better off

  • adj.富有的;富裕的;境况良好
  • 网络情况更好;更富裕;经济状况好的

better offbetter off

better off

1.富有的;富裕的having a lot of money

2.境况良好in a good situation


纯正地道美语(外教讲解)198:问路_在线英语听力室 ... get to 去……的路 better off 情况更好 go around 四处走动 ...


2009年英语六级高频词汇 第40期|英语六级词汇 ... depression 经济大萧条 better off 更富裕 artificial 人造的 ...


大学英语_爱问知识人 ... yield to: 让步、被迫放弃 better off: 经济状况好的,富裕的 consist of: 由……组成 ...


大学英语_爱问知识人 ... yield to: 让步、被迫放弃 better off经济状况好的,富裕的 consist of: 由……组成 ...


初中带有off的短语 - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... badly off 贫困,贫穷 better off 情况较好 well off 富裕 ...


better什么意思_百度知道 ... feel better 感觉好点了 better off adj. 经济状况好的,富裕的;状况好的 better life 更美好旳玍活 ...

She made the sacrifice to stop teaching for a few years to stay home with our two youngest babies, and they are so much better off for it. 她牺牲了几年的教学工作时间,只为在家好好抚养我们两个最小的孩子,他们长得非常好!
And when people see how much better off you've become, they'll follow suit. 当人们看到你生活变得有多精彩时,他们就会跟着你一起做了。
But you're better off setting flags -- and nothing else -- in a signal handler, as opposed to trying to create sophisticated handlers. 但是您最好只在一个信号处理器中设置标记(别的什么都不做),这胜过尝试创建复杂的处理器。
"I probably would have been better off going to a state school, " he said. “在公立学校可能更好一些,”他说到。
We 're a lot better off today than we were a year ago . This week I 'll be giving thanks for that. 相比一年以前,今天的我们好了很多。这个星期,我将为此而感恩。
People might be better off going for a hybrid manager that does a little bit of everything. 如果人们寻找一位各种投资都会做一点的混合型投资经理的话,那么他们的境况或许会好一些。
If he had not, the League fight would have turned out differently, and the nation and the world would have been better off. 如果他不继续执政,联盟之战也许会出现不同的结果,美国和世界的状况也许会更好。
But the left, which might have expected to have benefited from a capitalist meltdown, is no better off. 然而向来被认为能够从资本主义危机中获利的左翼却毫无起色。
I've got more than enough to do. So the sooner we can get out of that business, the better off we're going to be. 我做的已经够多了,所以我们越快从那个行业摆脱出来我们日子会越好过。
In my conversations with protesters here, I keep noting how much better off they are than those in Syria or Yemen. 在和当地抗议者的对话中,我总是能发现,他们比叙利亚或也门的抗议者富足许多。
Given all that, it would be a surprise if happier people weren't better off. 鉴于以上所述,若幸福的人生活不优裕则会令人感到奇怪。
Bess grieved because she had no child, not having sense enough to know she was better off without them. 贝丝感到悲哀因为自己没个孩子,其实她没有意识到她是没有好过有。
But regardless of what actually is afoot, from a number of angles, HSBC would be better off moving back to its historical roots in Asia. 但不管其实际打算是什么,从多个角度来看,汇丰搬回它在亚洲的原来的根据地将使其获益匪浅。
Even so, that does not add up to a compelling case for regulation, since it is hard to see how consumers could be made better off. 即便如此,这并没有增加强制监管的措施,因为判断如何让消费者更加得益是很难的。
I've never seen anyone yet who worked for him or was around him for any length of time who wasn't better off. 我还从没有见过任何人为他工作或者不管多长时间都站在他旁边而不离开。
Marx belonged to a relatively well-to-do family. He had not faced hunger in his childhood. He was much better off than many fellow students. 马克思生于一个较富裕的家庭,他童年时从未挨饿,在学生时代的生活又比他的同学们好得多。
The point is that, if all you know are recipes, you're no better off once you leave the tiny domain where the recipes work. 要点在于,如果您所知道的都是处方,那么一旦离开处方起作用的小领域,您就束手无策了。
You keep telling me that I'm better off not knowing your story, but I don't think I can accept that any longer. 你说你要告诉我你的故事,但我不觉得我能等很久。
The Republic can now stay with the euro if it wishes despite my personal view that it would be better off going back to sterling. 爱尔兰如果愿意的话,目前可以留在欧元区内,尽管我个人认为,该国恢复使用英镑会更好一些。
Sometimes a business might be better off spending a quarter or a year not growing but simply consolidating existing business. 有时候,用一个季度或一年的时间巩固现有业务,这比扩张对企业更有意义。
If you favor those milk chocolate bon-bons over the dark variety, you might be better off switching. 如果你喜欢牛奶巧克力胜过黑巧克力,你最好还是改变一下。
He said that the Christian populations in Iraq and Egypt were probably better off under previous regimes that have been overthrown. 他说,伊拉克和埃及的基督徒在上一个被抛弃的政权下,境遇其实可能更好。
BP would be (a bit) better off had it had more American directors to throw at America's media wolves. 假如BP能够拥有更多的美国经理应对那些美国的传媒工作者它将会好一点。
EVEN if I granted all that I have been refuting, the friends of despotism would be no better off. 即使我接受我所反驳的所有观点,专制主义拥护者的日子也好不到哪里去。
I'm leaning towards the theory that simplicity, at least for me, is going to make me happier, less stressed and better off. 我也倾向于接受那种理论,就是“简单,至少对我而言,将使我更加开心,减少压力,过得更好。”
Just imagine how much better off ALL council taxpayers would be if people like you didn't exist. 只要想想如果象你这样的人不存在,所有的纳税人会多么…
You're much better off with a system in which people can be free to imagine, invent, and connect with one another. 你会更热衷于一个可以自由想像、创造以及互相联系的系统。
This is an experimentation problem: how much do you need to see of a man's behaviour before deciding you'd be better off without him? 这是一个实验问题:你对一个男人的行为需要有多了解,才能断定没有他你会更快乐?
This kind of thinking, along with a little attitude adjustment, helps you to convert foes to friends, and both of you are better off. 这种思维方式伴随你态度上的转变,会帮助你将敌化友,而你们双方也会感觉舒服很多。
If possible, you're better off using one of the existing Linux security modules than trying to write your own. 如果可能,您最好不要使用已有的Linux安全模块,而是尝试去编写自己安全模块。