all of you

  • na.你们全体
  • 网络全部的你;大家;你的一切

all of youall of you

all of you


All Of You_百度百科 ... 08. Like Yesterday 就像昨日 09. All Of You 全部的你 10. Dream Life,Life 梦想人生 ...


求一句翻译~~~~~~~_百度知道 ... happiness: 幸福 all of you: 大家 development: 发展 ...


爵士当铺 ... 《如此深爱》(“ SO IN LOVE”) 《你的一切》(“ ALL OF YOU”) 《开始跳比根舞》(“ BEGI…


英语单词立体记忆-第四讲笔记_大家学单词吧... ... all 所有的,一切,全部 all of you 所有人,大家 after all 毕竟,终究 ...


李溢指出,租约上写著“你们所有人”(all of you),虽然是有“两人一同”的意思,但也不排除有“其中一个”的意思在内,故此, …


you和yous有什么不同?_百度知道 ... After you! 请您先走! all of you 你们全体 between you and me 咱俩私下说; 不向外人讲 ...


Textboo... ... All together now,please. 现在大家一起读。 All of you. 你们大家一起读。 The whole class,please. 请全班一起读。 ...

Christ Michael is all of you and is constantly learning and experiencing life as you live it. CM是你们全体,他不断地通过你们而学习和体验生活。
Let this be lesson to all of you, no matter how much a girl wants an honest, good guy sometimes they just cant handle the truth. 记住了,不管一个女孩是多么地想要和诚实、善良的男人交往,但是有时候她们就是无法分清真相。
I am Very Proud of All of You and I am Very Proud to be a part of your progress towards Ascension! 我大家感到非常自豪,我感到非常自豪,您对阿森松岛的进展的一部分!
You need to kill all of you to see the enemy. 你需要杀光你看见的所有敌人。
Thanks to all of you who have come out to show support. I love you and I can't wait to tour this baby. 谢谢所有来支持我的演出的你们。我爱你们,我等不及来巡演了。
Well, I've got to go now. . . and here I wish all of you a prosperous Chinese New Year filled with lots of Happiness, Health and Wealth! 好啦,我必须走了喔…我希望大家都有一个充满著喜悦,健康,和财富的农历新年啦!
My thanks again to our two protagonists and to all of you who helped make it a lively and hard-fought debate. 衷心感谢两位辩手,以及那些对这场活力四射、峰回路转的辩论有所贡献的网友
For the past week I have been trying very hard to leave messages for all of you, trying to tell you all my schedule in Beijing and HK. 过去这一个星期,我一直努力试着要捎给你们一些讯息、告诉你们所有我在北京与香港的行程。
You, all of you, you who hunger so for what I give yet cannot bear to see that kind of power in a woman. 你,你们大家,你们谁饥饿做什么我现在还不能承受地看到,一种力量在一个女人。
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity for me to meet all of you and to share my thoughts with you this evening. 最后,感谢主办方给我这个机会与大家分享我的一些想法。
I too am a man like all of you; let me live like a man, and think of my soul and of God. 我也是一个人,和你们一样的人,让我像一个普通人那样生活,让我经常想到上帝和自己灵魂的纯洁吧!
Because all of you know the story of how this great school came to be, how the Stanfords lost their only child to typhoid at the age of 15. 因为你们所有的人都知道这座伟大的大学是如何建成的。斯坦福夫妇的独子在15岁时得了伤寒离开了他们。
Veronica and I would like to thank all of you who sent their love and best wishes to her from so many parts of the world. 维诺尼卡和我希望感谢你们所有人,发送出你们的爱与最好的祝福给她,来自世界各地的善良人们。
Can I ask all of you to recall one memory of him that stands out in your mind ? a race, or a conversation or a party? 我能问问你们所有的人在你们脑海中是否拥有一个和他在一起的特别记忆?
Just as the old saying goes, "It is always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar" , I wish all of you to enjoy yourselves during this trip. 正如那句老话:“这是我很高兴能够迎接来自远方的朋友”,我希望你们能够在这次访问中享受自己。
It is unfortunate that all of you who worked so hard through a difficult environment over the last few years now have to respond to this. 非常遗憾,你们所有的人在过去的几年中,在经历最困难的环境时努力工作,现在必须对此作出回应。
I'm happy to say that President Bush loves teachers so much that he married one, and he sends his congratulations and thanks to all of you. 我很高兴地说布什总统非常热爱教师,他还娶了一位教师,他让我转达他对各位的祝贺和感谢。
Let me begin by thanking all of you for your participation last night. I thought it was a very important discussion. 首先感谢诸位参加昨晚的活动,我认为我们进行了非常重要的讨论。
Not soon after I open my blog, some friends have come to call at my blog. I truly welcome all of you. 开博不久,有朋友前来光顾了。真的很欢迎大家。
And that may be of great, you know, interest to this group because all of you are talking about groups. 这对这个群体来说可能十分有利因为你们大家都属于某个群体。
Good morning. I'm your new English teacher. I'm glad to meet all of you. First let me introduce myself to you. 早上好,我是你们新的英语老师,我很高兴见到你们.首先介绍一下我自己.。
All of you are sovereign Beings and waking up to this fact, and now you want to be treated correctly and in accordance with your rights. 你们所有人都是主权的存有,并且正明白这个事实,现在你们希望被正确的对待,包括你们正当的权利。
There is nothing else to say and I ask all of you to go within and we shall meet soon. 没有别的事情要说,我要求你们全体进入内在,不久我们将会相遇。
Before the game tomorrow, I wanted to take the time to thank all of you for your support of our team and your support of me. 在明天的比赛开始之前,我想利用这个时间,向你们所有的人表示感谢,感谢你们对我们球队和我的支持。
Don't tell me what I can and can't do, Potter. Now get back to bed, all of you. I've never been more ashamed of Gryffindor students. 不用你来告诉我说我能做什么,不能做什么,波特。好了,你们都上床去吧。我从未像现在这样为格兰芬多的学生感到脸红。
I thought it might be interesting to share with all of you how that came about and what I learned from it. 我想与你们大家分享事情的原委和我从中吸取的经验可能是件有趣的事。
And thanks to your families, as well, because your sacrifice was theirs, too. All of you were there for me every step of the way. 也谢谢你们的家人,因为你作出的牺牲也是他们的牺牲,你们所有人都与我一路走来。
I wish to make friends with all of you and I believe that we will struggle for our dream and the Ordos College together. 我希望同大家成为好朋友,我相信我们一定会一起为我们的梦想和鄂尔多斯学院而努力。
Dear friends, thanks so much for your attention, cooperation and encouragement. I take a great honor in having all of you around. 亲爱的朋友们,感谢你们的关注,参与和鼓励。我为有你们这些好朋友而骄傲!
At heart all of you can express your love in such a way, and that will be a step nearer to finding the Christ Self within. 从心而发,你们所有人都在扩张你们的爱,这将更进一步的接近内在“基督意识”。