
美 [wɜrk]英 [wɜː(r)k]
  • n.工作;作品;劳动;功
  • v.劳动;干活;奏效;运行

复数:works 现在分词:working 过去式:worked 过去分词:wrought

hard work,great work,real work,important work,creative work
do work,like work,get work,need work,start work
fine work,probably work,work properly,work well,work together


v. n.

做工;执行任务do job/task

1.[i]做体力(或脑力)工作;劳动;干活to do sth that involves physical or mental effort, especially as part of a job

2.[i]受雇于;从事…工作to have a job

努力make effort

3.[t]~ yourself/sb + adv./prep.使工作;(尤指)使卖力干活to make yourself/sb work, especially very hard

4.[i]争取;力争;努力取得to make efforts to achieve sth


5.[t]~ sth管理,经营(以获利)to manage or operate sth to gain benefit from it


6.[i]运转;运行to function; to operate

7.[t]~ sth开动,操作(机器、装置等);使运作to make a machine, device, etc. operate

有结果╱作用have result/effect

8.[i]奏效;产生预期的结果(或作用)to have the result or effect that you want

9.[i]产生…作用to have a particular effect

10.[t]~ sth使奏效;(由于努力)造成,产生to cause or produce sth as a result of effort

使用材料use material

11.[t](通过压挤、拉长、锤击等)使成形,使定形to make a material into a particular shape or form by pressing, stretching, hitting it, etc.

12.[i]~ in/with sth用某种材料作画(或编制、编织等)to use a particular material to produce a picture or other item

脸╱身体部位of part of face/body

13.[i]抽动;抽搐;颤动to move violently

逐渐移动move gradually

14.[i][t](逐渐地)移动(到某位置);(逐步)变成(某状态)to move or pass to a particular place or state, usually gradually


大多数含 work 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 work your fingers to the bone 在词条 finger 下。Most idioms containingwork are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplework your fingers to the bone is atfinger .

work it/things

(尤指巧妙地)办成,办妥to arrange sth in a particular way, especially by being clever

Work, is not tired, but I feel tired, lack of sleep is always the feeling, coming back from work every time, greed will fall asleep. 工作并不累,但我感到厌倦,缺乏睡眠是一直不变的感觉,每次下班回来,贪婪的沉沉入睡。
Searching for witnesses, he discovered a pale, nervous young man in work clothes who claimed he was an eyewitness. 寻找证人,他发现了一个面色苍白,紧张工作的年轻人在衣服谁声称他是一名目击者。
He is often found on the premises, either lingering in the rooms or tooling away in the large and rustic work studio in the back. 他经常出没在建筑里,不是流连于各个房间,就是在后边的大乡村工作室里忙着。
If you pay with cash, you're giving up the opportunity to put that money to work for you for the rest of your life. 如果你用现金消费,你就失去了在未来的生活中使用它们的机会。
It's best to stay focussed and concentrate on your own work, trying to put together the perfect weekend, one step at a time. 保持精力、专心于你自己的工作是最好的办法,设法将这些结合在一起,一步一步的组成一个完美的周末。
These can work together, in groups of two or three, as one giant telescope, known as the VLT Interferometer, or VLTI. AT们能协同工作,以2个或3个一组,构成一个堪比巨型望远镜的VLT光学干涉阵列——VLTI。
He said China was willing to work with Tajikistan to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and push forward bilateral ties. 中方愿与塔方共同努力,深化互利合作,推动两国关系向前发展。
We just took a man with no brain out of Texas, put him in the White House, and now half the country is looking for work. 我们能在德克萨斯找到一个没有大脑的人,把他送进白宫;现在,我们半个国家都在找工作。
The team is good enough to start winning games. It's a difficult situation but we have to stick together and work hard to turn it around. 这只球队[埃弗顿]很棒,足以控制比赛的开场。这对于我军来讲是个困难的开端,但是我们必须团结一致地去努力扭转局面!
His work didn't come up to that of his brother. 他的工作赶不上他哥哥的。
Each window displays an application, allowing you to to have more than one application visible, and work on more than one task at a time. 每个窗口显示一个应用。允许你去有更多比单应用可见,和工作在更多比单任务在同一时间。
You can review the report to determine how much work the team performed for the past week or recent period. 您可对报表进行检查,以确定团队在过去一个星期或最近一段时间内完成的工作量。
I have to admit that I desire very much to work or study abroad for some time but I know is not easy to get a visa. 我承认我很想到国外工作和学习一段时间,但我知道要拿到签证不容易。
By the time you come to work your colleagues might have gone through several such iterations before you are even aware of it. 当您回到工作中来的时候,您的同事可能在您没有发觉之前,已经经过了许多这样的迭代。
What almost did not work, or at least created significant fatigue and hand trauma, were the suit gloves. 唯一比较有问题,或者说曾经造成明显疲劳和手部不适的,是太空衣的手套。
Japanese students seem to be losing patience with work, clashing their adverse locations in the United States and Korea. 日本学生仿佛正对工作失去耐烦,而美国和韩国学生却不是这样。
Android was designed from the beginning to work across a variety of devices from phones to set-top boxes to netbooks. Android从设计的最开始就是要在不同设备——从电话到机顶盒到上网本——上运行的。
Ms. Li's husband, a businessman, drives his own car to work every morning, while his wife stays home. 李女士的丈夫是个商人,每天早晨开着车去上班,而她自己留在家中。
Work with your team member to understand what went wrong and make it a learning experience for both of you. 和你的团队一起找出失误所在,并把它作为你们共同的学习经历。
After one epic night he went home alone, and failed to turn up for work the next day, or the next week. 在一个具有历史纪念意义的夜晚之后,他一个人回了家,第二天没有来工作。
That's out of question. We'll supply you with an apartment of two bedrooms and a living room. When can your start to work here? 这不成问题。我们会给你一套两室一厅公寓房。什么时候你能开始工作呢?。
If you try different tactics and nothing seems to work, you may want to consider a medical check-up for irritable bowel syndrome. 如果你尝试不同的战术,好像没去上班,你可能想考虑进行体检,肠易激综合症。
Gathering facts, confirming then, suggesting theories, testing them, and organizing findings -- this is all the work of science. 收集资料,对它们进行论证,提出理论,对它们进行检验,加上对研究成果进行归纳整理--这就是全部的科学工作。
But it was a very different and specific controversy surrounding Hwang's work that led to his resignation. 但是导致黄禹锡辞职的原因,是围绕他的研究的一个特殊的争议,这个争议与上一个争议很不一样。
Instead, she said, minor offenders might be given the option of mandatory volunteer work in a nursery or farm instead of a jail sentence. 所以,她说,未成年人受刑人应该给予选择,以强制性在托儿所或农场的义务工作替代监禁。
She must have gone to work early, because she did not show up for breakfast. 她一定一早就去工作了,因为她早饭没露面。
When he went back to the cabin, Patricia went with him and was soon staying every night, making the drive down to work each morning. 他再回小屋时,帕特丽亚也跟他一起来了,而且很快就每晚都留下过夜,第二天早上再开车去城里上班。
Discomfort makes you reexamine what you think you know and how you think things should work. 这种不安使你重新审视你的知识和对事物的看法。
Love is something that makes a girl marry her boss and work for him for the rest of her life without salary. 爱情就是一个女孩子嫁给她的老板,在她的余生为他工作,而不需要领薪水。
Since I was off today and my wife had to work, I decided to swing by and bring her to lunch. 今天我不用上班,但我妻子得工作,因此我决定去看一下她,顺便带她去吃个午饭。