without you

  • 网络没有你;失去你;如果没有你

without youwithout you

without you


奥斯卡金曲_百度百科 ... 《Wind Beneath My Wings》 迎风展翅 《Without You没有你 《Yesterday Once More》 昨日重现 ...


英文歌曲800首 - 狗狗的日志 - 网易博客 ... Tokyo Square 东京广场合唱团 Without you 失去你* — Nilsson 尼尔森 ...


博文_汪ym_新浪博客 ... Never let go --- 永不言弃 Without You --- 如果没有你 Sailing --- 远航 ...


高水准单曲推荐 - 音乐地带 -... ... to be away from you 能否离你而去 without you, 没有你的生活 I'll miss you 我会想你 ...


个性网-QQ分组-QQ分组周排行榜-第16页 ... If 如果 Without you 没有了你 Is equal to 就等于 ...


你不在_百度百科 ... It's so very very( 这是非常非常的) without you你不在) 无法呼吸 can’t stop our love( 不能停止我的 …


博文_长发乱舞_新浪博客 ... When you believe 只要你相信 Without You 不能没有你 The Power of Goodbye 再见的力量 ...


一道初一英语题_百度知道 ... Right By My Side 就在我的身边 Without You 没的你 Howcould I Know 我怎么了 ... ...

And I forgot to tell you I love you. And the night's too long and cold here without you. 我忘了告诉你我爱你。没有你的夜晚太漫长太冷了。
One week without you (Lingzis) It is so long, one week without you, I can only call your name from Sunday to the next Sunday! 你不在的一个星期(玲子作,月下轻舟译)它是如此漫长,整整一个星期没有你,我只能呼唤你的名字,从一个周日到另一个周日。
You know you are my everything and I cannot live without you. 你知道你是我的全部,我不能没有你。
I can't live without you. I dare not to imagine how life will be like if I lose you again. Do you want to love me? You think of it ! 离不开你,不敢想像再次失去你的生活会是怎样,到爱要不要爱我,你看着吧!
If you've read one of my books, thanks. I write them to be read, so without you, it would be a pointless exercise. 如果你读过我写的书,那么谢谢,写书就是为了让人读,如果没有你,那些书毫无价值。
I'll fly to a whole new world, A wondrous place for you and me. Our dreams are so young, Without you, seem my days so long. 我要飞向那崭新的世界,属于你与我的神奇之地。我们的梦想还那么年轻,没有你的日子漫长难挨。
For me it was so difficult without you, as for a bee without a flower, - said the fourth. 第四个女儿说:“没有您,我就像一只找寻不到鲜花的蜜蜂。”
I'd like to tell you that I still love you! Without you, I really feel very lonely, lonely without you beside me and I lived a hard! 没有了你,我真的感到很孤独很孤独,很痛苦,没有你在我身边我活着好辛苦呀!
That I can't go on any longer without you. I made up my mindthat you were the only woman for me. . . the first day I saw youat Twelve Oaks. 我没有你就活不下去了。在十二橡园第一次见到你的时候……我就知道我要的就是你。
Richard: I won't be able to sleep, you know. I can't sleep without you to me. 我会睡不着的。没你在身边,我会睡不着。
Without you by my side, I do not know how I go on. I've used you in my life around, do not leave me alone. 没有你在我身边,我不知道我该怎么走下去。我已经习惯了你在我身边的日子,不要丢下我一个人。
'I was just thinging of you when you were a little girl, 'said Marilla. 'And. . . you're going away now. . . and I'll be lonely without you. “我刚刚想起来你还是小女孩的时候的事情,”玛丽拉说。“还有……你现在要走了……没有你我将很孤独。”
All I know is, all I know is there is no point going anywhere anymore, if it's gonna be alone, without you. 我只知道,我只知道自己无所谓再去哪了,如果必须一个人,没有你的陪伴。
I 'm a without expression, A heart with no beat . Without you by my side , I 'm just a flame without the heat . 一颗停止跳动的心;没有你在我身边;我只是一束没有热量的火焰。
And a special thanks to the thousands of Games volunteers for your enthusiasm. Without you, none of this would be possible. 我还要特别感谢成千上万的奥运志愿者,感谢你们的热情参与,没有你们,就没有这一切。
I your hostess am bidding you to find your love and shine your light for I shall be rising- WITH OR WITHOUT YOU. 我,你们的女主人,祝你们找到你们的爱,散发出你们的光,因为我会升起—带着或不带着你们。
D: Me, too! I'm sorry to see you go. You've been a great asset to our department. Things won't be the same without you. 你起我还有真有点舍不得,你一直是我们部门的栋梁之材,没有你工作肯定有会像从前那样顺利了。
All my life all the time so far away from home. without you I'll be so far away from home. 我生命的所有都远离了家,远离了你,我离家也是如此遥远。
Thank him for his (her), once we accompany Spend, Spend life without you and my days. 感谢他(她),曾经陪伴着我们度过,度过生命中没有你和我的那段日子。
Maybe you do not know the day without you, she does not think of you every hour and moment. 也许你不知道没有你的日子,她无时无刻的不在想着你。
I never had such a love, I am willing to do everything for you. Without you I really do not like how the lost everything! 我从来都没有这样爱过一个人,我愿意为你做一切。没有你我真的不知该怎么办好像失去了一切!
Without you, I was just like a lost child-did not know where was the right place to go, what was the right thing to do. 没有你,我只是像个迷路的小孩罢了。不知道哪里是该去的地方,不知道什么是该做的事。
Many held the view if someone is meant to be with you, then they should know what you want without you telling them. 许多人都认为,两人只要相爱,那么不用告诉对方,他就应该能想到你想要什么。
From the remains of the Thor a new Thor can be built without you having to go back to one of your factories. 雷神可以从雷神的残骸上恢复过来而不需要重新回到你的重工厂建造一个。
There isn't an hour of my life without you in it. I mend the boats, test them, and all the memories come in like the tide. 我生命中的每一分钟都有你。我修好了船,检查了它们…回忆就像海浪一样打过来。
When I said I might not be able to take one if I ran for President, Chelsea replied, Then Mom and I will go without you. 我说如果竞选总统的话,我可能哪儿也去不了;切尔西回答:“那么妈妈和我自己去玩,不带你。”
If I had to live my life without you near me, the days would be empty, the night would seem so long. 如果我的生活我的生活没有你离我近点,日子将是空的,夜晚似乎这么久。
An even harder situation is to be on the platform in good time for a train and still to see it go off without you. 更难堪的情况是虽然及时赶到站台上,却眼睁睁地看着那趟火车启动,把你抛下。
I'm a face without expression, A heart with no beat. Without you by my side, I'm just a flame without the heat. 我将是一张没有表情的脸;一颗停止跳动的心;没有你在我身边;我只是一束没有热量的火焰。
if possible, I wish I had never met you. It is not that I regret but I cannot suffer the days without you. 如果可以,我希望我不曾认识你,不是因为后悔,只是我不能接受没有你的日子。