
美 [bɑnd]英 [bɒnd]
  • n.债券;键;结合;键合
  • v.使牢固结合;把…紧紧地连接到;增强(与某人的)信任关系
  • adj.被奴役的;奴隶的

复数:bonds 现在分词:bonding 过去式:bonded

strong bond,weak bond,japanese bond,close bond,emotional bond
form bond,create bond,strengthen bond,make bond,forge bond


n. v.

牢固的联系strong connection

1.[c]~ (between A and B)纽带;联系;关系;契合something that forms a connection between people or groups, such as a feeling of friendship or shared ideas and experiences


3.[u]保释金a sum of money that is paid as bail

4.[c]按揭贷款协议;按揭贷款a legal agreement by which a bank lends you money to buy a house, etc. which you pay back over many years; the sum of money that is lent


5.[pl]捆绑犯人的绳索(或镣铐);羁绊;桎梏the ropes or chains keeping sb prisoner; anything that stops you from being free to do what you want

法律协定legal agreement

6.[c]书面的法律协定(或承诺)a legal written agreement or promise


7.[c]连接;结合the way in which two things are joined together

The Philippines has been a magnet for bond investors this year due to its higher interest rate environment. 由于菲律宾利率较高,该国今年吸引了大量债券投资者。
Thou shalt say to him: We were bond men of Pharao in Egypt, and the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a strong hand. 你应对你的儿子说:我们曾在埃及作过法郎的奴隶,上主却以大能的手将我们由埃及领了出来。
The European Commission calls it a "stability bond" , surely a candidate for euphemism of the year. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)把这种债券称为“稳定债券”——这个词肯定是今年最佳委婉语的一个候选。
During the war he was sent on dangerous secret missions abroad. Very exciting! He was a sort of James Bond. 在战争中,他被派往国外担任一项危险而秘密的使命。太令人兴奋了!他是位出色的谍报人员。
The strength of a pair of hands is limited, So the strength can be reinforced as do we all bond our hands together. 然而,一双手的力量是有限的,当我们团结的时候,力量就大得多。
It would not be a threat to Mr Osborne's main fiscal target or to the bond markets' good faith. 此举并不会对奥斯本的主要财政目标及债券市场的良好信用产生威胁。
Debt has rarely been cheaper, with higher-rated companies paying just a few dozen basis points over government bond yields. 日本企业的债务成本几乎低得不能再低,评级较高的公司只需支付比政府债券收益率高出十几个基点的价格。
The Treasury view was that bond-financed public spending was bound to diminish private spending by an equal amount. 英国财政部当时的观点是,依靠发债融资的公共支出,势必挤出等量的私人支出。
That would be a reminder the bond vigilantes are still watching, even if they haven't yet decided to strike as they did in Greece. 这将起到提醒作用:债券市场护卫者们仍在观望,虽然他们尚未决定是否要像对待希腊那样用脚投票。
A girl gamer - a real one, not a Booth Babe or someone's girlfriend trying to bond through an MMO - can get what she needs on her own. 女性玩家——真正的女性,不是展会宝贝,也不是某人通过网游结识的女朋友——能得到她自己想要的东西。
It's the move up in yields on the 10- year bond and down on the two - year note that signals worries about inflation . 年期债券收益率上升,而两年期票据收益率下降,这正反映了市场对通胀的担忧。
Normally, we use the word bond to describe the linkage between a particular pair of atoms. 通常我们用键这个词来描述指定的一对原子之间的键合。
So on the basis of this legal bond the company can be taken to court if it does not bound what has been agreed in the warranty document. 具有法律效力后,若公司未履行文件中规定的义务,则可能被诉诸法庭。
Silicon carbide was a strong covalent bond compound, which had favorable high temperature, electricity, mechanism and chemistry capability. 碳化硅材料是共价键极强的化合物,具有良好的高温性能、电性能、机械性能和化学性能。
In a recent interview, Vanessa spoke of their bond. And Zac said the pair's love was "exactly how it should be" . 在最近的采访中凡妮莎还说到两人的恋情,扎克也说他们俩的感情是“就该是这样”。
Yet at the same moment, blind and desperate, he realizes that the only bond linking him to the world is the cool hand of a girl. 与此同时,在失明和绝望的那一刻,他意识到联系他与世间唯一的纽带就是一个女孩冰冷的手。
The yield to call will be higher than the nominal yield if the bond is called at a price above the price paid by the investor originally. 调用的产量将高于名义收益率,如果债券价格高于最初由投资者支付的价格。
A bond dealer need not appreciate Proust, but he must be able to do sums in his head. 一个债券经销商不需要感激蒲鲁斯特,但是他必须能够心算。
Following the bond market sell-off the remaining difference seems manageable, particularly since the risk on inflation is only latent. 在债券市场经历抛售后,剩余的分歧似乎是易于处理的,尤其是在通胀风险尚未显露的情况下。
European officials also acknowledge that Beijing is trying to extract maximum political advantage from any bond purchases it does make. 欧洲官员还承认,北京方面每次买入债券时,都试图获取最大的政治优势。
But a leader of the Greens party Hans-Christian Stroebele, said the "James Bond" style manhunts were totally over the top. 不过,绿党领袖汉斯-克里斯蒂安·斯特罗贝说,这种“詹姆斯·邦德”式的搜捕行动完全是杀鸡用牛刀。
The very visible signs of runs in government and corporate bond markets seem to be mirrored in more opaque corners of finance. 政府和公司债券市场运作中看得见的指标似乎反映了金融领域的更加阴暗的一面。
Still, the point of bond rating agencies is to do research on securities that other investors may not know well. 当然,债券评级机构的意义在于研究其他投资者未必十分了解的债券。
Thus, the market value of a convertible bond tends to fluctuate with the market value of an equivalent number of shares of common stock. 因此,可转换债券的市价会随等值的普通股的市价波动而波动。
The on-line broad - bond electrical noise dot that this thesis recommend sows the system, pertaining the on line to look the video website. 本论文介绍的在线宽带点播系统,属于在线看视频类网站。
But, she said, Obama's state visit has shown that both sides realize they need to be more strategic about how they think about that bond. 但是多尔曼迪说,奥巴马的国事访问显示出,双方意识到他们需要在如何看待双方关系方面更具有策略性。
Wheeljack and Hot Shot had a deep bond and friendly rivalry, each trying to outdo the other's brash antics. 千斤顶和激射有着很深的联系和友好的竞争,他们都想赢对方。
Bond fracture appeared to be due to osmotic pressure generated in the bubble by water soluble constituents leached from the interface. 粘结破裂的出现是由于外界面溶解出水溶性成分而鼓泡产生渗透压力之故。
The photographs also showed what appeared to be the entrance to an underground harbour that would do credit to a James Bond set. 这些照片也显示了一个似乎是通向地下海港(那会使詹姆斯•邦德的设备如虎添翼)的入口。
Mr. Milevsky said he viewed himself as a bond, because as a tenured professor his salary did not fluctuate. 米列夫斯基先生认为自己是一只债券,因为他作为终身教授,年薪波动不大。