
美 [ˈdɪfɪkəlt]英 [ˈdɪfɪk(ə)lt]
  • adj.困难的;费力的;难做的;难解的
  • 网络艰难的;难以;不易相处的

difficult problem,difficult situation,difficult task,difficult time,difficult thing


1.~ (for sb) (to do sth)困难的;费力的;难做的;难解的not easy; needing effort or skill to do or to understand

2.问题很多的;充满艰难困苦的;麻烦的full of problems; causing a lot of trouble

3.难以讨好的;难以取悦的;不愿帮助的not easy to please; not helpful


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... fun adj. 令人愉快的 difficult adj. 困难的 relaxing adj. 轻松的 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... different a. 不同的,有差异的 difficult a. 难的;艰难的;不易相处的 difficulty n. 困难,费力 ...


我自信一致难以(Difficult)保障贞节。而捷克、瑞士的前卫想要(Want to)攻破土耳其的防地,再烦,也别忘微笑;再急,也要注 …


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... different a. 不同的,有差异的 difficult a. 难的;艰难的;不易相处的 difficulty n. 困难,费力 ...

Is often difficult not to be knocked down, but down automatically because you're afraid. 往往不是被困难击倒,而是因为害怕困难而自动倒下。
So, when he gets stuck on a puzzle for more than two hours, that's when you know it's too difficult. 所以,当他在游戏的迷题中遇到困难超过两小时的话,那就表明了这个设计过于难了。
Nor will the bank find itself with a hole in its balance sheet, even if it's difficult to see how the bond will ever be repaid. 这样做,建设银行的资产负债表上也不会有“窟窿”,即使这批债券的偿还希望渺茫。
Mary rely solely on its own strength to feel that the implementation of her plan is difficult. 玛丽觉得单靠自己的力量执行她的计划是困难的。
The bike has no chains or gears, making hills extremely difficult to climb and dangerous to descend due to its small brake. 这辆车没有链子,也没有排档,因为它的刹车闸很小,所以骑着它爬山非常困难,而下坡又异常危险。
But just they got to the door, a man suddenly asked the driver a difficult question. 可是就在他们走到门口时,有人突然问司机一个难题。
And of course, describing all this, any of you who know politics will think this is incredibly difficult, and I entirely agree with you. 当然,描述这些,任何对政治有所了解的人都知道这相当相当的困难,我完全的赞同。
She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place, because she was concerned about whether they would be discovered. 她发觉很难解决,让自己平静下来的藏身之处,因为她担心的是他们是否会被发现。
What was the most difficult part of your life to bring in balance or in accordance with your dreams? How did you manage to do that? 在你的生活平衡或者和梦想冲突时,什么是你生活中最艰难的部分?你是怎样度过的?
"We had three centre backs out yesterday but the January market is notoriously difficult in terms of quality players available, " he said. 我们昨天有3名中后卫缺阵,而想要在冬季转会市场得到有限的优秀球员,从来不是件容易的事。
What was the most difficult part of the transformation into the advanced early riser for you? 什么是使你变成一个早起者最困难的一件事?
Those of the body are easy to treat. Much more difficult are the hidden maladies that fester in our hearts. 身体上的容易治疗,困难的是隐埋在内心深处的伤痛。
How accurately evaluate the status of human resource in college is all along a difficult issue in human resource management of college. 如何比较准确有效地评估高校人力资源状况一直是高校人力资源管理的一个难点。
However, this kind of algorithm is often based on mathematical theory models which are difficult to be understood. 然而,这类算法往往要以复杂的数学理论模型为基础,较难理解。
There might be situations where you find it difficult to split a page into a set of normalized panels. 某些情况下,您会发现很难将页面拆分为一组规范化的面板。
is going to be very difficult. I'm going to phone the police, Roger. 罗杰,我要打电话给警察。
It might be difficult for her to establish and enforce boundaries with a much older man. 她与一位年龄很大的男人建立共识,也许有所困难。
This was a swift change for me and a difficult decision, but I feel that I chose the best person to take over here. 这是一个突然的改变,一个艰难的决定,不过我觉得我选对了人来代替我。
Rafa [Benitez] has been interested in my state, of course, because we have had a difficult month but he never pushed for me to leave. 拉法非常焦急我的状况,当然,因为我们面对魔鬼赛程,但是他没有给我催促离开的压力。
Her unattractiveness made it difficult for her to get notice by the public. 因貌不出众她很难得到公众的注意。
It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. 对全靠“不懂事”而领薪的人,是不容易要他“懂事”的。
I read what Jesus Christ had said. But I said to myself, "All these things are too difficult for me to do. " 我读了基督耶稣说的话,可我暗想:所有这一切对于我来说是很难实现的。
Can you remember how difficult it was for you to break a habit that you desired to break some years back? 还记得几年前,你想改掉一个习惯是多么费劲吗?
I am on to the next bride, giving her all my attention, and often they find it a little difficult. 我在给另一位新娘做顾问,给了她我所有的注意力。这让她们觉得很难过。
Any matter, anybody, can become, do not not be able to pass with it. Regardless of difficult, we must learn to leave to draw back. 任何事,任何人,都会成为过去、不要跟它过不去。无论多难,我们都要学会抽身而退。
He was convinced on the basis of what had by then appeared that there would be a long and a difficult struggle. 他根据当时已出现的情况,深信以后会有一场漫长而艰难的斗争。
Predicting the return on the stock market over a few years is difficult if not impossible, but predicting it over the long term is easier. 即使可能,预测几年内的股市盈利是有困难的,但是预测长线回报则简单一些。
"We ended a difficult period of our history and removed the stain from the face of the members of our nation wherever they live, " he said. “我们结束了我国历史艰难时期,并免去了我们民族的成员,他们住的地方面临的污渍,”他说。
And I feel like having dealt with adversity really helps me to lead a group of men through difficult times as well. 而且我喜欢与逆境处理后真的帮助我渡过难关,带领一组男人和感觉。
It would be difficult for me to tell you who will start because I do not know yet. 我都不知道谁会首发,现在让我告诉你们出场阵容,真不扯呢嘛。