big man

  • 网络大人物;大个子;巨人

big manbig man

big man


invisible man_翻译 ... 理性人: reasonable man 大人物Big Man 自然观: Man-Nature ...


初阶己方大个子(Big man)上,要纠正别人之前,先反省自己有没有犯错。中国队(China Team)投的很顺,这是对的,无论何时…


上九回忆录之港剧 – Mtime时光网 ... 人在边缘, The Challenge of Life 巨人, Big Man 流氓大亨, The Feud of Two Brothers ...


一滴水壮阳精油,男士健康幸福的首选养生精油 ... Strong man 强男人 Big man 大男人 Healthy Men 健康男人 ...


1-11... ... big improvement 很大的改进 big man 肥大的人;要人 big mistake 大错误 ...


独家试爱情... ... Byelove - 激震环 (狮子造型) BIG MAN 成就大男人 A﹝仿真增长6公分﹞ Happy Angel 快乐天使(带舌头双型多 …


Peanuts-Snoopy 2006-01_看史努比学英语... ... thumb tack: 图钉 big man: 伟大人物 get tired of: 厌烦 ...


领导人大人物(Big Man)找来了The Enforces集团作为他扩展势力的重要打手。三位成员分别是怪力男Ox、绳圈高手Montana, …

But that kind said the big man not own beginning platform----This "good lie" , also undesirable. Is not true of the good, is deception. 但那种说伟大人物没有自己的起点平台----这“善意谎言”,也是不可取的。无真之善,就是欺骗。
The big man crowded the child out of his way. 那个大个儿将小孩挤开。
KG is one of the most versatile big man of all time, as he is an excellent scorer, rebounder, passer, and defensive player. 加内特是历史上最全能的大个子球员之一,他是一个出色的得分手,篮板手,传球手和防守球员。
Finally the big man with the lightning tattoo bent down to pry his arms apart. Jack kicked him in the groin with all his strength. 终于,有闪电纹身的大块头俯身想把杰克的双臂拉开,他用尽全身力量一脚踢向大块头胯下。
They have him where they want him now, the great warrior, the last big man of Europe. He sleeps soundly in his granite bed. 这是充满诗意的陈尸所,他们现在将这位伟大的武士、欧洲最后一位伟人送到想送的地方去了。
He is very big man and he has on high boots and fur coat and a fur hat and he is all covered with snow. 他是个庞然大物,穿着高统靴,身披毛皮大衣,头戴毛皮帽子,浑身是雪。
He was a big man, perhaps a few years older than I, with short dark hair parted to the side and rimless glasses. 他很魁梧,大概年长我几岁,留着黑短发,梳向一边,带着一副无框眼镜。
On the day for sentencing to be carried out, his mother was tied to a stake and a big man was ready to flog her with a whip. 在审判执行的那天,国王的母亲被被绑在一棵大树桩上,一个强健的男人准备用皮鞭抽打她。
While he's never been a star, he is still a solid, no nonsense big man with the scariest eyes in the League. 但他从未成为过一个明星,他只是在联盟里默默无闻工作的大个子。
Elisa saw that he was a very big man. Although his hair and beard were greying, he did not look old. 伊利莎看得出他是个大块头,虽然头发胡子都白了,却并不显老。
But you've got to feel a little sorry for the big man because no- one wants to hit with him. 但是你也许会有一点同情他,因为没有人想和他这个大个子一起练球。
He was a very tall, big man with blue eyes and a lot of white hair. 他高大魁梧,蓝眼睛,长着一头浓密的白发。
Gasol's skill level and basketball intellect made him the perfect big man for the triangle offense, which he picked up on the fly. 枷锁的球技已经他的篮球智商使得他是湖人三角进攻的最佳高个子,而的确他也很快就打得得心应手。
As I've done before, I begged the Big Man to manipulate me with praise! 正如曾经一样,我祈求大男人用表扬来利用我!
Michael Beasley: He would rather put up a flipper than try to dunk over or through a nasty big man. 迈克尔-比斯利:他宁愿举起脚鸭板也不尝试扣篮或突破一个讨厌的大个。
Come on. You're supposed to be the big man around here. How's a little girl like me supposed to help? 呵呵。你应该在是这里的男子汉啊。怎么还要我这样的弱女子帮忙啊?
Four years later, we still find ourselves asking who the dominant big man in the NBA is in terms of centers. 四年过去了,我们发现自己依然在询问:在中锋里,谁是联盟最具统治力的大个子?
The old Norwegian who had died in the Hotel Aegean must have been a big man, because his clothes fit Thomas comfortably. 死在爱琴旅馆的那个挪威人一定是个大块头,他的衣服托马斯穿着都挺合适。
I look around for the driver, who I picture as a big man with a red face and a bad stomach. Maybe he's inside buying antacids. 我四处张望想找到车主,在我想象中他应该是个红脸膛啤酒肚的大块头,说不准他正在里面买胃药呢。
Dwight Howard is without a doubt the best big man in the league as he is great offensively and dominant defensively. 德怀特-霍华德毫无疑问是这个联盟里最好的大个子,他的进攻,特别是他那极具统治力的防守。
There is no other big man in the league today who can dominate a game like this guy. 现在联盟中找不出第二个能像他这样统治比赛的内线家伙了。
It seems to already stereotypes between men and women down a definition: Big man, little woman. 似乎早有陈规旧俗给男女之间下了定义:大男人,小女人。
They spent two days looking for another guy to replace the "Big Man Jim" who was fired a week ago. 他们花了两天时间向另外找个人来接替前一星期被解雇的“大个子吉姆”。
Just been on an ExxonMobil dragon boat race with Lewis in Singapore - needless to say, the Big Man won! 刚刚和刘易斯一起在参加新加坡的美孚赛龙舟比赛-不用说,大人物赢了!
The best big man the Jazz have is Paul Millsap, and he comes off the bench and will lose the quickness battle with Lamar Odom. 爵士阵中最好的大个子是板凳上的保罗-米尔萨普,不过当他对阵奥多姆的时候,他会在速度上吃不少亏的。
Recently, as I fumed about all the ways in which the Big Man wasn't feeding my praise addiction, these tips occurred to me. 最近,当我对于大男人不满足我“表扬瘾性”怒气冲冲之时想出了下面的提示。
Adelman isn't used to coach superstars like Yao. He would like to have a good passing big man who can play on the high post and can shoot. 阿德尔曼以前执教的并不是像姚明这样的全明星球员,他希望用的是一个既会传球、又能在高位组织、外线投球准的大个子。
But we have no choice. We have no water. The earth is sinking. The air is poisoned. And there's that big man-made mountain. 可我们没有办法,我们这里没水,土地正在下沉,空气也被污染了,因为这里有一座人工造出的煤山。
Once Shaq retires, Dwight's going to be the best big man in the league! 奥尼尔退役以后,霍华德将会是联盟中最出色的大个!
He was a big man, strangely pallid, with scars that often showed among the wrinkles of his face. 他身材高大;青白脸色,皱纹间时常夹些伤痕;