
美 [ˈbenəfɪt]英 [ˈbenɪfɪt]
  • n.益处;优势;成效;福利费(政府对失业者、病人等提供的补助金);利益;利润;退休金;抚恤金;好处;利润;退休金;抚恤金
  • v.对…有利;使得利益;受益 (by from);对…有利;使得利益;得益;对(某人)有用;使受益;得益于;得利于
  • 网络给居民带来了好处;受益的

复数:benefits 过去式:benefited 过去式:benefitted 现在分词:benefiting 现在分词:benefitting

mutual benefit,great benefit,important benefit,little benefit,obvious benefit
get benefit,derive benefit,bring benefit,gain benefit,obtain benefit
greatly benefit,benefit enormously


n. v.

1.[u][c]优势;益处;成效an advantage that sth gives you; a helpful and useful effect that sth has

3.[c][usupl](公司发的)福利,奖金;(保险公司发的)给付,保险金an advantage that you get from a company in addition to the money that you earn; money from an insurance company

4.[c]慈善(或公益)活动an event such as a performance, a dinner, etc., organized in order to raise money for a particular person or charity


for sbs benefit

为帮助某人;为某人的利益especially in order to help or be useful to sb

give sb the benefit of the doubt

(在证据不足的情况下)假定某人说实话,假定某人没有错to accept that sb has told the truth or has not done sth wrong because you cannot prove that they have not


BBC Learning English ... talent 人才 benefited 受益 lottery funding 彩票集资 ...


选择题,帮帮忙哦_爱问知识人 ... C. tend( 往往是) C. benefited给居民带来了好处) D. won( 强调一般事实) ...


会计词汇D ... benefit program 福利计划 Benefited 受益的 benefited party 受益方 ...

To me it would seem only a commercial exchange, in which each wished to be benefited at the expense of the other. 对我来说,这似乎只是一种商品交换,双方都想损人利己。
Perhaps Hawthorne would have benefited as a writer if he had accepted an offer once made to him to join in a voyage to the South Seas. 要是霍桑当年接受邀请,前往南太平洋作一次航海旅行,在写作上说不定会对他大有裨益。
There was an estimation, a conservative estimation, a couple of years ago that the U. S. economy benefited by 57 billion dollars per year. 几年前,有个保守的估计,美国经济每年因昆虫而获益五百七十亿美元。
It's not been easy, but so far I seem to have benefited from meta-meta learning. 这过程不轻松,但是现在看来,我已经从元学习中受益了。
The idol never wishes to see before him the sculptor who shaped him, nor does the benefited wishes to his benefit or always before him eyes. 雕像决不希望见到塑造自己的雕刻家,受惠之人也不愿意看到自己的恩人老在面前晃来晃去。
Therefore, we were a bit more willing to confess our activities to Anne and sometimes benefited from her sisterly advice. 因此,我们更愿意向安妮坦白我们的所作所为,并且有时还会得益于她从姐姐角度所给出的建议。
But the left, which might have expected to have benefited from a capitalist meltdown, is no better off. 然而向来被认为能够从资本主义危机中获利的左翼却毫无起色。
State-owned Anshan benefited from such government help in a way that was denied to its competitors in the US, he said. 达涅茨表示,国有企业鞍钢受惠的这些政府扶持,是美国的竞争对手所享受不到的。
I've benefited from the training methods here, I don't think I could cope with all the long slogs now at my age. 我在这里的训练中获益很多,我不认为我现在这个年纪还能应付这些了。
Even the next generation of management gurus seems to have benefited from a spell at the Firm. 甚至比其晚一辈的管理学大师们也从麦肯锡的魔力中受益匪浅。
How much have the Chinese really benefited from all their snooping in the United States? 中国人在美国所有的窥探行为真正获益多少呢?
If it finds its inventories are now too large, the implications would be unpleasant for the producers that have benefited to date. 如果中国发现自己现在的库存量过高,将会对迄今受益的生产商带来令人不快的影响。
Some observers also said the bank benefited by passing up certain overseas opportunities before the crisis. 一些观察人士也表示,现在看来,金融危机前摩根大通没有争取某些海外投资机会对该行有益。
Thompson issued a written statement withdrawing his candidacy and said he hoped the country and his party had benefited from his campaign. 汤普森发表了一份书面声明,宣布退出竞选,并说他希望美国和共和党从他的竞选活动中受益。
But not a lot of people are willing to talk to them about how much they've benefited from having a eurozone. 但并没有很多人想跟他们聊聊他们从欧盟得到多少收益。
He said graduates could make contributions during their working lives depending on how much they benefited financially. 他指出毕业生在以后的工作中赚了,应当拿出点贡献学校。
But he said JPMorgan did not want to stand in the way of an initiative that benefited the banking system as a whole. 但他表示,摩根大通不想妨碍一项有利于整个银行业体系的措施。
How much that little country has benefited from his involvement is unclear. 这个小国家到底从他身上获利多少已不得而知。
He asked who benefited from undermining stability, and added: "I do not rule out that this was a gift from abroad. " 他质问那些因暗中破坏稳定而获益的人,并强调:“我并不排除这是来自国外的礼物。”
Democrats appeared to have benefited most, with a surge of enthusiasm by young and black voters. 从目前来看,随着青年人和黑人选民热情的高涨,民主党员的选票占据绝大多数。
Ms. Kim said that she believed that the fact that the money benefited the church meant that unlicensed vendors were allowed to participate. KIM女士说,她以为教堂赚到了钱的这个事实,会允许没有执照的卖者也可以参与。
Only two stray dogs benefited from all this confusion, for they greedily devoured what was left of the cake. 只有两只野狗在混乱中得到了好处,它们狼吞虎咽地吃光了剩余的蛋糕。
Heard a little bit of self-marketing from her, I benefited a lot, not exactly. 从她那儿听到的一点自我推销术,让我受益很多(说说而已)。
He said Korean exporters had a technical edge over many competitors and benefited from diversified markets. 他表示,韩国出口商较许多竞争对手拥有技术上的优势,并受益于多元化的市场。
It is hard to gauge how much Tang has benefited, if at all, from the academic credentials he claimed to possess. 很难去衡量唐从他声称拥有的学历中获益多少。
It had benefited by this concept and was not going to repeat how it had benefited. 他们曾经从中获益,但不打算重复说明如何获益。
Six months later we took a look, and consumers had not benefited at all, but we had lost revenue. 六个月之后,我们发现消费者完全没有受益,但我们损失了(汽油税的)收入。
None of it required laws or regulation, and its extremely fast development was voluntary and benefited all. 没有任何一个需要什么法律或者标准,但所有的快速发展都是自愿和有益的。
but many identify in lula one of their own , and do not see him as having benefited personally from graft. 不过许多人认为卢拉与自己同心同力,并没有从牟取个人私利。
In other words, none of these traits would have benefited our early human ancestors, but higher intelligence may be associated with them. 换句话说,这些特性应该没有一项是有益于人类的祖先,但高智商或许和它们有关联。