
美 [rɪsk]英 [rɪsk]
  • n.风险;危险;危险人物;会带来风险的事物
  • v.使…冒风险(或面临危险);冒…的风险(或危险);冒险做
  • 网络冒…的危险;大战役;战国风云

复数:risks 现在分词:risking 过去式:risked

high risk,low risk,great risk,serious risk,significant risk
take risk,reduce risk,run risk,avoid risk,pose risk


n. v.

1.[c][u]危险;风险the possibility of sth bad happening at some time in the future; a situation that could be dangerous or have a bad result

2.[c]~ (to sth)危险人物;会带来风险的事物a person or thing that is likely to cause problems or danger at some time in the future

3.[c]a good/bad/poor ~(风险很小/很大的)借款人,保险对象a person or business that a bank or an insurance company is willing/unwilling to lend money or sell insurance to because they are likely/unlikely to pay back the money etc.


at risk (from/of sth)

有危险;冒风险in danger of sth unpleasant or harmful happening

at the risk of doing sth

(用以引出可能听上去愚蠢或冒犯人的话)冒着…的风险used to introduce sth that may sound stupid or may offend sb

at risk to yourself/sb/sth

冒伤及…的危险with the possibility of harming yourself/sb/sth

do sth at your own risk

自担风险;责任自负to do sth even though you have been warned about the possible dangers and will have to take responsibility for anything bad that happens

run a risk (of sth/of doing sth)

冒风险;有…的危险to be in a situation in which sth bad could happen to you

run the risk (of sth/of doing sth)|run risks

冒…的危险;冒险(做某事)to be or put yourself in a situation in which sth bad could happen to you

take a risk|take risks

冒险(做某事)to do sth even though you know that sth bad could happen as a result


风险Risk):我的观点是,大多数敏捷的过程并没有给予风险的降低以足够的重视,至少是没有对其充分的明确。我们中的 …


英语doing与to do的区别_爱问知识人 ... postpone 延迟,延期 risk 冒险 practise 实行,实践 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... madam n. 夫人, 太太, 女士, 小姐 risk vt. 使冒危险; 冒…的危险 patrol n. 巡逻队 ...


桌游大战役(RISK)中文版玩法说明 maoaomoam http://wenku.baidu.com/view/90f19760caaedd3383c4d37c.html 看了看,好像 …


