what is love

  • 网络花是爱;什么是爱;什么是爱情

what is lovewhat is love

what is love


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荷东_百度百科 ... 09 A Man like That 那种男人 10 What Is Love 什么是爱 │ 01 Wanna Make You Mine 你将属于我 ...


SHE ... 9. What is 3G? 什么是3G? 1. What is love? 什么是爱情? 2. What is life? 什么是生命? ...


戈锋_新浪博客 ... 心中有爱( Love from one's heart) 爱是什么What is love) 我为人人 人人为我( One for all all for one) ...


2008年12月新增专辑 ※ Mojim.com 魔镜歌词网 ... 8.Up All Night( 整夜) 9.What Is Love( 爱是什麽) 14.Rainism( 中文) ...


整个给你_百度百科 ... 01. 整个给你[ Everything For You] 02. 情为何物[ What Is Love] 03. 梦在东海岸[ East Coast] ...


博文_华仔_新浪博客 ... oxygen 氧气 What is Love 爱情是什么 One More Chance 再给我一次机会 ...


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For thousands of years, no one can make a brilliant interpretation of the word! What is love? Who do not give a more complete answer. 千百年来,没有人能为这个字眼作出精辟的诠释!爱情是什么?更没有谁能为此给出一个完整的答案。
On the path of growing, we try to understand what is love and duty , trying to be tamed and tame others. 在成长的道路上,我们试图理解什么是爱和责任,试图驯服别人,或者被人驯服。
Through the shoes, we would like to tell you what is love, meanwhile to encourage people not to judge people by their appearance. 我们希望透过这双鞋子告诉大家什麽是爱,同时希望大家不要只看表面而去作出判断,内在的总比外在的更重要。
Your favorite people will eventually have to leave you feeling very uncomfortable, what is love in the end, I was not the give up on love. 自己喜欢得人终究会离开你,那种感觉很难受,爱到底是什么,我是不是该放弃爱。
Between the two is hard to say what is love, even if reluctantly so, can only be regarded as "carnal love" produced by blind passion. 两个人之间很难说有什么爱情,即使勉强有,也只能算是“肉欲之爱”产生的盲目激情。
A spate of Chinese films, plays and television shows have raised the question: What is love in an age of breakneck economic growth? A显示了连串的中国电影,戏剧和电视已提出的问题是:爱情在这样一个时代?
I wish I could have been there with you. I am not a smart man, but I know what is love. ---Forrest Gump. 真希望和你在一起。我不是一个聪明的人,但是我知道什么是爱。--阿甘。
I wish I could have been there with you. Your were Jenny, I am not a smart man, but I know what is love. 我希望我可以跟你在一起。你是珍妮,我不是一个聪明的男人,不过我知道什么是爱。
I will devote the rest of my life to tell you what is love: it is something just like my cigarette, which will never be derserted. 我要用我余下的生命告诉你什么是爱,就像我的烟那样,永远都戒不掉。
I do not know you What is love, but must have the confidence of knowing that you must visit! 我也不知道你爱好什么,但一定要有信心,相信你一定行!
I suddenly understand the definition of love. What is love? It is the hope with which one strives to achieve great heights. 于是我突然明白了爱情的定义。爱情是什么?她就是给人一个会展翅高飞的希望。
His mind is so narrow, without a despicable knows not what is love I love complaint or regret. 他的气度是那么狭小卑劣,丝毫不明白啥叫爱我所爱无怨无悔。
What is love? I believe that this child will not be back give me some answers. 爱什么?我相信这背子是不会有人能给我答案了。
Rachel is very angry, until Frank physically block the bullets fired at her, she came to understand, what is love. 雷切尔对此很生气,直到弗兰克用身体挡住射向她的子弹她才明白,什么叫做真爱。
And we also talked over together the question of what is love. 并且我们也一起讨论了什么是爱的问题。
What is love? Modern interpretation of love is too flashy, too vague, people feel at a loss, feeling too hard to love, love is not easy. 爱是什么?现代人对爱的解释太花里胡哨,太虚无飘渺,让人觉得无所适从,感到想爱太难、真爱不易。
I do not know what is love, even though the quarters are my first love to receive one. 我不知道什么是爱情,虽然我是这个宿舍最早接受爱情的一个。
We are still young, still do not know what is love. 我们还年轻,还不懂得究竟怎样才算真爱。
He that has no children, knows not what is love. 没有孩子的人,不知道什么叫做爱。
A reading allows you to deeply understand what is love silent classic books! 一本读后让你深刻体会到什么是大爱无言的经典好书!
What is love? Love is a wonderful addition : a miss with another miss can be a full moon. 爱情是什么?是一道神奇的加法:一个思念加上另一个思念就能变成一轮十五的月亮。
I mean, what is love, right, if it's not respect, trust, admiration? 就是说,爱难道不是尊重、信任、钦仰么?
What is love? Does it mean the sweet things between a boy and his girl? Partly right, but love is far more than these. 什么是爱?是男孩和女孩之间的那些甜美的事吗?对,不过不仅仅是这些。
My self-concept is too strong, I do not know how to love other people, I do not even know what is love! 我的自我观太强,我不懂得如何去爱别人,我甚至不懂得什么叫爱!
Is it only words? I'm trying to find. Or is it the way, that we're feeling now? What is love? 爱只是那些我试图寻找的文字吗?或者是那些我们沉溺的感觉?什么是爱情?
George Akers (British film editor): What is love? Love is when you care more about someone else than you care about yourself. 乔治·阿克斯(英国电影剪接师):什么是爱?爱是你关心他人犹胜自己的那一刻。目录娱乐直播室
Love is like a glass of tea, in be brewed to permeate the taste, I don't know what is love, but with Ailing as persistent disposition. 爱如玻璃杯中的清茶,在被沏泡后才能渗透其中的滋味,我是个不懂爱的人,却有着爱玲那样执着的秉性。
When love was seen in some time in your life, no matter what is love, a person should at least learn to cherish and grasp. 当爱于某个时候出现于你的生活中时,无论是什么爱,一个人至少应该学会珍惜与把握。
What is love? maybe it's just you know there 's some place you can go, to, the palms or the womb. 什么是爱情?也许就是你知道有一个地方可以去。或者是掌心,或者是子宫。
What is love? People in love is always looking for answers. 试问什么是爱?恋爱中的人总在苦苦寻觅的答案。