never know

  • 网络永远不知道;从来不知道;从不知道

never knownever know

never know


假勇 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... My Monday 星期一猴子穿新衣 Never know 永远不知道 There is a road 这里有条小路 ...


jack johnson的never... ... Never Know 评论| "Never Know" 从来不知道 I hear this old story before 我听过这个老故事 ...


我叫MT Hey girl 翻译_百度知道 ... But you 但是你 Never know 从不知道 Hey girl 嗨,女孩 ...


Not Over Yet Alsou 试听 -- SongTaste... ... Then we will never know 那么我将永远不知道未来会怎样 Never know 永远都不知


唱片介绍:Jack Johnson《仲夏夜之梦》 ... 01. Better Together 最好在一起 02. Never Know 搞不懂 03. Banana Pancakes 香蕉 …


... It's time for a brand new start 是时候有个新开始 Never know,we might never part 你永远不知,我们或许能永不分离 ...


这首歌再不顶上... ... never know,we might never part 谁也说不好,也许我们再也不会分来了 baby don't be afraid, 宝贝不要害 …

There was a general body of her sweat, if not for the U Da Lielie like this character, and we never know, the original I and her sisters. 她的身上总有一股汗味,如果不是因为U这样子大咧咧的性格,我们永远都不知道,原来I和她是姐妹。
You do not force yourself, you never know how much powerful! 你不强迫你自己,你永远不知道自己多厉害。
At home you never know how much you're going to spend or what you're going to spend it on. 在家里,你从来都不知道你要花多少钱,也不知道要花在什么东西上。
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. 你不会知道,亲爱的,我有多爱你。
But if you come at just any time, I shall never know at what hour my heart is to be ready to greet you. . . 但是,如果你随便什么时候来,我就不知道在什么时候该准备好我的心情。
Mrs. Gump: You're going to have to figure that out for yourself. Life is a box of chocolates, Forrest, you never know what you're gonna get. 甘老太太:这得你自己去发现。生命是一盒巧克力,阿甘,你永远也不知道你将得到什麽东西。
When Sam joined the army, he didn't know Susan falling love with his elder brother, and he never know about it for he died in the war. 当他参军的时候,山姆并不知道苏珊爱上了他的哥哥,而且他永远不会知道,因为后来他在战争中死亡了。
You never know dear how much I love u, please don't take my sunshine away! 你从未我知道我爱你有多深,请不要带走我的阳光。
Rich's systems inherently said, 'You got to stay in the game all the time as you never know when trends are going to hit. 理查德的系统在说‘你必须一直持有仓位,因为你不知道何时趋势会开始。’
You never know when someone might be trying to steal something from your pockets or from your bag. 你不知道什么时候会有人来从你的口袋或背包里偷走东西。
you never know how lovely you are, when you put your head on the table, and look at me with your big eyes. . . J'taime, at least I do now. 你从来不知道我是多么的爱你。当你把头放在桌子上时。然后看着你大大的眼睛。
No matter how much we think we know, we never know everything. Stay positive, stop judging! 不管我们认为自己多了解,也永远不可能了解一切。保持乐观,别再评判了!
How players handle that celebrity kind of attention, you never know, but with Ronaldo he seems to do OK with that. 你不清楚运动员们怎样处理成名后的关注,不过对于罗纳尔多,他看起来做得非常好。
You will never know how many times I've spent lying in my bed all night just thinking about how much you mean to me. 你永远不会知道,有多少次,我不肯睡去,思考你对我而言有多么重要。
Carrying an audio-recorder with you at all times is a great idea, as you never know when enlightenment will strike! 随时在身边带个录音机也是一个很好的主意,因为你不知道灵感何时会来!
So much energy has never before been contained in a bottle. You had better not touch it, one can never know what consequences it might have. 如此多的精力从未被包含在一个瓶子。你最好不要动它,可以永远不知道它可能有什么后果。
You will never know how much your encouragement meant to me. 你决不会知道你的鼓励对我多么有意义。
You never know, you might have found a kindred spirit. 谁都不知道,你可能因此找到一个志趣相投的朋友。
Accordingly, you may say that you know China, but I promise you would never know all of her. 因此,你可以说你知道中国,但是你永远都不可能了解她的全部。
You never know how much I love you Jesus. 你从来不知道我有多爱你拿撒勒人耶稣。
You never know how much time you are going to have to live you life, so pursue your passions and make the right choice now. 你永远不知道你还能生活多少时间,因为追求你酷爱的东西,现在就作出正确的选择。
"He did not! " cried Billy Wildcat. "He said, 'Ma will never know if we go walking just a little way, ' didn't he, Fluffy? " “不是这样的!”野猫娃比利哭着说,“他说‘如果我们只是出去一小会儿,妈妈是不会发现的。’对吧,弗拉菲?”
You never know, dear, how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away. 你从不知道,宝贝,我是多美爱你,请别带走我的阳光……
You never know if one of your children might actually grow up to be a zoologist because of the foundation you laid during their childhood! 你不知道就是因为你在童年时期为他们打下的基础,在你的孩子中间可能真的会成为一个生物学家。
You make me haaaaaaaaaappy, when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take. My sunshine. Away. 你让我开开开开开心,当乌云密布的时侯。你不会知道,亲爱的,我多么爱你。请不要把。我的阳光。带走。
The herpes virus is often a silent virus and many carriers oftentimes never know they have it. 疱疹病毒是一种不易被发现的病毒,很多携带者都不知道他们已经得了疱疹。
Not a bit. I'll talk all day if you'll only set me going. Beth says I never know when to stop. 一点也不介意。要是你让我打开了话匣子,我能聊个昏天暗地,贝思总是说我从来不知道什么时候停下。
He would bring legal stuff to me and say, 'you're better at legalese than me. 'I never know i was the only one reading them. 他把法律材料带给我,并说‘你的法律比我好,我不知道我是唯一读过他们的人’。
But without a little bit of scheduling, as you've found, it can get a bit stressful, because you never know what needs to be done. 但是没有任何的行程安排,就像你发现的,会使我们有点不知所措,因为你永远不知道到底要做什么。
Never take someone's feelings as a joke . You will never know how much it hurts. 永远不要把别人的感受当成笑话,你不知道那样有多伤不起。