
美 [ɡreɪs]英 [ɡreɪs]
  • n.恩典;优雅;宽限期;优美
  • v.装饰;为…增色;为…锦上添花;使荣耀
  • 网络格蕾丝;叶佩雯;葛瑞丝

复数:graces 现在分词:gracing 过去式:graced

good grace


n. v.

动作of movement

1.[u]优美;优雅an attractive quality of movement that is smooth, elegant and controlled


2.[u]文雅;高雅a quality of behaviour that is polite and pleasant and deserves respect

3.[pl]风度;体面ways of behaving that people think are polite and acceptable

额外时间extra time

4.[u]宽限期;延缓期extra time that is given to sb to enable them to pay a bill, finish a piece of work, etc.

上帝of God

5.[u]恩宠;恩典the kindness that God shows towards the human race


6.[u][c](饭前的)谢恩祈祷a short prayer that is usually said before a meal to thank God for the food


7.[c](对大主教、公爵、公爵夫人、女公爵的尊称)大人,阁下,夫人used as a title of respect when talking to or about an archbishop , a duke or a duchess


be in sbs good graces

为某人所赞同(或喜爱);得到某人的欢心to have sb's approval and be liked by them

fall from grace

(尤指因做了错事或不道德之事而)失去信任,失去尊重,失去恩宠to lose the trust or respect that people have for you, especially by doing sth wrong or immoral

sbs fall from grace

(尤指因做了错事或不道德之事的)失信a situation in which sb loses the trust or respect that people have for them, especially because of sth wrong or immoral that they have done

have the (good) grace to do sth

(尤指犯错后)知趣地做某事,通情达理地做某事to be polite enough to do sth, especially when you have done sth wrong

there but for the grace of God (go I)

若非天助,区区岂能幸免used to say that you could easily have been in the same difficult or unpleasant situation that sb else is in

with (a) bad grace

勉强地;不情愿地;无礼地in an unwilling and/or rude way

with (a) good grace

心甘情愿地;乐意地;高高兴兴地in a willing and pleasant way


希澈优雅grace)?????回复 收起回复 整死venus 回复 收起回复 整死venus 回复 收起回复 一楼······ 爷不是怕你,爷只是讨 …


格蕾丝Grace)、奥莉维亚(Olivia)和其他人一样,贝丝•莫尔豪斯(Beth Morehouse)期望这次是她过的最好的圣诞节之 …


最有意义的英语单词 - no的日志 - 网易博客 ... 18.hope 希望 19.grace 优美 20.rainbow 彩虹 ...


恩字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 恩德〖 benevolence;favour〗 恩典〖 favor;grace〗 恩格斯〖 FriedrichEngels〗 ...


叶佩雯婚照歌手叶佩雯Grace)去年与老公Eric Kwok(郭伟亮)注册结婚,即获多间婚纱公司赞助拍婚纱照,Grace年初与老 …


男女英文名大全_百度文库 ... Gloria 葛罗瑞亚 Grace 葛瑞丝 Griselda 葛莉谢尔 达 ...


人教版初一英语单词 ... Frank 弗兰克(男) Grace 格雷斯(女) Helen 海伦(女) ...