锺唔锺意战国风云(RISK)?我有一副玩过唔锺意. 要唔要帖子 76 积分 217 注册时间 2005-10-19 希望好心人帮帮手解答我 唔该哂


危险性(Risk)是指某种危险源导致事故、造成人员伤害、财物损坏或环境污染的可能性。由于不能彻底地消除所有的危险源,也 …


风险性risk):管理者可以根据历史数据估计出每一种备择方案的可能性或结果。不确定性(uncertainty):不能肯定它的结果,不 …

Insiders at Lehman Brothers say its European arm lacked an integrated picture of its risk position in the days running up to its demise. 雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)的工作人员认为它的欧洲支部正是由于对风险因素对其整体运营情况的影响认识不足才走向了灭亡。
Those who ate two or more eggs a day showed a still higher death risk, but only small number of women fell into that category. 那些每天吃两个或多个鸡蛋的人显示了一种更高的死亡风险,但是仅小部分的妇女归入了那个类别。
You don' t need to be a mathematician to see that this patchwork coverage puts everyone at risk. 你不需要是一个数学家见到这一个凑合物报导使每个人处于危险中。
On the face of it, Bouygues SA's decision to share the risk with the brothers was an odd one. 表面上看,布伊格股份有限公司决定和布伊格兄弟们共同承担风险好像有些奇怪。
Against that, some of the more recent innovations in banking might seem to have been designed to reduce risk. 在这种背景下,银行业最近的一些创新或许原本是为了减少风险。
In fact, a volatile stock may become deeply undervalued, rendering it a very low risk investment. 事实上,一支价格易变的股票可能被极低地定价,而可视为风险很低的投资。
But drinking two or more non cola carbonated drinks a day, they found, did not increase the risk. 但是,对于每天饮用两杯以上非可乐的碳酸饮料,这种肾病的风险并不增加。
If 2008 was the year of systemic risk, particularly in the financial sector, 2009 seems likely to be a year dominated by specific risk. 如果说危机在2008年带给经济体系尤其是金融部门的是系统性风险的话,那么在2009年似乎就会主要体现为某些特定的风险。
That may be so but the CSRC remains cautious on hedge funds, unsure as to quite how much risk they pose. 情况也许会是这样,但证监会对对冲基金仍持谨慎态度,不确定它们会造成多大的风险。
A pure risk has no chance of gain: there is only a chance of loss. 单纯的风险没有获利的机会,只有可能受损;
"The capability to understand risk in this market is probably unrivalled anywhere else in the world" , he said. 在伦敦市场上处理风险的能力很可能在世界上其他任何地方都是没有竞争的。
"At the end of the day it should be positive for Dubai, Dubai's sovereign risk should go down, " he said. 他表示:“最终应有利于迪拜,迪拜的主权风险应下降。”
"The euro debt crisis and the global financial crisis have increased risk aversion among the investors, " he said. “欧元债务危机和全球金融危机已经加大了投资者的风险厌恶情绪,”他说。
If there were fecal coliforms it would be a serious problem but if they're just a number of bacteria there isn't a significant health risk. 要是他们是未知物种的排泄物时,这的确是个问题,但要是仅仅是一些细菌那就不会是一个巨大的健康威胁。
To be an invester in stock is a good choice for you, just remember one thing: take the risk, but do not be greedy. 对你来说,试着做个股票投资者,是个不错的选择。只是谨记一件事:敢冒风险,却别贪婪。
Balancing the security needs with the overall usability of the system must be part of an overall risk-management strategy. 总体风险管理战略中必须包含将安全需求与系统的总体可用性进行权衡的内容。
In one of my consulting projects, we were trying to identify the risk of heart failure for patients based (primarily)on their EKGs. 在一个我担任顾问的项目中,我们试图根据患者的心电图判断出他们患心脏病的几率。
Such a rating is not enough for customers, meanwhile the existence of errors would be a certain risk to the credit of the establishment . 这样的评级对于客户来说是不够精确的,误差的存在就会给信贷的建立带来一定的风险。
This means the risk of something serious happening in the US in the next two or three years is significant. 这意味着,美国在今后两到三年中发生严重事件的风险正在聚集。
Those not at risk of becoming the poorest did not seem to mind falling a notch in the distribution of income nearly as much. 那些没有成为最穷风险的人似乎不介意自己在收入分配中降一个等级。
It was a risk for me to push her along this path-what if some snarky high schooler did make fun of her efforts? 我逼着她一路走下去是在冒险——要是某个刻薄的中学生确实取笑女儿的付出该怎么办?
He could either take a fine, or risk, according to the police, a jail term of six months to two years. 交罚款,或者可能面临(警察称)6个月至两年的拘留。
Financiers may be worrying about risk, but they do not seem to be doing much about it. 业界或许担心风险,然而他们似乎并没有这样行动。
These at-risk individuals might be better served by trying to accept and notice their feelings rather than explain and analyze them. 这些个体如果尝试接纳并关注他们的情绪而不是进行解释与分析,这可能对他们的康复能起更好的作用。
The point is that you should be happy with what you already have and not risk losing it by being greedy and trying to get more. 这里讲的重点是你应该为自己拥有的感到高兴,不要因为贪心而去尝试用它们换取更多。
Now, I'm going to abstract from risk. Let's assume that we know that this thing is going to be paid, so it's a matter of simple time. 现在,我将总结一下风险,让我们假设我们知道某个东西将要被支付。所以这是一个简单的时间问题。
The small dense LDL was one of the independent risk factors of diabetic macro-vascular complications. 小而密LDL是糖尿病患者发生大血管慢性并发症的危险因素之一。
The risk was that if I failed my first choice, I would have been rejected by my original high school even if I was qualified. 报考北大附中的风险是:如果我没有考上,即使分数够,我的本校也不会要我。
What happened, instead, was the shifting of the risk on to the shoulders of those least able to understand it. 相反,目前出现的情况是,这种风险转移到了那些最不理解它的机构身上。
The magistrate decided to keep him in custody to avoid a risk of relapse or tampering with evidence. 裁判官决定继续拘留他,以避免复发或篡改证据的风险。