
美 [pæl]英 [pæl]
  • n.朋友;伙伴;哥们儿;(对男子的不友好的称呼)家伙
  • v.结成好友;“pall”的过去分词和过去式
  • abbr.(=Philippine Air Lines)菲律宾航空公司
  • 网络苯丙氨酸解氨酶(phenylalanine ammonia-lyase);好朋友;逐行倒相(Phase Alternate Line)

复数:pals 过去式:palled 现在分词:palling



n. v.

1.(informal)朋友;伙伴;哥们儿a friend

2.(informal)(对男子的不友好的称呼)家伙,小子used to address a man in an unfriendly way

苯丙氨酸解氨酶(phenylalanine ammonia-lyase)

苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)ELISA 试剂盒[Humanother ELISA Kit]人苯丙氨酸(LPA)ELISA 试剂盒[Humanother ELISA Kit] 人半乳糖…


英语(新目标)七年级下册单词表,中考网_教育城 ... turn 转弯;转变方向 pal (口)好朋友;伙伴 pen pal 笔友 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... no adv. (表示否定)不;不是 pal 好朋友 pen pal 笔友 ...

逐行倒相(Phase Alternate Line)

其他国家则使用逐行倒相PAL)制式,每秒钟显示50个图场,分辨率更高。由于帧速率与分辨率方面的差异,需要根据NTSC …

可编程阵列逻辑(Programmable Array Logic)

《数字电子技术(I)》教学大纲 ... 2) 现场可编程阵列逻辑( FPLA) 3) 可编程阵列逻辑PAL) 4) 通用阵列逻辑( GAL…

线相位交错(Phase Alternation Line)

PALPhase Alternation Line)制,它是当时的西德在1962年制订的彩色电视广播标准,它采用逐行倒相正交平衡调幅的技术 …

So let me offer a friendly bit of advice to this likable ogre: If you feel you're losing 'em, pal, just shuck the clothes. 所以让我给这个可爱的怪物一点友善的意见:如果你感到你不受欢迎了,就把衣服脱了吧!
"I told her I wanted her and me to be together forever, " he said, but now wishes he could have the married and pregnant mom as a pal. “我跟她说要跟她永远在一起。”他说。但现在他只祈求跟这位已婚并怀孕中的妈妈做回朋友。
Moammar Khadafy is dead -- and his unlikely pen pal, a retired Jewish florist from Brooklyn, never got to say goodbye. 穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲死了-----退休的布鲁克林区犹太花商,这位不那么象笔友的笔友,再也不用和他道别了。
His unnamed pal was one of the 96 Liverpool supporters who were crushed to death on packed terraces at the Sheffield stadium. 他那位姓名未被公开的朋友是在位于谢菲尔德的球场中,于挤满了人的看台被压死的96位利物浦球迷之一。
N's pal We know how much you hated Odie. We know how much you wanted him gone. 我们知道你是多么恨。
The waiter, also a bit of a pal, pops in periodically to check on us. 侍者(也是熟人)时不时过来关照我们,并跟帕克聊几句。
If I can only get "in" as a pal with these girls, and never for a minute let them know I'm the gentle intellectual type, it'll be O. K. 要是我能与这些女孩相处很好,作她们朋友而决不让她们知道我是个文雅的知识分子的话,那就好了。
The little boy often talks to a fanciful pal of him living in his mouth. 这个小男孩儿经常同他嘴里的假象出来的朋友讲话。
It was a pretty frustrating moment knowing we were going to have to come back out here and tell you that we nerfed you again. 那确实是一段令人沮丧的时期,因为不久我们就会站在这里然后告诉你们,pal被削弱了。
A newspaper pal got him a blind date, choosing Alice because she was the only girl reporter shorter than he. 一报社朋友给他介绍对象,选中的阿莉斯,因为她是惟一个子比他矮的女记者。
A. - Connect to Pay Pal the charge of a membership fee, as you see in the demo. 连接帕尔支付会员费的收取,如您在演示看到的。
Baron Davis: I knew going to the Clippers was the right thing because my pal, Elton Brand, said it was cool. Isn't that right, Elton? Elton? 戴维斯:我知道重返家乡快船队打球简直棒极了,因为我的好友布兰德也觉得很棒,对吧布兰德?
Henry expressed his delight at the signing of close pal William Gallas, saying that he was the best centre-back in the world. 亨利对俱乐部签下了他的好友威廉·加拉感到很高兴,并表示加拉是世界上最好的中后卫之一。
Secondary syphilis has multi pal lesion on skin and mucous membrane, to ask the history and to examine carefully, and to avoid misdiagnosis. 4例均临床治愈。二期梅毒的皮肤及黏膜损害多样,临床上结合病史,仔细检查,减少误诊。
Thanks for your last letter. I'm happy to be your pen pal. Please allow me to introduce myself. 谢谢你的来信。我很高兴和你成为笔友。请允许我介绍我自己。
A university in Hungary has stripped President Pal Schmitt of his doctorate after it found that large parts of his thesis were plagiarised. 匈牙利一所大学发现总统帕尔施密特的论文中有大面积的抄袭痕迹,遂取消了他的博士学位。
"He was a good pen pal, " said the lifelong Canarsie resident. “他是一位不错的笔友,”这位长寿的居民说。
I was chatting with her every week, and gave her a an electronic greeting card, I love my new pen pal, my good friend. 我每周都会和她聊天,还给她发一份电子贺卡,我喜欢我的新笔友,我的好朋友。
You're walking around blind without a cane, pal. A fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place. 你正在瞎转圈,伙计。首先一个傻瓜和他的钱要足够幸运才能凑到一起来。
The word's all over the street. Morse is gonna raise your offer, pal. 消息传遍了大街小巷,摩斯要提高你给的价格,朋友。
Or so Kushal Pal Singh was told during the 1970s when he began describing his development vision for Gurgaon. 或者至少是库绍尔.帕尔.辛格在70年代刚开始为古尔加翁的发展描绘远景的时候被告知的那样。
Or if it's a male pal, he may be making lifestyle changes as well. 或者,如果是男性朋友,他也许彻底改变了生活方式—比如结婚或即将做爸爸。
He grabbed his pal Nathan Shields from his office, and they began to run down 46 flights. 他拉上他的哥们内森·希尔兹离开办公室,开始了他们46层楼的逃生。
He has a great sense of humor, he's interesting, he's a great pal, he understands everything, he sympathizes, and he's insightful. 他很有幽默感,很有情趣,他是个好伙伴,他明事理,有同情心,还有洞察力。
In a moment of temporary insanity, your guy pal goes in for a crazy perm that leaves him looking more like Ronald McDonald. 因一时的狂热,你的朋友烫了一个卷发,看起来酷似罗纳尔多。
Research leader Pal Suren and his colleagues compared the women who took folic acid supplements to those who did not. 研究负责人PalSuren和同事对比了服用叶酸补充剂和没有服用的妇女。
n. He always wants to be my pal, you know. 他一直想成为我的朋友,你知道。
One man married a woman from the Mauritius Islands that he met through a French pen-pal organization. 一个男人娶了一位来自毛里求斯群岛的女人,他们是通过法国一个笔友组织认识的。
Thanks for being such a great pal*. I apologize for the inconvenience. 你真够朋友。我很抱歉给你带来不便。
If he had come here yesterday, he would have seen his old pal. 如果他昨天来这儿的话就会看见他的老朋友。