another day

  • na.改天
  • 网络另一天;又一天;天天天天

another dayanother day

another day


迈克尔杰克逊最好听的歌曲_百度知道 ... 7. Breaking News 爆炸新闻 8. Another Day 另一天 9. Behind The Mask 面具之后 ...


水的城堡 - 博客大巴 ... Seasons in the sun 阳光灿烂的日子 Another Day 又一天 The town I loved so well 曾经深爱的小镇 ...


初中英语短语归纳_百度知道 ... the other day 前几天 another day 改天 die by 死于(溺水、上吊等) ...


Lene Marlin/琳恩玛莲《Lost In A Moment》... ... 12.Still Here 我愿意 01. Another Day 天天天天 02. Faces 容颜 ...


初二英语选择题``````3天内_百度知道 ... one day 总有一天(未来的某一天) another day 另外一天 some day 总有一天 ...


日韩流行-音乐-当当音乐 ... 圭贤独唱曲“再次爱你 Love Again”,JAY 独唱曲“明天呢 Another Day”, 的合唱曲“明天呢 Don't Lie” ...


adgcief1ck_新浪博客 ... i wanna grow old with u 我想和你一起慢慢变老 another day 又是一天 without ur smile 没有我们的微笑 ...


这几个时间状语分别用于什么时态?_百度知道 ... one day 有一天, 总有一天: another day 他日,改日: the other day 前几天: ...

On another day, the surgeon told him he was healing and that, very soon, he would be able to go to his ranch for convalescence. 过了不久,大夫对他说,他开始好转,很快就可以去庄园休养了。
After the typical "another day's work's gone" - ish greedy thought, I felt a bit of relief. 除了“又损失一个工作日”的资本家思维定式外,还有一点松一口气的窃喜。
When I wrote to her for money, she said she was ill in bed, and put me off to another day. 我写信向她要钱,她推三阻四说病着不能起床,要到第二天才能还我。
The past was more like smoke and dream, had gone with the wind. Expect tomorrow, after all, tomorrow is another day! 往事如烟似梦,已经随风而逝。还是期盼明天吧,毕竟,明天又会是崭新的一天!
"Did George get off? " asked Jessica of her mother another day, thus revealing something that Hurstwood had heard nothing about. “乔治走了吗?”又有一天杰西卡问她母亲。要不是她问起,赫斯渥一点不知道这件事。
Andy awoke the next morning in a pool of his own dribble, but ready to walk another day. 第二天早上,马普安在自己的一汪口水中醒来,但是已经有了精神准备再走一天。
Spend part of another day noticing which feelings tend to pull you into a state of preoccupation. 再找个一天花一些时间注意哪些情绪感受容易让你陷入心事重重的思虑状态中。
Heavy rain delayed the work, which meant the bridge would not be ready to carry tanks for another day. 暴雨延误了他们的速度,这意味着桥梁在第二天才能通过坦克。
Speaking Thursday, he said Alabama's final death toll may not be known for another day or two. 谈到周四,他说:这两天可能不知道阿拉巴马州的最后的死亡人数。
These aren't comedies that are guaranteed to send you away in an upbeat mood (that would be a great list for another day). 这些不是保证让你心情欢乐的喜剧(可以作为下次很好的清单)。
I'll tell you another day. Now we must work. And I've thought of a way to help you with the concept of color. 改天我会告诉你。现在我们要工作了。而我会想办法帮你了解颜色这件事。
Hello World Hello World My old friend It's another day Glad to see you again Sun is up I'm ready to play Hello World So what do you say. 你好地球你好地球,我的老朋友。新的一天开始了,很高兴再次见到你。太阳升起来了,我准备去玩了。你好地球,你认为怎么样呢?
Both sisters were ready to give up and try another day in another town, but I coerced them into one more boutique. 两个姐姐准备放弃,要等第二天去另一个市镇找找看,但我强迫她们又走进一家服饰精品店。
It's easy to put things off for another day, but it'll save you headaches in the long-run if you deal with things immediately. 不要把事情推到以后,如果你把所有事情都立即解决掉会减少长期的头疼问题。
and therefore I shall not take him at his word about fishing, as he might change his mind another day, and warn me off his grounds. 他请我常常去钓鱼,我也不能信他的话,也许有一天他会改变了主意,不许我进他的庄园。
Why does it seems that Christmas Eve seems to have become Christmas itself and Christmas Day seems to have been "just another day" ? 为什么人们好象已经觉得平安夜是圣诞节,而圣诞节本身似乎已经被视为“也就是另一天”了呢?
You're in survival mode, just trying to make it through another day. And that limits your usefulness in ministry! 你处于生存模式中,只是尽力去捱过一天,这就在制约了你的效率。
One day the poor woman found that they did not have enough money to buy even a bit of bread for another day. 一天这个穷寡妇发现他们没有足够的钱去买第二天的东西,哪怕是一小块面包。
Imbalances were a problem for another day. All that mattered then was the post-crisis fix. 当时,全球失衡是一个留待日后考虑的问题,危机之后的调整才是要紧之事。
Eisenhower decided to wait another day to see whether the forecast might improve. 艾森豪威尔决定再等一天,看看天气预报是否会变好;
Westworld s technicians patch up the robots at night, and the androids are then ready to begin another day of servicing the customers. 西部世界技术人员晚上修补机器人,好准备让他们在新的一天为游客服务。
Yes, but we are here now. It would be a real disappointment to have to wait another day. 是,但我们现在已经在这里了。如果还要再等一天的话,真是够让人失望的。
I will have to share that story with you another day as today is a day to focus our attention on the great work of Kirsty. 我的故事改天再讲,现在我们还是集中精力关注Kirsty的大作。
I'm not the only one, To crash into the sun, and live to fight another day. 我没有是独一一个,碰背太阳,战糊口斗争中的另外一天。
She [her mother] says tomorrow's another day and you're going to be looking for another job. 她(她妈妈)说明天是新的一天,你要去找一份新工作。
The morning sunlight, I recall, had a splendor I shall never forget, its golden light full of beauty and promise, offering yet another day. 记得那天的晨曦具有一种让我永难忘怀的壮丽光辉,它那金子般的光芒美丽夺目,充满希望,带来新的一天。
This is the bird our mothers promised us we would grow up to be after yet another day of getting beat up for being so goddamned ugly. 这种鸟是我们的妈妈曾经向我们许诺我们因为相貌受尽屈辱后将来长大后肯定会蜕变成为的东西。
Now, the sun's setting, and the sky's shading from blue to pink. Just like it's telling her, bad things are over, tomorrow is another day. 此时,太阳正落下,天空从蓝色染成了粉红色。就好像在告诉她,不好的东西已经离去了,明天又会是新的一天。
Early signs of excess stress are loss of a sense of well-being and reluctance to get up in the morning to face another day. 过度压力的早期症状是失去”良好状态“感觉,早晨不愿意起床面对新的一天。
But surely you may put off this old lady till to-morrow: she is not so near her end, I presume, but that she may hope to see another day. 不过,你实在可以推迟到明天再去看望这位老太太,我想她没有接近末日,还有希望再活一天。