
美 [dɪˈraɪv]英 [dɪ'raɪv]
  • v.得到;追寻起源;推论;由来
  • 网络导数

第三人称单数:derives 现在分词:deriving 过去式:derived

derive pleasure,derive benefit,derive satisfaction,derive information,derive comfort



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Information with complicated contents which derives from international news is often beyond the scope of students' knowledge. 来自国际新闻的复杂信息往往会超出中学生的知识范围。
The name derives from the fact that the technology incorporated to create the note exceeds that of the original. 这种假币的名字得自这样的事实:即所使用的多种伪造技术甚至超过了真币。
The notion of modality derives from Aristotle. It has been a continuous study which interested many logicians, philosophers and linguists. 情态概念源于亚里士多德时期,是许多逻辑学家,哲学家,语言学家长期一直感兴趣的研究问题之一。
It is often said that the modern French identity derives from the 1789 revolution and its heroic slogan of liberty, equality and fraternity. 人们常常以为,现代法国国民性源自1789年法国大革命及其“自由、平等、博爱”的英雄口号。
Specifies the name of the class from which a code object derives as an identifier for that code object. 将代码对象从中派生的类的名称指定为该代码对象的标识符。
Mr Fink, 56, is the son of a shoe salesman and says his character derives from growing up in a modest working-class suburb of Los Angeles. 56岁的芬克是一位鞋商的儿子,他表示,他的性格来源于在洛杉矶郊区工人阶级普通家庭长大的经历。
The name derives from FORmula TRANslation; it was the most widely used high-level language for scientific and engineering computations. 名称的由来是FORmulaTRANslation,在科学与工程计算中是最广泛使用的高级语言。
For the Peruvian Andes it has been overestimated how much of the river discharge actually derives from the glacial meltwaters. 对于秘鲁安第斯山,人们高估了有多少河流量真正来自冰川融水。
All of that derives out of this early explanation for me. All right, so here we have the four concepts. 这些都源自于我最早对这一概念的解释,好的,这就是这四个概念。
It is not for the seeker, for the seeker finds what he wants, and the comfort he derives from it is the morality of his own fears. 它不是给追寻者的,因为追寻者会找到他想要的东西,他从中得到的慰藉是他自身恐惧的道德规范。
This had already had an impact on the results of the conglomerate, which derives more than half of its revenues from non-US businesses. 这已经对这家综合企业的业绩产生了影响。通用电气超过一半的营业收入来自美国以外的业务。
Magic is not the result of primitive Buddhism, while derives from Brahmanism, which is forbidden in the time of Buddha. 从历史看,“法术”并非是原始佛教所独有,而是借鉴了婆罗门教中的一些因素。
Ah, wrong metaphor: U. S. strength derives as much from its dominion over the sea as its ability to project force over land. 这是错误的比喻:美国的实力源自它的陆地实力投射能力,也源自它对海洋的支配。
The name "Smurf attack" derives from the name of one of the exploit programs -- called smurf -- attackers use to execute this attack. 名称“Smurf攻击”源自一个名为smurf的利用程序,攻击者用该程序来执行这种攻击。
The name derives from the minium, or red lead, used to emphasize initial letters in medieval illuminated manuscripts. 名称出自「铅丹」一词,以强调中世纪彩饰手抄本的首字母。
For the narrative poems, the thematic significance derives from the surface meaning and the deep level connotation. 叙事诗的主题意义不仅体现在文字表层意思,还隐含在深层结构之中。
The engineers say the material's strength derives from the ordered nature of its lattice design. 工程师说,这种材料的强度来源于它格状设计的有序本质。
It derives much of its revenue from sales taxes and has no city property tax. 其收入大都来自营业税,没有城市财产税。
As a cogeneration places listed companies, the company derives its revenue principally from electricity and heat. 作为一家地方热电联产上市公司,公司主要收入来自电力和热力。
It is completely compatible with western accounting methods and derives all the data that it needs from information extant in the company. 它完全符合西方的会计方法和产生的所有数据,它需要从现存的资料中的公司。
A logo is rarely a description of a business. A logo derives meaning from the quality of the thing it symbolizes, not the other way around. 一个logo是对公司极精彩的描述,logo来源于它象征的事物中,不是相反的方向。
One reason why children experience their schoolwork as the opposite of play derives from the close supervision of that work. 儿童将学习与玩耍对立起来的原因之一在于他们在学习中受到的密切监督。
common sense , or intuition , or self - evident truths derives from man ' s perceptions of the world about him. 常识,或直觉,或显然的事实,来源于人们对周围世界的感觉。
The term "masochism" , which describes a sexual desire to have pain inflicted on oneself, derives from the author's surname. 术语“马索克现象”以本作品作者马索克命名,描述的是一种对自身的一种性的虐待。
Man's preoccupation with time derives ultimately from his unique relationship to it. 人们对时间的关注来源于他们与时间的特殊关系。
The Monitor class can provide locking in multiple application domains if the object used for the lock derives from MarshalByRefObject. 如果用于锁的对象派生自MarshalByRefObject,则Monitor类可在多个应用程序域中提供锁定。
The hotel is located on a man-made island just off the coast of Dubai and derives its sail-like shape from the region's nautical history. 该酒店坐落于一座迪拜海岸的人工岛屿,其形状像有航海历史的帆状。
What sounds like good news for a region that derives much of its economic growth from exports could actually end up being a challenge. 对一个经济增长主要依赖出口的地区来说,这则貌似好事的消息实际上可能会成为该地区的一个难题。
She believes that for men who visit lap-dancing clubs, enjoyment derives primarily from handing over the money, not from the dance itself. 她相信,对于来艳舞夜店的男人们来说,快乐主要建立在伸手给钱的一刻,而不是跳舞部分。
Class can provide locking in multiple application domains if the object used for the lock derives from. 类可在多个应用程序域中提供锁定。