the artist

  • 网络艺术家;星光梦里人;大艺术家

the artistthe artist

the artist


个性派艺术家(The Artist):在初创公司里“艺术家”很常见,他们热情有活力,还总是有用不完的点子。


早前电影《星光梦里人》(the Artist)「无声无色」在各颁奖典礼中成为大嬴家,在这3D电影新世代伊始,可算是一个突击。 …


今年奥斯卡最佳影片<大艺术家(The Artist)>,以黑白默片的经典影像风格,把”女人要的是爱,男人要的是自尊”诠释得淋漓尽致 …


第84届奥斯卡专题 ... 最佳导演 迈克尔·哈扎纳维希乌斯艺术家 The Artist 最佳男主角 让·杜雅尔丹艺术家 The Artist ...


不只随兴 更有个性 美式经典将风靡全台-... ... The Original 原创精神 The Artist 艺术奇才 Coconut Tuberose 恬淡夜来香 ...


如何使用goo... ... ·蜂蜜扞卫战 Honey Battle v1.3 ·艺术图片 The Artist v1.0 ·饿鲛狂鲨第二部分 Hungry Shark - Part 2 v2.2.0 ...


但这次在艺术家》(THE ARTIST)举行的首映式上还是大方的跟范冰冰同台了,很配合的为广大影迷提供了“双冰戛纳争艳”的 …

The artist was a pretty cool guy. He used to be a soldier in the army, but he decided that he would rather make a living doing art. 纹身师傅是很酷的一个人。他曾经是在部队的军人,但是他决定他要从事刺青这个艺术行业。
Several galleries around the world advertise it as a limited edition by Calder, although the artist had nothing to do with it. 全球有好几家画廊宣称这是考尔德的限量版作品,但实际上它跟这位艺术家毫无关系。
At the age of twenty, I borrowed books from library like Shakespeare's Complete Works, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Ulysses. 二十岁的时候,从图书馆借的是《莎士比亚全集》、《一个青年艺术家的自画像》和《尤里西斯》。
The arrows at the bottom take you to the next picture in the artist's gallery. 箭头在底部带你到下一张照片在艺术家的画廊。
There was a triumphant homecoming dinner. The artist rose from the table to drink a toast to his beloved brother for his years of sacrifice. 艺术家从桌旁站了起来,为他值得敬佩的兄弟干了一杯,感谢他这几年所做的牺牲。
Of course, as a result of a strong regulatory role of political ideology, the artist had to work under stringent constraints painting. 当然,由于强大的政治意识形态的规范作用,画家不得不在严苛的制约之下进行绘画创作。
The artist said the Shanghai government asked him to build the studio two years ago, hoping to create a new cultural district. 这位艺术家说,上海政府两年前请求他建这个工作室,希望以此为契机,建立一个新的文化区。
Those familiar with the artist's work may recall his paintings of the trains that pass along the railway line at the bottom of that garden. 熟悉这位大师作品的人会想起他的地铁画,这些画沿着这花园下的地铁线逐一展示。
If the artist merely the study of history, we can not be a real breakthrough in terms of the surface deep into the question of which to the. 如果艺术家仅仅停留在对历史的研究上,我们是无法真正突破词语的表层深入到问题的里面去的。
You know, sometimes it is the artist's task to find out how much music you can still make with what you have left. 你知道,有时候让一个艺术家用他仅存的东西去找出有多少音乐他还掌握着,这是一种责任。
A note from his son, Xu Boyang, on the back of the painting attests that it was by his father, although the artist died in 1953. 画上附有徐悲鸿的儿子徐伯阳出示的背书,证明该画是他父亲所做,虽然画家早在1953年就去世了。
If the front of the lotus pond is seen as a significant one live draw, the artist's ability to be really great. 如果把眼前的这一池荷花看作是一大幅活的画,那画家的本领可真了不起。
He mentioned this to his wife and conjectured aloud that the artist must have made a mistake. 费希向他太太提出这点,并纵声猜测雕塑家弄错了。
To know more about the artist is to know that this was the work of a troubled mind. 了解这个艺术家越多,是为了了解这个作品的骚动不安的精神
The artist signed a contract with him, in which we both agreed that conceptually, the soles of Ma Zhongxin belonged to me. 艺术家与马中欣签署了一份合同,合同证明马中欣的脚底在观念上是属于我的。
E. g. : The artist has finally been accorded something of his due. 那位艺术家最终多少得到了应得的荣誉。
Full name of the "artist's studio, a real moral of the story summed up in seven years of my artistic life situation. " 全名《画家的工作室,一个现实的寓意,概括了我七年来艺术生活情况》。
See if you can get into a more comfortable, reclining position--but make sure to ask the artist first before you try to move. 看看是否能调整到一个比较舒服的姿态――但在任何移动前都要询问纹身师。
I cannot quite remember the name of that hill in Paris, but there is a story in the artist village that I will never forget. 巴黎市区的那个山头,我已经记不大清楚叫什么名儿了,但那个画家村里的一件事,却总是让我难忘。
The artist coats her models with paint, obscuring the body while intimately exposing it, creating raw account of the person. 艺术家用绘画覆盖她的模特,模糊化其躯体并将其直接地展示,描绘出人的自然状态。
Subsequently, a woman came to visit the artist's hand, the last artists find themselves imprisoned, is only a puppet pull strings reality. 后来又有一只女人的手前来拜访艺人,最后艺人发现自己被囚禁,只是一个牵线木偶的现实。
The artist formerly known as Gordon received his introduction to music thanks to his mother. 这位艺术家早期叫戈登,是通过母亲开始接触音乐的。
To make a lithograph the artist draws with a special waxy crayon onto a fine-grained limestone block or a specially grained zinc plate. 使随即艺术家以一种特殊的吸引到一个细糯蜡笔或特殊粒石灰岩块锌板。
The young girl got off the train. The artist asked for her name, but she would not tell him. 这位年轻女孩下车了,画家问她姓名,但她不想告诉他。
She thinks that the artist's thought must be open, listening, reading and trying to read more things. 她认为艺术家的思想必须是开放的,要多听、多看也去试着读懂更多的事情。
The man 'undressed, mounted the revolving stand [used by models] as if he had never posed, ' the artist recorded. “那个人脱光衣服,登上模特专用的旋转支架,看起来好像从未当过模特,”,艺术家写道。
Just what is the artist trying to say in her work? 那艺术家在她的作品中究竟想表达什麽?
The artist took a scene that had dominated art for centuries and gave it a completely new perspective. 廷托雷托画了几个世纪以来的占主导艺术的一个场景,完全是一种新的视角。
in four different urban locations , during a heavy down - pour , a fixed camera is observing the artist trying to animate these vacancies. 在都市的四个不同的角落,下着倾盆大雨,一台固定相机记录着艺术家试图改变这种空虚的身影。
When this young lady took a rest, the artist started binding her leg. At this point, I still did not understand what the art meant. 乘这这位小姐小息的档儿。艺术家有开始绑起了她的脚。到现在我也没弄懂他的行为究竟为了什么?