
美 [bɔɪ]英 [bɔɪ]
  • n.男孩;小子;伙计;男青年
  • int.表示惊奇、高兴、痛苦等
  • 网络男童;少年;男生


little boy,good boy,naughty boy,young boy,small boy
see boy,save boy,find boy,take boy,beat boy


1.[c]男孩;男青年a male child or a young male person

2.[c]年少的儿子a young son

3.[c]做某工作的男孩(或小伙子);伙计a boy or young man who does a particular job

4.[c](指称某地等的人)a way of talking about sb who comes from a particular place, etc.

5.[pl](informal)一帮男伙伴a group of male friends who often go out together


the boys in blue

警察the police

boys will be boys

男孩子总归是男孩子(不必为男孩或男子的吵闹粗野大惊小怪)you should not be surprised when boys or men behave in a noisy or rough way as this is part of typical male behaviour


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... last name 姓氏 boy n. 男孩 girl n. 女孩 ...


首页-Be I 小巷家童装-淘宝网 ... 女童- Girl 男童- Boy 每周二新品- New ...


首页-哈驴户外--淘宝唯一网店-淘宝网 ... 婴儿 Infant 少年 Boy/Girl Danner 丹拿 ...


典范英语 名词_百度文库 ... color 颜色 boy 男生 dear 乖乖 ...


北大未名BBS -- ... ◇ Triangle( 三角地) - 69人 ◇ Boy( 男孩子) - 50人 ◇ SecretGarden( 别问我是谁) - 151人 ...


阿拉伯语手册3 - nizi73224的日志 - 网易博客 ... 双胞胎 twin 小男孩 boy 青少年 youth ...


学习_考试_成长_高效在线学习_光网教育网 ... 08-15boat 船 boy 男孩;儿子 box 盒子;箱子 ...

As a boy, Cousteau loved the coral reefs in the sea by his home. He was amazed at all the colours, and all the beautiful Fish. 当库斯托还是个孩子的时候就很喜欢他家附近大海里的珊瑚礁。他对五颜六色的珊瑚礁和各种美丽的鱼惊奇不已。
The girl too. Put a helm on her, a bit o' mail, might be some will take her for a boy. 那个女孩也是,给她一个头盔,一套盔甲,那样别人会把她当成个男孩。
"One, a little baby. He eas luggin' it in his arms that very day. " "Was it a boy? " “哦,有一个,一个小家伙,那天抱在他怀里。”“是个男孩?”
Well, Dad, " said the boy, " I challenged Larry to a duel. And, you know, I gave him his choice of weapons. 于是小男孩说,“爸爸,我和拉里进行了一场决斗。嗯,你知道的,我给了他选择武器的机会。”
"I just want to know, please tell me, how much do you make an hour? " Pleaded the little boy. “我只是想知道,请告诉我:你一小时挣多少钱?”男孩恳求道。
Caohui Long, a year-old boy, you think it will be long long hair like a girl? 曹会龙,一个八岁的小男孩,你觉得会龙留长发像女孩吗?
The divorced parents of a boy I knew in high school installed him in his own apartment because neither of them wanted him at home. 我在高中时认识的一个男孩被单独安置在一套公寓里,因为他那对离异的父母都不愿让他住在自己家。
Unfortunately, the part of the inscription which had named the boy and his parents is so badly damaged that we cannot be certain. 不幸的是,有男孩及其父母名字的铭文部分已经严重受损,我们没办法确定他们的名字。
It seemed that the little boy could read my mind, and he quietly gave some newspapers of that day to me. 这个小男孩好象读懂了我的心思,他默默的递给我一些当日的报纸。
There was a pair of cool-looking boots just right for a 12-year-old boy, a pretty scarf for Ashley, and heaps of toys for the baby. 有一双很酷的靴子,正好适合12岁男孩,为艾希丽买了一条漂亮围巾,为宝宝买了一堆玩具。
Maybe you got a group of Boy Scouts to behave on a camping trip, solved a family dispute, or talked your way out of a potential problem. 也许是你组织的一批童子军参加野营训练时表现出色,解决了家庭纠纷,或者凭三寸不烂之舌解决了潜在问题的时候;
He looked around the boy section, picked up this item and that, and carefully put then back in their place. 他环视了一下男孩区,拿起一个玩具,又小心地把它放回原位。
I was just a normal chubby boy yesterday, and now I become someone all over the world looking at. 昨天,我还是个普普通通的胖小子,而今天我却成了世人瞩目的名人了。
The little boy talked as if he knew everything. 那小男孩说话的口气好像他什么都知道。
As a relatively new mom to a biracial boy, I'm trying to get a head start on speaking openly and simply about race. 作为一个混血儿的新妈妈,我准备在公开地、简明地讲述人种问题上开个头。
The only information they had about who they were giving it to was a code number for each boy and that boy's group membership. 他们知道的信息只有那些男孩是属于哪个组的,以及属于那个人的一个代码。
And it was not easy to recover from the humiliation of being mistaken for boy by my mother's friend over a Sunday dim sum lunch. 并且我也很难从被我妈妈的朋友在一次周日的聚餐上被他们误认为是男生这一耻辱中恢复过来。
If I were a boy again, I would demand of myself more courtesy towards my companions and friends, and indeed towards strangers as well. 如果我再是男孩,我会要求我自己更多礼貌往我的伴侣和朋友,和的确往陌生人。
There was a time, when I was a boy, when you could get any kind of telephone service you wanted, as long as it came from Ma Bell. 我还是孩子那会儿,你要想接通电话服务,那就得去玛贝尔公司,只此一家。
Witnessing the girl yell abuse at the boy for ten solid minutes, I felt amazed at how much self-control the boy had. 看着女孩对着男孩骂了足足十分钟,我真叹服那个男孩的涵养。
According to family lore, the ring was given as a gift from the collector to his wife in celebration of the birth of their first baby boy. 据该家族记载,这枚指环是该藏家庆祝其长子出生而送给妻子的礼物。
I entered the shop of a pork butcher at the moment when his son, aged eight, was returning from school. The poor boy was weeping bitterly. 我走进杀猪屠夫的铺子,他八岁的儿子正好放学回家。
I remember that the little boy grabbed Sharon's ball. And the other girl picked up something of mime. 我记得那小男孩抓走了沙伦的小球,而另外一个女孩就挑走了一件我的东西。
Graves took the hand of the little boy, who came willingly with him up to the box. 格雷乌斯先生拉起小男孩的一只手,他自动跟着他走到箱子跟前。
This film star finds favor with everyone in her country, up to the president and down to the boy who sweeps the floor. 这位影星受到她的国家里每个人的喜欢,上至总统,下到扫地的男孩。
Her 'best boy mate' asked her to be his date, she said. 她说,她“最好的男性搭档”邀请她做他的舞伴。
Only the little boy did not ran away, for his eyes were so full of tears that he did not see the Giant. 只有那个小男孩没有跑开,因为他的眼里噙满泪珠,看不见巨人的到来。
I'm crush on a boy but he doesn't know about that. I'm afraid we are not friends anymore if I tell him about this. 我很喜欢一个男孩,他不知道,我怕我若是说出口,连朋友都做不成。
The stubble on his cheeks and chin made him look like a boy trying to grow his first beard. 他两颊与下巴上的胡茬让他看起来系那个才长胡子的男孩。
"Hello, " one of the sailors said to the boy. "Why does your brother have to have a rope round his neck when he goes for a walk with you ? " “嗨”,其中一个水兵对男孩说,“你兄弟跟你一块儿走的时候,为什么得用一根绳子绕着它的脖子啊?”。