no one

  • pron.没有人;没有任何人
  • 网络没人;无人;没有一个人

no oneno one

no one

1.没有人;没有任何人not anyone; no person


小学新标准英语单词表-打印版_百度文库 ... sad 伤心的 no one 没有人 me 我(宾格) ...


英语合成构词法之合成法 - 豆丁网 ... everywhere (任何地方), no one (没人), nobody (没人), ...


求外研版英语初一下册单词表_百度知道 ... satellite TV 卫星电视 no one 没有人;无人 wind n. 风 ...


英语作文句型_百度知道 ... 24. 有点无聊 kind of boring 25. 没有一个人 no one 26. 据我看来 in my opinion ...


verb ... none( 没有,可指人或物), no one( 没有,专指人) forget/rem-ember to do( 忘记/记得要干的事) ...


24K德国HD金碟2CD系列:格莱美经典获奖... ... 02 What A Girl Wants 一个女孩想要的 03 No One 无人能比 04 Fairy Tale 童 …


tilly... ... But all i know is 但我只知道 No one,no one,no one 任何人,任何人,任何人 Can get in the way 就可以得到方式 ...

However, when she did not return his love, Apollo placed a curse on her so that no one would ever believe her predictions. 可是,当阿波罗发现卡珊德拉并不爱他时,他诅咒没有人会相信卡珊德拉的预言。
With his poll ratings hovering at 30 percent for the better part of a year, no one wants to follow Bush anywhere. 随着他一年内最好的支持率也只是低迷的盘旋在30%左右,没有人愿意再去听从布什了。
No one expects his dog to get up and walk away with utter indifference at the exact moment that he finally comes out to his grandmother. 没有人预料到,他出来迎接祖母的时候,自己的狗恰巧起身,漠不关心地转身离去。
But no one ever stopped to ask this question: If you throw everyone out of work, who's going to have the money to go out and buy a car? 也没人停下来提个问题:大家都失业了,谁还有钱买车呢?
Example: The task took twice as long because there was no one around to givehima hand. 例句:这件工作花费了两倍的时间才完成,因为没有人帮助他。
The researchers' findings are limited by the fact that no one yet knows how much companies will have to spend on their carbon allowances. 但研究人员的发现由于不能准确得知公司将用于二氧化碳排放上的备用费用而大打折扣。
How much joy it was to be together, just the two of us, with no one else around to interfere! 我们两人在一起是多么幸福,只有我们两个人,没有人在周围来打搅我们。
It is not enough to be supremely sure that he is right if no one else agrees with him. 如果没有别人与他保持一致,这并不能够完全确定他是正确的。
When invited to say what he is reading at the moment, a writer always mentions a book no one has ever heard of. 如果请他说,现在在读什么书,作家总会提到无人读过的书。
The company takes technology as the No. one productive force and talented personnel as the foundation of an enterprise's development. 公司视技术为第一生产力,视人才为企业发展之根本。
You are gifted the opportunity to evolve at a pace that suits you, and no one is pushing you to move faster. 你被赠与了机会去在适合你自身的道路上去进化演变,没有人在推着你走得更快些。
If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures. 如没有发现透视法,人们就不可能画出如此逼真的画。
No one knows for certain when the stock market is at an absolute bottom, so you shouldn't waste time trying to guess when that bottom is. 没有人确信知道股票市场什么时候处于绝对谷底,所以你不应该浪费时间去猜测何时是谷底。
No one in their right mind would not have called it a planet back then, because we didn't know any better. Brown告诉SPACE.com网站,“在那时候没有谁的头脑里不会把它称作行星,因为我们还没看到更正宗的呢。”
No matter what the results after the confession at least you tried. If you do not dare say out of the results no one would know! 表白后不管结果怎样至少你尝试了。如果你不大胆的说出来,结果是什么谁也不会知道!
Certainly no one would have proposed such a gift to Him. No one would have ventured to ask for it. 当然,无人胆敢向祂提议,求这个礼物,因为这太僭越自大了。
If no one can truck in fresh veggies from across the country, we might be inclined to go back to basics and grow our own food. 如果没有人能跨越全国地运输新鲜蔬菜,我们可能要回到过去,自己种植食物。
The satellite that landed in their garden made the family a bit of a nine days' wonder, but no one remembers their names now. 这家人因卫星落在家中花园里而轰动一时,不过现在已没人记得他们的名字了。
No one was more surprised than me to find that it was still in the finished film. 当看到杀青的片子中还保留着这段时,没人比我更惊讶了。
The problem is, no-one has found a way of making fusion reactors produce more energy than they consume to run. 问题是现在没有人能找到一种方法来使聚变反应产生的能量大于反应本身要消耗的能量。
The Spa for which Sir Thomas hankered was in a little town in Belgium, a sort of hideaway really because almost no one had heard of it. 托马斯爵士向往的斯帕是比利时的一个小镇,实际上有点像隐居地,因为几乎没人曾经听说过。
So far, out of the 26 people who have stepped up to the plate, no one has managed to clean it up. 到目前为止,已有26人尝试挑战,但没有一个能把盘子吃空。
Mike's mom had a spare room in the basement that no one used. We cleaned it out, and began piling hundreds of comic books in that room. 迈克的妈妈在地下室里有间空房子,我们把它清理出来,把几百本的小人书搬了过去。
I once saw a tall, dark shadow walk around the corner and into the kitchen, but there was no one there. 有一次,我看见一个高大的黑影转过墙角进了厨房,但那儿根本没人。
This just meant that no one in his government was happy when the president decided to apply classic French realpolitik in the case of Libya. 这只是意味着,总统决定运用法国强权对待利比亚时,政府之间便没有值得开心的事了。
In other words, you hardly ignore any of the moment because no one could share it with you intimately. 抑或是说,每一个瞬间都不容你忽略,因为没有人可以如此亲密的和你分享他们!
No one from here was ever there. There's no way of knowing. This is all bullshit and a waste of your tax money. 从来没有人去过那里,也没有办法去弄清楚。这简直是一派胡言,浪费纳税人的钱!
How much does time cost? And how much is health? True love? Wisdom? I bet no one knows. 金钱值多少钱?健康、真爱、智慧,它们又值多少?我敢打赌人能说得,它们是无价的。
You can put money in for a short period of time, but no-one is going to put money in for a year and a day. 你可以在短期内把钱投进来,但是没人会把钱放进来仅仅是一年加一天时间。
NIV As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. 趁著白日、我們必須作那差我來者的工.黑夜將到、就沒有人能作工了。