
美 [tɪr]英 [tɪə(r)]
  • n.层;级;等级;阶
  • v.成层堆积[排列];层层上升
  • 网络行;排层;多层


northern tier



1.级;阶;层a row or layer of sth that has several rows or layers placed one above the other

2.阶层;等级one of several levels in an organization or a system

第四tier)称为附加保费。在该受益 包中,计划可提供额外的福利,如成人牙齿 或视力或其它健康保险未覆盖的受益。



听力单词 - 豆丁网 ... propagate 扩散,增长 tier ,行,排,层 stagger 交错排列 ...

elude的翻译 查词 例句 词组 大耳朵英语 ... tuneful 和谐的, 音调优美的... tier , 层, 等级... stator 定子, 固定片 ... ...

听力单词 - 豆丁网 ... propagate 扩散,增长 tier 列,,排,层 stagger 交错排列 ...


自考“英语(二)”词汇(15) - 自考365 ... humanistic a. 人文主义的,人本主义的,人道主义的 tier n. 排层;等级 route n. 路线…


三层/多层Tier)是一种物理部署结构,其与一系列的分布式通信技术分不开,常用的分布式通信技术如下:DCOM DCOM全 …

The one between the pillars on the first tier--it seems to have been fitted up entirely afresh. 第一排两根柱子之间的那一个,它似乎已全部改装过了。
CEBS said the test's 6% Tier One capital ratio threshold should by no means be interpreted as a regulatory minimum. CEBS表示,6%的一级资本率要求不应该被视为最低监管要求。
With major backing and a first tier partner, the question is whether Knewton can mobilize quickly enough to meet demand. 有了重大支持和一流合作伙伴作为后盾,现在剩下的问题是,Knewton是否能以足够快的速度行动起来,满足市场的需求。
Those that do not fully meet the requirements but are trying to improve are listed in Tier two. 那些不完全符合要求,而且正在努力改进列于第二个层次。
OLE DB avoids the terms client and server because these roles do not always make sense, especially in an n-tier situation. OLEDB避免使用术语“客户端”和“服务器”,因为这些角色并不总是有意义,尤其具有n层的情况下。
In what seems to be a response, Amazon has made available a free AWS Usage Tier for new customers for one year. 似乎是作为对此的响应,Amazon为新用户提供一年的AWS免费使用方式。
A lack of any real top tier data over the next 36 hours may keep markets locked in a consolidation mood. 接下来36小时内没有任何真正重要的数据要出炉,或令市场陷入盘整。
Although this did allow you to use Typed Dataset in N-Tier scenario, it had one major problem. 尽管这的确使得您可以在N层架构中使用强类型的DataSet。
The data tier is a bit of a different beast since it is usually better to have dedicated hardware for your database. 数据层有点与众不同,因为通常情况下,最好具有专用于数据库的硬件。
Or, to save time, the inner branch shape has a yellow diamond that you can drag to create a second tier line, too. 为了节省时间,也可以拖动带有黄色菱形的内部分支形状以创建第二层线条。
The database administrator is able to audit actions of the middle-tier application acting on behalf of a given set of users. 数据库管理员可以对中间层应用程序代表给定一组用户执行的动作进行审计。
These guidelines help investigators to assess whether or not a causal factor can be associated with a particular tier in the diagram. 这些原则协助调查人员评估因果要素是否与图中的特定层级相关。
It is ready to use Context3 to deploy the N-tier clustered application and my floating remote office infrastructure in a matter of minutes. 已经可以使用Context3来部署N层集群式应用程序和移动远程办公基础架构了,几分钟就可以搞定。
in the case of berths placed along the ship's side, there should be only a single tier where a sidelight is situated above a berth. 如果床位靠船侧摆放,若床位上方有舷窗,只应设置单层床位。
Multi-tenancy is often managed both at the hardware and software level, regardless of the tier of storage on which the data resides. 多租户往往是硬件和软件水平上的管理,而与数据存储在哪层无关。
At the front tier of OpenNMS, adapting the system for a specific vertical application domain is quite straightforward. 在OpenNMS前端这一层,使系统适应特定垂直应用程序领域变得非常简单。
Double-tier platens have no distortion on the surface which fix the mold , thus high- precision molding is secured . 头板和二板为双层模板,模板的码模面不会弯曲变形,从而确保了模具成型高精度制品。
A server-based client tier is often used within a JavaServer Page to interact with a remote Web service. 基于服务器的客户机层通常在JavaServerPage中被用来与远程Web服务交互。
Of that capacity, roughly 22 per cent is for "tier three" producers who would be most likely to be affected by a quality crackdown. 其中约22%的产能来自“三级”生产商,它们最有可能受到质量整治行动的影响。
The obvious solution for this issue is to centralize your application's cached data into a single tier and through a single collection. 该问题的一个明显的解决方案是将应用程序的缓存数据集中到单个层中并使用单个集合。
One thing missing through all this, however, was an adequate demonstration of just how NIO might improve the scalability of a J2EE Web tier. 但它们所遗漏的一件事正是,没有充分地展示NIO如何可以提高J2EEWeb层的可伸缩性。
Monday also happened to be her 30th birthday, and the cast and crew surprised the actress with a large three-tier cake, moving her to tears. 星期一恰好是李宝英30岁生日,演员和职员们意想不到地为她送上了一个大大的三层蛋糕,让她激动地流下了眼泪。
This was particularly effective in second- and third-tier cities where our factories tend to be among the most attractive places to work. 这在二三线城市特别有效,在这些地方,我们的工厂往往是最有吸引力的工作单位之一。
"A Chinese graduate from a second-tier university is not the equal of an American in language skills and cultural familiarity, " he said. “中国二流大学的毕业生在语言能力和对文化的熟悉程度上都不及美国的学生,”他说。
Control supports a three-tier architecture by providing a way for you to bind data controls on the page to a middle-tier business object. 控件通过提供一种将相关页上的数据控件绑定到中间层业务对象的方法,为三层结构提供支持。
Egan said it would be a day or so before it would be clear whether investors are ready to fund the second tier of banks. Egan说,关于投资者是否准备向二线银行提供融资,还需要一天左右的时间才能见分晓。
Enables you to work with a business object or other class and create Web applications that rely on middle-tier objects to manage data. 允许您使用业务对象或其他类,以及创建依赖中间层对象管理数据的Web应用程序。
Without Yalong, 'it would be very hard to sell Sanya' as a top-tier destination, says Mr. Tang of the Sanya tourism board. 唐副局长说,如果没有亚龙湾,把三亚打造成顶级度假胜地“就会很难”。
Our reporter Chen Chao has just been mentioned, and said the embassy has now launched a three-tier plan, which is what kind of plan? 刚刚我们的记者陈超已经提到了,说现在大使馆已经启动了三级预案,这是一个什么样的预案?
Setting a breakpoint in a T-SQL or SQL CLR object automatically enables the server for multi-tier application debugging, if it is possible. 如果可能,则在T-SQL或SQLCLR对象中设置断点将为多层应用程序调试自动启用服务器。