
美 [ˈriəli]英 [ˈrɪəli]
  • adv.的确;真正地;加强形容词或副词的语气;常用于否定句以减弱语气

really need,really love,really come,really exist,really happen


1.(表明事实或真相)事实上,真正地,真实地used to say what is actually the fact or the truth about sth

2.(强调观点等)确实,的确used to emphasize sth you are saying or an opinion you are giving

3.(加强形容词或副词的语气)used to emphasize an adjective or adverb

4.(常用于否定句以减弱语气)used, often in negative sentences, to reduce the force of sth you are saying

5.(用于疑问句和否定句,期望对方给以否定的答复)used in questions and negative sentences when you want sb to say ‘no’

6.(答话时表示感兴趣或惊讶)used to express interest in or surprise at what sb is saying

7.(表示不赞同某人所为)used to show that you disapprove of sth sb has done

But this example shows that the size of the web really depends on your definition of what's a useful page, and there is no exact answer. 但是这个例子可以说明网络的大小其实看你怎么定义一个页面是否有用,而这个问题没有一个固定的答案。
They are really like a group of beautiful birds, who seem to lead us into a wonderful forest world. 丙:这真是一群美丽的鸟儿;仿佛把我们带进了一个美妙的森林世界。
This also suggests that the technology is far from perfect --it may well require quite some time to build up to a really large quake. 这也看出这个技术还远没完美---它也许需要相当一段时间来制造一个真正的大地震。
Invite him to do something fun that the two of you used to really enjoy doing together. 带他做一些过去两人经常一起做的有趣的事情。
Things that really worries me is all of the economic problems that led to these crises are all going to be there the day after. 真正让我担心的是所有导致这些危机的经济问题都将是在随后发生。
After years of consideration, he knew that he was really liked her, but he did not know what to do. 经过多年的思考,他知道自己是真的喜欢她的,可是他现在不知道应该怎么做才好。
Rizhao, in Shandong Province, is one of the hundreds of Chinese cities gearing up to really grow. 日照位于山东省,是中国数以百计的加速发展的城市之一。
Because the bank knows its borrower better than anyone else, it has the best idea of what the loan is really worth. 因为银行更了解其借款人,它自己对贷款到底有什么价值拥有最好的认识。
Tired go grab a stump sat down and hold invincible beauty, matchless and pure and fresh and pure, really is happy wind, deep fragrance. 累了就随便找个树墩坐下,拥着无敌美景,无比的清新和纯净,真的是快乐如风,轻舞飞扬。
But I remember walking out of the tunnel and hearing our fans and thinking they were really up for it. 但我记得走出球员通道就听见球迷们的喊声,我想他们真的是很想要这场胜利。
"If the effect really does exist, it would appear to me that it would not be difficult to use it in a clinical setting, " he says. 他还说:“若是该效应真正存在,那么对于我而言,这将不难将其应用在临床环境之中。”
It was because he really has genius, she said, that he was such a rotten individual. 她说,正是因为确有天才他才是这样一个不可救药的人。
The Spa for which Sir Thomas hankered was in a little town in Belgium, a sort of hideaway really because almost no one had heard of it. 托马斯爵士向往的斯帕是比利时的一个小镇,实际上有点像隐居地,因为几乎没人曾经听说过。
You know something? For somebody who studied emotions their entire life, you really don't understand them at all. 知道吗像你这样一辈子研究表情的人真是完全的不可理喻
There were going to be some really emotional scenes where he tried to save her from dying, but she ultimately passed. 将会有很多感人的情景,而他经历要想从死神那里把莎拉拯救回来,但是她却最终还是死了。
' She's really made such huge efforts to try to get it straight. But sometimes it's more productive to say, 'Distance is going to heal this. (在怀孕方面)她真的做出了巨大的努力,但有时候更有成效的说法是这需要通过医生观察很长的时间。
Next week, I'm going to a reception at the Chinese Embassy here in London and I'm really looking forward to it . 下周我要去参加一个招待会在伦敦的中国大使馆,我真的很期待它。
Really? Get out of here! how much money did you win? 你赢了多少钱?
First of all, you can save it in the bank to cultivate a good habit of save money. when you really need money, you can tae it out. 首先我们可以把钱存入银行养成一个节约金钱的好习惯。当你真的需要钱的时候,你可以取出来。
When both husband and wife earn money, it's really easy to build a lifestyle around the combined income. 要知道当丈夫和妻子同时赚钱的时候,围绕这些收入形成一种生活方式是很容易得,花钱的地方也多。
This training program is not really a bad experience. But I would have liked it better if the courses had been a bit more practical. 这个培训项目其实不算糟糕,但如果它的课程再实用一点就更好了。
But besides the fact that it rhymes, which makes it fun to say and easy to recall, does it really have any value? 但事实上它只是童谣而已,便于好说好记,它真的有什么价值吗?
It has showed how much our leaders tried to built democracy into society years by years, but it doesn't work as they really want it. 它显示了有多少领导人若干年以来努力建立民主社会,但是事与愿违。
This waiting period is also a test for you, to see if Satanism really is a reflection of your true nature. 这段等候期(指请求正式加入撒旦教后的等待)也是一个对你的测试,看是否撒旦教真是你本性的回响。
And, you know, I'm happy to say, I think there's really evidence that this non-zero sum kind of connection can expand the moral compass. 而且,你知道,我很高兴可以说,我想确实有证据证明这种非零和的联系可以扩大道德的范畴。
I was able to drive out of the parking lot before the panic really hit, but I was hyperventilating by the time I got to Newton's. 把车开出停车场的那一刻,恐慌才真正袭来,但到纽顿的店里时我就已经喘个不停了。
I turned to the boy with a shrug. "You're really getting cheated, " I said. "You ought to get your parents to come in here and protest. " 我耸了耸肩,转向那男孩子。“他们真的正在欺骗你,”我说,“你应该带父母来这儿抗议。”
The size of the calamity raises the question of whether small countries can really afford bank bailouts. 这场灾难的规模如此之大,令人不禁要问,一些小国真的负担得起救助银行的成本吗?
He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have a pair of shoes for his birthday. 他停下脚步去看那些放在第一排的鞋子,感到自己很不体面。
Well, it really was a great honor to speak to you, and I hope this gathering will keep harmony till the end. 好了,能和大家说几句我感到非常荣幸,我祝愿这个聚会由始至终充满融洽的气氛。