
美 [rɪˈteɪn]英 [rɪ'teɪn]
  • v.保留;保持;持有;继续拥有
  • 网络保有;保存;维持

第三人称单数:retains 现在分词:retaining 过去式:retained

retain power,retain control,retain interest,hope retain,retain support



1.~ sth保持;持有;保留;继续拥有to keep sth; to continue to have sth

2.~ sth保持;继续容纳to continue to hold or contain sth

3.~ sb/sth聘请(律师等)if a member of the publicretains sb such as a lawyer, he or she pays money regularly or in advance so the lawyer, etc. will do work for him or her


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... odtain v 获得,达到 retain v 维持,保留 sustain v 支持;赡养 ...


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... content n. [复数]目录;内容 retain vt. 保持,保留 revision n. 复习;修改 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... resume vt. 恢复;重新开始 retain vt. 保持,保留,保有 retell vt. 再讲,重述,复述 ...


近义词判断 ... claim 声称,需要 retain 保留,保存 potential 可能的,潜在的 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... odtain v 获得,达到 retain v 维持,保留 sustain v 支持;赡养 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... repetition n. 重复 retain v. 记住 specifically ad. 特别, 专门 ...


GRE词汇精选(核心词汇) ... retail 零售;n.零售 retain 保留,保持;留住 retainer 侍从 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... nucleus n. 核 403. retain vt. 保留,保持 405. restrict vt. 限制,约束 406. ...

In small towns up to the approved personnel under I will be able to retain its franchise contract land, also allowed to transfer. 对经批准在小城镇落户的人员,根据本人意愿,可保留其承包土地的经营权,也允许依法转让。
not a thing of all that had been theirs did she retain but the old seal and spoon. 'Pooh - I have as much of mother as father in me! 他们除了给她留下来一方古印和一把羹匙而外,其它的东西一件也没有给她留下来。“呸——我本来就是我的父母两个人养的!”她说。
All that having been said, the domain objects still retain a lot of their POJO nature. 虽然有上述各种情况,域对象依然保留许多POJO特性。
This allows you to retain messages for auditing purposes, or to perform compensating transactions if an error occurs. 这样就可以保留消息以便审核,也可用于在出现错误时执行补偿事务。
Through obedience, Adam would retain life in the garden, but if he broke the covenant, he would suffer death. 靠着顺服,亚当可以在乐园中留存生命,但是如果他破坏了这个圣约,他就要受死亡之苦。
Women are able to retain all property they owned prior to marriage in the case of divorce. However, this provision does not apply to men. 在离婚案件中,女性可以保留她们婚前所拥有的所有财产。然而,这项规定并不适用于男性。
Analysts expect the country's auto market to retain the top spot this year and exceed sales in the U. S. by at least two million vehicles. 分析师们预期中国汽车市场今年仍将占据全球首位,销量比美国高出至少200万辆。
I'm trying to fashion some combination, one that allows me to retain my principles without having to file for bankruptcy. 我试着将它们合并在一起,这样这个新生物就能使我坚持我自己的原则,而不用申请破产。
I still retain the memories of flying just as if they were real-world memories. 我仍然留有飞行时的记忆,它们像现实世界的记忆一个样。
To annex(a lesser state) to a greater state as a means of permitting the ruler of the lesser state to retain title and partial authority. 使…归并并(小国家)于另一较大的国家,以此使较小国家的统治者能保持自己的头衔及部分权力。
some of us are enthusiastic at times and a few even retain their eagerness for a day or a week. 一些人时不时有点热情,少数人能够保持一天或一周的热情。
'That said, many men lose around half their sense of smell by the age of 80 simply as a function of age. Women tend to retain it. ' 还有一说,许多男性在80岁的时候仅仅因为衰老而丧失了将近一半的嗅觉能力,而女性则不然。
How much of this array of assets will the US retain in this century? 如此众多的财富,美国在本世纪中又能保留多少呢?
But they have worked in countries that have been able to retain a manufacturing base, like Germany and parts of Northern Europe. 但是我们有许多譬如德国以及部分北欧国家在制造业方面继续教育与培训的经验。
Even to set up such a committee would be controversial in most of Europe, especially where church leaders retain political clout. 在欧洲的大多数国家连建立那种的委员会会很争论,特别是宗教领导人有相当大权力的地方。
The children retain their real father' s name, unless by legal adoption they take the name of the mother' s new husband. 但是孩子仍随亲生父亲之姓,除非通过合法的收养手续,孩子可以随继父之姓。
The report said the financial fallout may continue for almost another year as companies tried and sometimes failed to retain staff. 报告称,虽然各公司尽力不裁员,但有时仍无法避免,因此金融危机的余波仍将持续近一年。
paste , and drag and drop operations retain outlining information , but do not always persist the state of the collapsible region. 另外,“复制”、“剪切”、“粘贴”和拖放操作保留大纲显示信息,但不始终保持可折叠区域的状态。
He would give a soul to you and retain his own as well; but this can never happen. 他就会分给你一个灵魂,而同时他自己的灵魂又能保持不灭。但是这类的事情是从来不会有的!
The U. S. is trying to retain the total medal supremacy (by its count) it's held since boycotting the 1980 Moscow Olympics. 美国正在尽力维持自抵制1980年莫斯科奥运会后,自己在奖牌榜上的不可动摇的地位。
If it seems to be going well and I retain basic functionality, then I'll decide whether I want to continue with it. 到时,如果我感觉良好,身体保持基本机能,在做决定是否继续下去。
The aim is to retain a "competitive balance" so that fans do not lose interest in the game, thinking that their club has no shot at victory. 目的在于维持“竞争平衡”,这样球迷们才不会认为自己的俱乐部毫无赢球的指望,而失去对比赛的兴趣。
A profit sharing compensation policy increases the capability of a HCHP company to retain its employees in a time of crisis. 在危机时,利润分享薪酬政策可提高HCHP公司留住员工的能力。
To avoid being led into the "dark side" by our strengths, we need to retain some of that self-awareness and restraint. 为了避免步入我们的优点的“黑暗面”,我们需要保留一些自知之明和自制力。
How much effort is needed to retain? 需要花多大的力气去挽留?
Therefore, the interior should retain a low degree of light, its brightness to be able to see the books and writing as appropriate. 所以,室内应当保留一个低度数的灯具,其亮度以能看清书本字迹为合适。
It would be impossible for anyone to know precisely how each consumer would have spent his extra $5 if he had been allowed to retain it. 要知道倘使那5美元可以被留下来,每个消费者原本会怎么花掉它是不可能的。
EVEN as they heap scorn on big business, Americans and their congressmen retain a place in their hearts for small business. 尽管他们长时间蔑视大企业,美国人和国会议员对小型企业挂在心上。
love makes him overcome the sense of isolation and separateness, yet it permit him to be himself, to retain his integrity. 爱可以使人克服孤寂感,还能够展现自我,做一个完整的人。
Those who wish to retain in the face sooner or later young people will find that the face is unable to retain to retain the heart. 那些希望在脸上留住青春的人迟早会发现,留住了容颜却留不住心。