be used to

  • na.惯于
  • 网络习惯于;适应;被用来

be used tobe used to

be used to


人教版九年级下册英语单词表(含音标) ... • table manners • 餐桌礼仪 • be used to习惯于 • online • n. (计算机)在线;联机 ...


牛津英语单词表_百度文库 ... no more 不复存在;不在 模块四 be used to 对……习以为常,习惯于,适应 be aware of 知道,明白…


初三英语题,高手进来,_百度知道 ... used to 习惯努力工作。 1. be used to 被用来 ( be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事) ...


高二英语Living with technology教案 ... come true 成为现实;实现 be used to 被用于;习惯于 figure out 计算出;解决;合计( …


... take a stroll – take a walk 散步 be adapted to – be accustomed – be used to 适应了…, 习惯了… polish – shine 擦亮 ...


英文文法教学.doc ... look forward to( 盼望), be used to( 习惯於), get used to( 习惯於)等以 介系词>结尾的动词片语>的受词>。 ...

Hot air, hot water or steam should be used to thaw mud lines or other equipment essential, and do not thaw by fire or flame. 应当用热空气、蒸气或热水使钻井液管线和其他类似设备解冻,不能用明火烤或烟熏。
Laser surgery may be used, to increase drainage of aqueous fluid out of the eye, especially if medications do not help enough. 可行激光手术增加房水自眼中引流,尤其是药物无法完全发挥作用时。
A real speech will give you a valuable opportunity to see how these grammars can be used to communicate powerfully. 一篇真正的演讲能给你宝贵的机会去了解这些语法是如何在语言交流中发挥巨大作用的。
Markup shall be used to associate data cells and header cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers. 对于含有两个或更多个逻辑级别的行标头和列标头的数据表,应该使用标记来关联数据单元格和标头单元格。
Ornamentals can be used to mark the border other property or to provide privacy from neighbors. 观赏植物能被用于标志地界,或者隔开邻居提供隐私。
The BREAK command can be used to break the report into a set of records based on a particular column value. BREAK命令可用于基于特定列值将报表分成一组记录。
Still, I had no idea when I began to be used to raising my head and to gazing upon the sky. 不知道从什么时候开始,我成为一个时常会抬起头看看天空的人。
DataPower can be used to ensure this cap is not exceeded or to send notifications to ensure that any overage is appropriately billed. 可以使用DataPower来确保不会超过此上限,或发送通知来确保恰当地收取超限事务量的费用。
But the test is not mandatory, and the company says workers' smiles will not be used to determine promotions or demotions. 但是这项测试都不是强制的,公司说的员工的微笑得分并不会成为他们的升迁的依据。
Satellite photos from a French weather bureau will be used to determine how much money subscribers should receive. 保险公司将使用传自法国气象局的卫星图片计算退款金额。
The root account should only be used to perform system administration, and only used for as short a time as possible. root帐户应该仅用来进行系统管理,而且使用时间应该尽可能短。
Facing such many problems, advertisers have to ask themselves: what on earth can be used to describe an advertisement ? 面对如此之多的问题,广告人必须自问:我们到底用什么去描述广告?
Demands can be used to determine whether callers have access to specific resources or to discover the identity of a caller. 要求可以用来决定呼叫端是否具有特定资源的存取权限,或是探索呼叫端的识别。
The quality metric can be used to evaluate temporal quality, or to control encoding or decoding characteristics to enhance temporal quality. 可使用质量度量来估算时间质量,或控制编码或解码特征以增强时间质量。
If you can find any containers made of polyethylene, these can be used to store the water out of sunlight. 如果你找到了用聚乙烯做成的容器,可用来在无阳光时储存水。
The results show that this model can be used to simulate the modem climatic states and the variational trend of CO2 content as well. 结果表明,该模式能模拟出现代气候态以及[CO2]变化的趋势。
A Northeastern engineering professor, Deniz Erdogmus, said the new brain-computer interface might be used to control household appliances. 东北大学工程学教授DenizErdogmus说,这一新的大脑-电脑接口可能会被用于控制家用电器。
The results show that this technique can be used to decrease the damage effects of blasting vibration effectively in open mines. 试验结果表明,露天采场采用孔间微差爆破技术能取得较好的减震效果。
Mr Gonzalez said the technique, which has already won an innovation prize, could also be used to cover other surfaces. 这一技术已经荣获一项发明奖,还可以用于其他表面物体上。
This gave them a small amount of power that could be used to work their way out of the mailroom into a better job. 这就给了他们一点权力,他们可以利用它去做比收发员更好的工作。
And some of that money might be used to build factories or buy equipment. And that should boost the economy and create jobs. 其中一部分钱将用来建造工厂或购买设备,这样就会提升经济并且创造工作岗位。
For the results above, hierarchical classification system can be used to inspect the surface defects of plain fabrics effectively. 所以可以看出本论文使用阶层式分类系统,可以适用于平纹织物瑕疵检测上。
It's not simply a redirection of economic power but a question of how that power will be used to shape the global economic order. 这不仅仅只是经济力量的重新定位,还涉及到这股力量将如何被用来塑造全球经济秩序。
A contact print is in the size of a book, but it can be used to enlarge pictures or to have the picture printed on it directly. 一张大底片有一本书那么大。可以放像,也可以直接印像,那是真正意义上的实现影像。
The report immediately raised the question of whether the same technique could be used to clone people. 这个报告立即提出了是否同样技术也可以用于克隆人的问题。
These messages can be used to help you understand the current state of your cell with respect to cross process communication. 这些消息可帮助您理解关于跨进程通信的单元的当前状态。
They would have to reorient their thinking if the EFSF were to be used to guarantee the banking system. 如果要用EFSF为银行体系提供担保,他们必须转变思路。
Christians in the Middle Ages believed that the relics of a saint could be used to intercede with God just as the saint had done in life. 在中世纪,基督徒就相信圣人的遗物应当用于与上帝沟通,就像圣人生前所做的那样。
Whereas the FETCH can be used to return 1 or more rows allowing a single RPG sub-procedure to be used for CHAIN, READ or READE operations. 但是FETCH能用于返回一行或多行,允许单个RPG子过程用于CHAIN、READ或READE操作。
The results showed that this method could be used to reconstruct the surgical scene in a close Euclidean space. 实验结果表明此方法可以在近似欧氏空间中从两幅图像重建外科手术场景和手术对象。