the ball

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the ballthe ball

the ball

》(The Ball)免DVD补丁 2010-10-29 09:42:10 《FIFA 11》v1.01免DVD补丁 2010-10-29 09:40:23 《急难先锋2012》免DV…


舞蹈学专业词汇英语翻译(十二) ... 舞鼓 WU KU 舞会 THE BALL 舞姬 WU CHI ...


国际壁球单打比赛规则 - 壁球规则 - 沈阳壁球会 ... 13.判和球( Lets) 14.更换新球The Ball) 15.热身练习( War…


高级 智能 重命名_百度知道 ... 11.Captain Nemo 尼莫篮球队队长 12.The Ball 棒球 13.Debra's Sick 黛博拉病了 ...


足球规矩? - Yahoo!知识+ ... 1 The Field of Play 比赛场地 2 The Ball 足球 3 The Number of Players 球负员人数 ...


3. 使用中球the ball)4. 在球场上(in course)5. 被移动的球(moved)6. 抛球(a drop)7. 在果岭上(on green)二、在不 …


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A racket bounces a tennis ball up and down on the court , before a hand grabs the ball. 球场上,一只球拍啪啪啪弹着球,接着,一只手抓住了球。
Her heart wanted to be with him. She left the ball and went to see the sea witch. 她一心想和他在一起,于是离开了舞会去找海巫婆。
The cylinder's flat bottom allowed the ball bearings to shift out of alignment and into a less dense pack. 那是因为圆柱体的瓶底让球体滚出列队从而导致包装不紧密。
Experienced, mature veteran of personality, often the key to the ball at the last second shot, take the points lead before the air opponent. 经验丰富、人格成熟的老手,往往在最后一秒打出关键球,气走积分领前的对手。
The labrum acts like a socket to hold the ball at the top of your thighbone (femur) in place. 上唇的行为就像一个插座举行到位的球你的大腿骨(股骨)的顶部。
For a deeper massage you can stand whilst moving the ball around the soul of your foot. 要进行你能忍受的深入的按摩,用脚心滚动球。
One key concern is the lack of an emergency exit. The water balls can be opened only by a person outside of the ball, the commission said. 委员会说,水上步行球的一个关键隐患就是没有紧急出口,只能靠人从外面把球打开。
The use of a certain color of the ball hit another ball of the same color can eliminate all can be deleted through the ball. 用某一颜色的球击打另一个同一颜色的球可以消去,所有球消去即可过关。
One by one, they trip up and collapse in a heap even before they have had a chance to connect with the ball. 他们一个接一个地在还没有机会碰到球之前就摔倒在地,叠成人堆。
but the ball just sort of fell out of the sky. 但是球就像从天空中飘落下来一样。
And you can only react when you see the ball again and determine its flight path, which again takes a few hundreds of second. 只有在“几百个秒”之后,当你再次看到球并测定其飞行轨迹你才能做出相应的反应。
Looking at the ball going over the fence isn't going to help. 仅看着球飞出围栏是不会有任何帮助的。
For patients, it's all about whether or not they will be able to kick around the ball with their kids in a few years. 对于患者而言,是他们是否能在未来几年里和他们的孩子一起踢球。
As soon as they had gone, Cinderella sat down by the fire and she said. "Oh I do wish I could go to the ball" . 她们一走,灰姑娘就(丧气地)坐在火炉旁,说到:“哦,我多么希望可以参加那舞会啊!”
Then when someone lobbed the ball, it was just too low, and I dived to save it. 然后当有人打高吊球打太低时,我就俯身去救球。
But, in another condition when the magician continued to look at his hand only about one-third thought they saw the ball moving upwards. 但是,在另一种情况下,当魔术师不抬头看,而是继续盯着他的手掌时,只有三分之一的观众认为他们看到球飞上去了。
Zoe: You agreed that we would move to a bigger house, but it seems like I'm the only one who has kept the ball rolling. 柔依:你答应说我们要搬到大一点的屋子,不过好像只有我在找而已。
Mouse operation point play to start netball, the ball flew to the heart-best time playing early are to be stressed. 鼠标操作,点play为开始投球,球飞到准心的时候打最好,提前量要把握好。
So we're going to get a list here of the diameters of the ball bearings, and the diameters is in inches. 我将列出这些,滚珠的直径,以英尺作为单位。
The frog wants to help the princess. He can swim to the bottom and pick up the ball. First, he asks the princess for something. 青蛙想要帮助公主。它可以游到池底捡那颗球,但他先向公主提出一个要求。
You can always count on him to carry the ball in an emergency. 在紧急时,你可完全相信他能承担重任。
He dunked the ball and I hung there on his arms, both my feet off the ground and hanging to Wilt for dear life until he put me down. 他把球扣进,而我挂在他的胳膊上,双脚离地,拼命地抓住威尔特的胳膊,直到他把我放下来。
take offensive play, aim the march to the right, so you do not listen to every minute the ball child awarded by a pond of water with . 而采取进攻型打法,瞄向朝右,分分钟令你不听话的球儿跃身水中成为鱼池之伴。
He is quick and can hold the ball up well and he's got a great left foot - and that always makes things a little bit harder for his rivals. 他快速,可以很好的控球,他有着一个伟大的左脚,这些一直可以让他的对手感到艰难。
But at some point, an MVP should decide games with the ball in his hands. He should master the moment. 但从另一方面看,MVP应该用他手中的球决定比赛。他应该控制比赛。
Before serving, she always did a little dance, paused to look across the net, and bounced the ball three times. 每次发球前,她总要舞动一天身子,再停下来看一下对方球员,然后在地上把球弹三下。
It is silly of him to take a wild swipe at the ball and sky it miles over the bar. 他真傻,猛踢足球,把它高高地踢过了球门。
Tries To Play Out Of Trouble - Like to use skill to get out of trouble rather then booting the ball to safety. 尝试解决困境-喜欢使用技能来摆脱困境,而不是为了安全踢走球。
His father said: 'He liked to challenge other kids to see who could keep the ball up the longest. 他父亲说:“他总爱和其他孩子较量谁顶球时间长”。
If one of these neutral spots is occupied by a robot, the captain can also choose to reposition the ball to the center of the field. 如果这两个坠球点中有一个被机器人占用,那么队长也可以选择将球重置在场地中央。