the east

  • na.东方
  • 网络东部;东方的代称;有人居住东部

the eastthe east

the east


...是学者的一种话语,它代表着现代欧洲近来从仍属异质的东方the East)所创造出来的东西。” [29] 一方面,东方学力图尽 …


Chinese Annotation Results ... 夺取/ snatch/ 东部/ the east/the eastern part/ 西部/ western part/ ...


字典中 青 字的解释 ... (4) 深绿色[ green] (2) 东方的代称[ the east] (4) 春的代称[ spring] ...


  2.美国地域辽阔,一大家人中,有人居住东部(the East),有人居住西部(the West),有人住在南部(the South)或中西部(the Middl…


英语中的所有方向词_百度知道 ... North-West 西北 the east 东边 the west 西边 ...


Those Years,Those Shows... ... 《World matters Speed》(《 惊恐效率》) 《The East》(《 情迷东方》) 《Transgressi…


英语the的所有用法(要仔细,明了)_百度知道 ... the world 世界 the East 东洋; (美)东部地方 the West 西洋; (美)西部地方 ...


...没时,君土坦丁堡(Constanti—nople)皇命所及的范围内仍有东方(The EAST)、色雷斯(Thrace)、伊利里琴(Illyricum)三个野战 …

It was a coming-of-age moment, and he was on his way to celebrate with friends in the East Bay. 这是一个创时代的时刻,所以他打算赶往EastBay去与朋友庆祝。
Decoupling was always a misnomer if it implied that an American recession would have no impact in the East. 如果脱钩是讲美国经济衰退不会对东方产生影响的话,那么这是误导。
Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to his foot, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings? 谁从东方兴起一人,凭公义召他来到脚前呢。
There was silence for a while. Angel could see the first light in the east. They had not much time. 有一会儿,他们都默不作声。安吉尔能看到东方亮起了第一道曙光。他们没有多少时间了。
But the fact that it carries the new flag hoisted all over the east by the rebels suggests that it may just have switched allegiances. 但从它扯起的新旗号遍布叛军治下的东部看来,不过是转投了新主子而已。
If I flew away beyond the east or lived in the farthest place in the west, You would be there to lead me, You would be there to help me. 我若展开清晨的翅膀,飞到海极居住;就是在那里,你的手必引导我,你的右手也必扶持我。
One of his books was an examination of poverty in the East End of London. 他有本著作,考察了伦敦东区的贫困情况。
But the monopoly of the East India Company enabled it to demand high prices, and this was one of the standing grievances of the colonies. 但是英国东印度公司垄断这项产品并且索取高价,让各殖民地许多长期的抱怨又添上一笔。
He also did not anticipate running into a landmass before he reached the East Indies. 在自己真的到达印度之前,他也没有意识到自己到达了一个新大陆。
Experts said the East Turkestan Islamic Movement was believed to be a very small organisation. 专家说,据信东突这个组织的规模非常小。
The sun rises in the East, and the blue color of dawn opens to our eyes and we experience the new day. Spring is like this. 不久后日出东方,蔚蓝天空映入眼帘,从清晨起迎接新的一天,就像春天一样。
The only force able to interfere with a Japanese drive into the East Indies? The U. S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor. 而能够阻止日本人开进东印度群岛的唯一力量就是美国驻珍珠港的太平洋舰队。
He said the train has brought in new customers, particularly families from the East Valley exploring the booming Central and Camelback area. 他说,列车在带来新客户,从东谷,特别是家庭,探索中央和驼背蓬勃发展的地区。
They are no longer commonly eaten in London, but can still be found, especially around the East End. 现在的伦敦人不太经常吃它,但还是能找到的,尤其是东伦敦。
Until February, it had been the tongue of the Mertz Glacier, sticking out from the East Antarctic ice sheet into the Southern Ocean. 到二月,它已然成为了默茨冰川的突出部分,从东南极冰盖延伸入南大洋。
Smurfit Kappa Recycling has appointed Deborah Porter-Walker to be the company's commercial manager for the East Midlands region. 墨菲特卡帕回收已委任德博拉波特,沃克是该公司的中东部地区的商业经理。
Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail. When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast. 留心北风很猛,关上门和整理风帆。当风从东方吹来,期待更新和设置宴席。
To the east, Soviet forces also were marching into Germany. It did not take long for the American and Soviet forces to meet in victory. 在东面,苏联军队也进入到德国,不久,美军和苏军胜利会师,在欧洲的战争就要结束了!
But I warn you. you will not easily come out again. Not unless the dark hands of the East stretch out to take you. 但我警告你,你要出来就没有这么简单了,除非等到东方的邪恶之手过来抓你。
China is not developing tourism for tourism's sake but is trying to assert sovereignty over the features in the [East] Sea. 中国并非为了旅游业而开发旅游,而是试图以特别的方式维护东海的主权。
Many experts believe Azes was one of the "Kings of the East" who visited the Baby Jesus following his birth in Bethlehem. 许多专家认为阿泽斯是东方的“谁访问了以下婴儿耶稣在伯利恒诞生的”国王之一。
I have no doubt that the origin of this system, achieving mensuration by way numeration, so to speak, is to be sought in the East. 我并不怀疑,这种通过计数的方法来测量的体系,其源头在东方。
Rescuers were today searching for a British couple feared to have been kidnapped by pirates off the east coast of Africa. 搜救人员今天搜寻着一对英国夫妇,他们恐怕已被非洲东海岸的海盗绑架。
Rome, a brilliant city. Rome, a glorious city. For hundreds of years, it was the capital of a great empire and linked up the east and the. 罗马,一个灿烂的城市。罗马,一个光辉的城市。千百年来,它是一个庞大的帝国的首都,它充当着连接东西方的纽带。在人类的文明。
Even if it takes a while to make it to the East Coast, the beetle's spread through the boreal forest can cause its own problems. Carroll还说,尽管扩散到东海岸还需要一些时间,但甲虫通过北部针叶林带的扩散本身就会产生一些问题。
A comparison is often made to the costs to the former West Germany of reunification with the East. 成本对比的参照常常是前西德和东德的重新合并。
Only the north-south line is open at the moment, which connects to the airport, and the east-west line will open by the end of the year. 现在只有连接机场的南北线开通了,东西线会在年底通车。
This desire led me to carry on this work, I tried to to explain the concept of the East of the battle, and create a one-Tousen-style hero. 这个想法促使我将这项工作进行下去,我力图以东方化的概念去解释这场战斗,并塑造一个一骑当千式的英雄。
He said the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) was a terrorism organization listed by the United Nations. 他说i东突厥伊斯兰运动组织是联合国列出的恐怖组织之一。
To the east of the town center lies Praia dos Pescadores or Fisherman's Beach and Praia da Oura is only a few minutes away. 到市中心以东普拉亚到之处在于澎湖或渔夫湾及南湾大浦只有几分钟的路程。