被拣选的人 应有恩宠grace)。如何知道一人是否有恩宠呢? 那就看一人是否成功。

" And You answer: " My child, I love you. And as long as you're seeking My face, You'll walk in the power of My daily sufficient grace. 而你回答:“我的孩子,我爱你,只要你看着我的脸,你走在我每天无尽的恩典的力量…”
Bards sublime "who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments, " expressed the grace of the children for the mother of endless feelings. 千古绝唱“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”,表达了儿女对母亲的恩惠报答不尽的感情。
I have had more than ordinary secret assistance from the grace of God, if I did not turn as wicked again as ever. 假使我要不变得像以前那样放荡,那却需要上帝暗中特别的帮助。
Christian, begin to use intercession as a means of grace for yourself and for others. Pray for your neighbors. 弟兄姐妹们,开始用心代祷支取上帝的恩典,为你也为别人。
The general revelation is in the common grace. Only the special revelation offers the saving grace who should be in. 只有特殊启示才把人带到救赎的恩惠里面。
Find your beauty , my heart, from the world's movement , like the boat has grace of the wind and water. 我的心呀,在世界的不息运动中找到你的美吧,就像船儿在风和水的流变中得到其优雅。
He loped with an easy grace, his hands in his pockets and a grin on his face. 他步履轻松地慢慢走来,手插在口袋里,脸上笑容绽放。
And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he served him: and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand. 约瑟就在主人眼前蒙恩,伺候他主人,并且主人派他管理家务,把一切所有的都交在他手里。
The heart of the wise shall instruct his mouth: and shall add grace to his lips. 智慧人的心,使自己的嘴灵巧,使自己的唇舌,更具说服力。
"I am very glad to meet you, " he said to Mrs. Vance when Carrie introduced him, showing much of the old grace which had captivated Carrie. “我很高兴见到你,”当嘉莉介绍他时,他对万斯太太说,大大显示了曾经使嘉莉着迷的往日的风度。
Now he was mercifully snatched out of the gulf by a convincing work upon his mind, but I was left as if I was forsaken of God's grace. 现在他是被直挚的感触慈悲地从深坑中救出,但是我却剩下来,好象被神的慈悲所弃了。
In me is all grace of the way and of the truth, in me is all hope of life and of virtue. 我具有真道和真理的一切优美;我具有生命和道德的一切希望。
Observing his mother on her Coronation Day, Charles remarks on her "amazing poise" and "natural grace. " 回顾他母亲在加冕礼那天的表现,查尔斯王子赞叹她惊人的风度和自然的优雅。
That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. 要将他极丰富的恩典,就是他在基督耶稣里向我们所施的恩慈,显明给后来的世代看。
We are all sinners in need of a Savior. Help us show how much we need him as we spread your grace around. 我们都是需要救主的罪人,求祢使我们在传播祢的恩典时也显明出我们是多么需要祂。
Such is not the way of God. God stands by his people and does not demand what his grace does not provide. 但神不是这样的,祂时刻与祂的子民在一起,祂不会过分要求超过祂所供应的恩典。
Father in heaven, give us the grace to take time this month to be still before you and to wait patiently for you to come into our lives. 天父,求祢赐下恩典,使我们可以在本月默然倚靠祢,耐性地等候祢进入我们的生命。
And now I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, who is able to build up, and to give an inheritance among all the sanctified. 现在,我把你们托付给天主和他恩宠之道,他能建立你们,并在一切圣徒中,赐给你们嗣业。
By the grace of God though, as a parent, I feel that at least to this point I have soared. 托上帝鸿福,至少在这一点上作为一名父亲我感到自豪。
One student, Mr. Grace recounted, born male and named Jack, has long, straight hair and prefers to be referred to with a female pronoun. 他讲起了一个叫杰克的学生的故事。杰克身为男孩,却有一头垂顺的长发,喜欢别人用女性代词相称。
As I think of her life, and all it had to bear, I see the absolute triumph of Christian grace in the lovely ideal of a Christian lady. 我一想到她的生活,和她生活上一切的负担,我就立刻看见基督在她身上的得胜。
The door of grace is always open for her petitions, and they never return empty-handed. 恩典之门总为她的恳求而开,恳求者也永不空手而归。
She spoke about Andy Warhol, Madonna and Grace Jones as if they were not just her influences, but almost her intimate confederates. 她谈及安廸·沃霍尔,麦当娜和恩·琼斯,好像他们不只是她的影响者,还几乎是她的亲密的盟军。
She listen'd with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes, and modest grace; And she forgave me, that I gazed Too fondly on her face! 她听的时候眼光没抬起,脸一红的神情谦恭优雅;她原谅了我,并没有怪我过于多情地凝视她!
Grace was among the victors. "I got a bargain . It was $499, originally $3, 000, " she said. 格雷斯是获胜者之一。她说:“我抢到了便宜货,花499美元就买到了原价三千美元的婚纱。”
Their Thanksgiving tradition was established to honor God and thank Him for His blessings and His grace. 建立感恩节传统是为了赞美上帝,感恩上帝给予的祝福与恩泽。
See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. 又应该谨慎,免得有人疏忽天主的恩宠,免得有苦根子长出来,而累及你们,使许多人因此蒙受玷污。
Juvenal Urbino had often thought, with no premonitory intention, that this would not be a propitious place for dying in a state of grace. 朱维诺。乌尔比诺医生以前就常常会不经意地想到:这里可不是一个可以优雅地死去的好地方。
Daimler-Benz owned the company then and had the good grace to place the Chrysler chassis on a Mercedes axle and, man, was that a sweet ride! 当时戴姆勒——奔驰拥有这家公司,他们用克莱斯勒的底盘配梅赛德斯的车轴可真是积了大德,开起来那叫一个爽!
A girl comes out to meet you. To you she is the embodiment of loveliness; to another all that grace and beauty may look drab and homely. 你生命中出现了一个女孩,也许对你而言,这个女孩简直就是魅力的化身,但她对别人而言,那美丽和优雅也许就成了单调和平常。