
美 [ɡɔŋ]英 [ɡɒŋ]
  • n.锣;奖章;勋章
  • v.打锣;(交通警)鸣锣阻止汽车前进
  • 网络共;龚;铜锣





关于乐器的英语单词_百度知道 ... 14.Tam Tam 大锣 15.Gong 16.Claves 响棒 ...

钢笔行书字帖-偏旁部首_百度文库 ... bīng 兵 gong huáng 黄 ...

Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 高 gao gong 晏 yan ...


铜字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 铜镜〖 bronzemirror〗 铜锣gong〗 铜模〖 matrix;coppermould〗 ...

Kung的中文姓氏以及英文拼写 - 洛杉矶华人资讯网 ... Hong 公 Gong Gong 龚 ...


宜宾学院外国语学院英语写作 » writingybu ... gobble 咯咯叫声 gong 铜锣声 grunt 作呼噜声 ...

粤音检字法 cantoneseAID ... 肝 Gon Gong 姑 Gu ...


MTV电影奖揭晓 《暮色3》五项大奖登顶-英语点津 ... dig at: 讽刺,挖苦 gong奖章;勋章 make it: 获得成功 ...

The company decided 'to invest in our own plants and grow organically if that's gong to be rules of the game, ' he said. 他说,如果游戏规则是必须投资自己的工厂并发展有机食品,那么公司决定这样做。
With the gong that opened the eleventh round, Sandel rushed, making a show of freshness which he did not really possess. 第十一个回合的锣声响过之后,桑德尔为了显示他实际上并没有的锐气,发动猛攻。
Shaking his head, Zi Gong considered that this countryside lagged too much and the way of watering was ineffective. 子贡摇了摇头,认为这个乡下地方实在是太落伍了,工作如此的没有效率。
If I speak in tongues of men, and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong. 假若我能说万人的方言,并会说天使的话,却没有爱,我就成了鸣的锣、响得钹一般。
If a child speaks in the tongues of men and of angels, but has not love to his parents, he is a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 假若一个孩子能说万人的方言,并天使的话,却没有对父母之爱,他就成了鸣的锣、响的钹一般。
Microwave research specialists in Shanghai, China, found that "Chi Gong" masters radiated some sort of energy. 在上海,中国,微波研究专家发现,“郗公”主人辐射某种能量排序。
Zeng Gong was a pure Confucianism, he inclined to inherit, and the heart of his thought was the transformation through instruction. 比较而言,曾巩是位纯正的儒家,他的经学思想是以教化为中心的,重在继承;
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 我若能说万人的方言,并天使的话语,却没有爱,我就成了呜的锣、响的钹一般。
Every time Flipboard reaches another milestone, somebody from the company bangs a Japanese gong situated in kitchen area of the office. 每次Flipboard达到一个新的里程碑,就会有人敲响厨房里的日本锣。
One of his subordinates, Gong Kai, came to him and said, "I sure had a strange dream last night. " 一天,他的一个副手宫凯找到他说道,“昨天晚上我做了一个很奇怪的梦。”
No way, artisan secretly sent his wife to see YuHao wife, take her, JinChai gave her to ask the reason YuHao fu-gong temple shaking. 不行,工匠秘密派遣他的妻子看到浩的妻子,带她,金钗给她问原因浩福宫发抖。
In a time of anxious waiting, in a second disappointing blow, he was a very difficult plan to work - at a construction site when Gong. 在一次次焦灼的等待中,在一次次失望的重击后,他终于谋到一份很艰辛的工作——在一个建筑工地当小工。
Just a moment before the gong went off I jumped out of bed and, locking the door behind me, I bolted downstairs to the courtyard. 离开饭锣敲响还有一会儿,我跳下床锁上门冲到楼下的院子里。
A few days later, Mr. Gong told prosecutors that Mr. Li advised him to falsely testify that he had been beaten for eight days and nights. 几天之后。龚先生就向检方告发——李先生劝告龚先生翻供——说自己曾被刑讯八天八夜。
You are wrong Wei Gong, life is not a matter of the heart, but a matter of the power. I am so tired of this palace life. 此言差矣,生活不是心性之事,而是权力之争。我厌倦透了宫里的生活。
Ryan: You know, Yu Gong, if you put down characters, I can know something about what the name means. 愚公,如果你加入中文,我就可以了解一点他的名字的含义。他的名字是什么意思?
Before practicing Falun Gong, Li Ting had been a good boy in a happy family. 李亭的家原本是一个和睦温馨的家,李亭也是一个听话懂事的孩子。
But banking stocks, Frank Gong did not look bad, he said that is still good. 但银行股,龚方雄不看坏,他说,仍然是好的。
"Not too bad! Brother Gong, thank you for your mercy! " replied the young man, biting his lip with a pale face. 那少年脸色苍白,咬着嘴唇道:“多谢龚师兄剑下留情。”
He thinks there's gong to be a giant sucking sound as massive liabilities throughout the system swallow up assets and earnings. 在他看来,整个系统的巨额负债将会把资产及收益吞没,发出巨大的吞咽声。
Hung over as the top was pleased to have such a fellow, and sincerely wish Gong Xinglun Painting a glorious future. 洪顶超为有这样一位同道感到欣慰,衷心祝愿龚兴伦画艺前程似锦。
You feel relaxed when your sitting on the roof, looking up to the sky and chatting with intimate friends, " said Gong Ying, 25. " 当你坐在楼顶上,看看天空,和好朋友聊聊天,你会感到很放松。
In 2005, as she was about to graduate, Gong was in a dilemma whether to continue her website or seek work. 2005年,就在她将要毕业的时候,龚陷入了进退两难的抉择中,是继续经营这个网站呢还是去找一份工作。
some siheyuan , like that of prince gong ' s , have been opened to the public and have attracted number tourists. 有的四合院,如西城区的恭王府还对外开放,吸引了不少中外游客。
Pass energy of human body oneself to be able to release heat energy continuously, anion, deepness fuel factor arises outside Yuan Gong. 并通过人体自身能量可连续开释热能,负离子,远红外产生深度热效应。
The next day, when it was time to go collect alms food from the supporter of the monastery, the village monk rang the temple gong. 第二天,到了去支助者那里化缘的时间,乡村和尚便敲起了庙里的钟。
Liugong (pronounced lu-GONG) exports equipment to most parts of the globe, with a particular emphasis in Latin America and Southeast Asia. 广西柳工生产的设备已出口至世界大部分地区,其中尤以拉美和东南亚为重。
Whether the relationship is new or has been gong strong for a while everyone wants to feel especially loved on February 14. 无论之间的关系是新的或已经贡强劲了一阵子,谁都想要特别爱在二月十四日。
so, that student is called Zhang Gong, a moment ago absquatulate, hear a teacher to say " Zhang Gong " , think to quiz to him! 原来,那学生名叫张弓,刚才正开小差,听到老师说“张弓”,便以为向他提问呢!
Here is a replica of itinerary we haudio-videoe worked out for you in gong with friends. Would you pleottom haudio-videoe a peek at it? 这是我们为你和你的朋友拟定的活动日程就寝。请过目一下,好吗?。