 摄影表 Dots 圆点 Double Buffer 双倍缓冲区 ...


□甲类经直接观察治疗DOTS)达14天或其他证据证实已无传染之虞者。1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14若您为参加直接观察 …


短程督导化疗(DOTS)是控制结核病的有效策略,是解决当前结核病危机的关键措施[1]。采用灵活的督导管理方法,就能克服诸 …


全程督导短程化疗DOTS)是控制结核病以及保证病人正确诊断和治疗直至治愈的唯一有效的策略 3.1 家庭督导员的选择与培 …

The more creative people chose the more lucrative right side even though there was no reason for them to believe it had more dots. 创意性更丰富的人即使在明知没有理由确定右边的圆点多的情况下,也会选择奖励更为丰厚的右侧。
In repeated tests, the 97 volunteers had less than a second to identify dots hidden in one or other of a pair of adjacent images. 在重复实验中,97名志愿者需在不超过一秒的时间里分辨出隐藏在一对相邻图像中任意一张里的黑点。
Which leads to the second possibility: that the Lib Dems can only splash a few yellow dots on to a deep-blue juggernaut. 这导致了第二种可能:自由民主党只能在深蓝色的主宰基调溅上几个黄点。
I then realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and torso. She was wearing a little white dress with red polka dots. 她穿着一件小白裙,上面还有红色的圆点花纹。
With a while loop set up to read from stdin, the various components of the dots file are extracted. 建立一个while循环从stdin中读取数据,这样可以将dots文件中的各项内容提取出来。
DOTS is feasible everywhere because the companion is usually not a community health worker at all, but a family member or neighbor. 直接观察治疗在任何地方都是可行的因为,伙伴完全不是团体的卫生工作者,除了家庭成员或邻居。
"No thanks, " Mark said as he began to look around. He noticed some black dots on the ground nearby. 马克一面回答一面开始四处张望。他注意到旁边地上有些黑点。
Line them up in a pattern, these white dots add in the flamboyant effect. A few rays can be added to make the gems seem more real. 按照一定的方式规则的排列起来之后,这些光点就体现出光华灿烂的效果了。可以再加上一些光线,增加宝石的逼真度。
But quantum dots make it possible to tag a variety of biological molecules, each with a crystal of a different size (and hence color). 但量子点却可以用不同大小的晶体(颜色也就不同),将许多不同的生物分子打上标签。
Nor are screens the only use to which quantum dots might be put. 制造屏幕并非是量子点唯一的可能用途。
PITTED : Small indentations appearing as black dots on finished surfaces of any piece of product; undesirable surface defects. 麻面:在任何成品零件的表面上出现的小的黑色的麻点,这是不希望的缺陷。
For the first series, the children viewed groups of dots and were asked to say whether there were more blue or yellow dots. 第一个测试中,孩子们需要观察一组点状标记,其后被问到是蓝色还是黄色的点更多。
Nanocrystals, also known as quantum dots, are semiconducting particles with a diameter of a few millionths of a millimetre. 纳米晶体(也被称为量子点)是一些半导体粒子,其直径为几百万分之一毫米。
I think you may be able to see something happen in the sky, two white dots instead of one white dot. 我想你也许可以看到空中发生的一些情况,看到两个而不是一个白色的点。
Doctors will be able to use IT to cut away cancerous growth, destroy blood dots or to repair breaks in the tissue. 医生能用它切除癌生长,清除血栓或修复组织破裂处。
Up and down the streets all over the city, people spent their days sticking stars or dots on one another. 整个城市的大街小巷,人们整天就是在彼此的身上或贴星星,或贴灰点。
InVisage's approach is to build the photodetector out of quantum dots on the surface of a chip, above the circuitry. InVisage的方法是在芯片的表面、电子线路的上面再放一个量子点光电探测器。
Leader: (1) Row of dots used to lead the eye across a page. (2) A length of blank paper or magnetic tape used FOR loading purposes. 引点,(2)引纸:(2)引导视线横过纸面的小点。(2)用来引导纸卷或磁带进入机内装置的空白部份。
One day he met a Wemmick who was unlike any he'd ever met. She had no dots or stars. She was just wooden. Her name was Lucia. 有一天,他遇到一个与他见过的所有的人都不一样的微美克人。她既没有灰点也没有星星。只是木头,她的名字叫露西亚。
Meadows, filled with summer's wild flowers of every color, dots of trees in groups, their emerald green heads nodding in the sun. 绿草地上到处是五颜六色的夏季野花,一片片树林以翠绿的树顶在阳光下摇头晃脑。
Placing the quantum dots on top of the electronics means more pixels can be crammed into a given area and less incoming light is lost. 将这种量子点涂在电子设备上意味着每一个特定区域都能产生更高的像素,并且入射光线的散失会更少。
Listen , read, become a keen observer, and connect the dots to make sense of it all. 倾听,阅读,成为敏锐的观察者,将小事串连起来以明了全局。
It's sort of like the telegraph, only you hear words instead of dots and dashes. 有点像电报,区别在于你能直接听到单词,而不是滴滴答答的单调声音。
All of this little blue dots freckled up and down the state of Florida are past instances of sinkholes. 所有这些向上和向下的小蓝点在佛罗里达州是过去的天坑实例。
Dots used to indicate the location of the next character or symbol to be entered. 过去常常表明下一个的位置的小圆点性格或者符号被进入。
Some of the Wemmicks admired Lucia for having no dots, so they would urn up and give her a star. But it would fall off. 有些人很钦佩露西亚没有得到任何灰点,所以他们便想为她贴上星星,但是一贴,贴纸就掉下来了。
In this test kids watched groups of blue and yellow dots flash on a computer screen, and had to guess which color was more numerous. 测试过程中,研究人员让孩子们看电脑屏幕上蓝色、黄色圆点动画,然后让他们猜那种颜色的比较多。
I helped to found this company, so my assessments may be biased , but I view the prospects for quantum dots as, well, bright. 由于我协助建立了这家公司,评估可能有所偏颇,但我认为量子点的前景确实是一片光明。
Emotion cannot be affected by material. In the text, I always love dots. As long as you work hard, you will definitely meet happiness. 不以物喜,不以己悲,在乐谱里我总爱看到附点,努力一点就会不同!
The issue was that none of the dots had any meaning whatsoever. 问题是,这些点,都没有任何意义。