all your life

  • 网络你的一生;你用尽一生;整个一生

all your lifeall your life

all your life


英语广场-学习考试网 ... ·Keep Secret 向主保密 ·All your Life 你的一生 ·Drunken Humour 醉酒的幽默 ...


blackbird_百度百科 ... Take these broken wings and learn to fly 挥动着破碎的双翼,学着怎么飞 All your life 你用尽一生 ...


歌词秀:Blackbird ... Take these broken wings and learn to fly 以这些损翼 学习飞行 All your life 整个一生 ...


Glee 欢乐合唱团 第二季... ... 拖着残缺的双翼学习飞翔** Take these broken wings and learn to fly 终你一生** All your life ...


童丽 -《对话10 童丽与古筝的邂逅》 -... ... 06 生生世世 All your life 07 春光美 Beautiful spring scenery ...


11.摇滚钢琴《只要你过得比我好》(All Your Life) 表演者:罗伯特.威尔斯 英文词曲:Jackie Kavan 原创词曲: XIAO CHON…


怎么翻译 真爱_爱问知识人 ... 真爱: true love 你生活的所有all your life 你的所有人生: your whole life ...

However, just as with memory, if you become a good sight reader when young, this ability will stay with you all your life. 然而就象记忆能力一样,如果你在年轻的时候成为一个好的视奏者,这种能力会跟随你一辈子。
All your Life A young lady was introduced to a million are not long after the death of his wife. 你的一生一位百万富翁老伴去世后,有人给他介绍一位年轻女子。
Could I love you one more time, baby? I would abnegate all, just for you. And I'll go with you and take care of you in all your life. 问题补充:让我在爱你一回好吗?用日语,英语怎么写?我愿意为你放弃一切,愿意照顾你一生!日语怎么写?
"Rose, I love you! " Hedgehog finally said in a weak voice, "but I can no longer protect you, to make you happy all your life. " “玫瑰,我爱你!”刺猬以微弱的声音向玫瑰表白“可是我却不能保护你,让你永远快乐”
It will give you a unique experience that you will never forget all your life. It is indeed a spring city in the real sense of the word. 它将给你一次独特的经历让你永生难忘,的确,它是世界上最名副其实的春城。
Recall the moment of past happiness and peace, stop for a second , every moment deserve all your life to share. 铭记昔日那些幸福、安宁的时刻。在那里驻足。每一刻都要你用一生去尽情享受。
All your life you think you have to hold back your craziness, but when you're sick you can let it go in all its garish colors. 你一辈子都认为应该遏制住你的狂热想法,但是当你病了,你不妨让它绽放出耀眼的光彩。
As you said about "Exames decide all your life" , it does not decide the achievements of one's life, but a life-time job. (掌声)。你所说的“一考定终身”定的并不是学生的终身成就,而是定的他终身好找工作。
Isn't it a bit dull to shut yourself at one place all your life? 一生把自己关在一个地方不是有点乏味吗?
As long as you keep working hard all your life , you will recall your past with a glow of satisfaction. 只要你一辈子不停地工作,在你回忆往事时就会感到心满意足。
To memory the moment of past happiness and peace . Stop there . You may enjoy every moment heartily with all your life. 铭记昔日那些幸福、安宁的时刻。在那里驻足。每一刻都要你用一生去尽情地享受。
Hope you happy! not until this moment, but is all your life. 希望你快乐!不仅此时,而且是一生。
Friendship with God is built by sharing all your life experiences with him. 与神的情谊必须建立在与神分享你所有的人生经历。
You could be one all your life without ever knowing what a pentagram was, without ever seeing a dead cockerel other than as Chicken Marengo. 甚至你一生都不需要知道五角星形是什么,也不用看到死公鸡,当然你可以看到咖喱鸡。
three words let all your life, first, for me; second, good idea, the boss; third, just as I was present and. 三句话让你终身受益,第一,适合我;第二,好主意,老板;第三,简直和我在场一样。
And having lived all your life in this concentration camp, you're now going to be set free. 你在集中营里生活了一辈子,如今将重获自由。
I wish you could quit the job . you have busied yourself with our family all your life. Its time to substitute me for you! 我希望您能够辞掉工作,您为我们这个家操劳了一辈子,现在是时间让我来代替你了!
You will meet someone who always accompanies with you, but you ignore him or her in all your life. 你会遇见一个人,总是陪伴着你,但是在你的一生却总是忽略他或她。
If you lose a chance which does good to you and you have the ability to obtain, you'll regret all your life! 如果你失去一个对你有益而本来你可以争取的机会,你将会后悔终生!
My grandmother once quipped that you can sleep next to a person all your life but you will never know what truly goes on in his mind. 我的祖母曾说,就算你一生睡在你的伴侣身边,你永远也没法真的知道对方在想什么。
You find it in the deepest friendship, the kind you crush all your life. 你在最真挚的友情中发现,那个能让你一生感动的真情。
Do you want to be a dork all your life Tommy : It's better than a show about a stupid girl who fights vampires. 莎拉:《星舰迷航记》是给呆瓜看的。你这辈子都要当呆瓜吗?汤米:这总比一个蠢女孩打吸血鬼的节目好。
Because when they were young, their parents told them: "stay under my wings, chicken, I'll protect you for all your life" . 因为在他们小的时候,他们的父母对他们说:“快躲在我的翅膀下面,我将会保护你们一生”。
You may think you have surrendered all your life to him, but the truth is, there is a lot to your life that you aren't even conscious of. 你也许以为自己已经把自己的整个生命交付给他,但是实际上,你的生命中还有很多是甚至你自己都没有意识到的。
It can be a challenge especially if you've been a sloucher all your life, but get over it. 这是个极大的挑战,尤其你在生活中有点驼背的话,但是去克服它。
He respected all your life choices, and encourage you to develop their own expertise. 他尊重你作出的各种人生选择,鼓励你发展自己的专长。
Imagine that you had gone all your life without ever washing, and then one day you decide to take a shower. 想像你一辈子没洗过澡,有一天你决定要冲个澡,
You can probably be somebody else and follow all your life, but you cannot be somebody else and lead. 你可以一辈子都跟随别人的脚步,亦步亦趋,但那样的话就无法实现超越,领导他人
All your life you behaved like a child and spent time just like a newly married couple on their honeymoon. 你整个医生都表现得像一个小孩,浪费时间就像一对还在度蜜月的新婚夫妻一样。
If you are a22 - year - old man you get promoted to editor, if you are a woman you are a goy all your life. 如果你是男的,二十二岁,你可以升编辑,如果你是女的,一辈子打杂。