
美 [ˈmɑrdʒɪn(ə)l]英 [ˈmɑː(r)dʒɪn(ə)l]
  • adj.小的;微不足道的;不重要的;非主体的
  • n.(议会或地方委员会的)边缘席位
  • 网络边缘的;记在页边的;边际的


marginal utility,marginal seat,marginal change,marginal profit,marginal curve


1.小的;微不足道的;不重要的small and not important

2.非主体的;边缘的not part of a main or important group or situation

3.写在页边空白处的written in the margin of a page

5.(议席或选区)边缘的(以微弱票数决定成败)won or lost by a very small number of votes and therefore very important or interesting as an indication of public opinion


石油词汇英语翻译(M)--石油百科 ... marginal well 边际井 marginal 边缘的 marginal-marine 滨海的 ...


六级核心高频词汇表878个 - 豆丁网 ... marble n. 大理石 321, marginal a. 记在页边的;边缘的 322, marsh n. 沼泽地,湿地 323, ...


经济学英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... M macroeconomics 宏观经济学 marginal 边际的 marginal benefit 边际收益 ...


一段情 两颗❤ 三个字 。 ... 189. literally ad. 逐字地; 确实地 193. marginal a. 微小的 194. masculine a. 男性的 ...


流行词... ... projection n.设计;发射;放映 六级词汇 marginal a.有旁注的;边缘的 四级词汇 lottery n.抽彩,抓阄,彩票 六级词 …


及格边缘marginal)测试由美国道路安全保险委员会(IIHS)进行,以重约一千五百公斤障碍物撞击受测的汽车侧面,评估汽 …

Any proposal for a negative income tax must have at least three elements-an income floor, a marginal tax rate, and a cutoff point. 负所得税的任何方案必须至少包括3个方面:最低收入,边际税率及中断点。
Extensive operating costs and marginal advertising revenue in the economic downturn have made it a challenge for YouTube to turn a profit. 在经济低迷的时期,巨额的运营成本以及微薄的广告收入使得YouTube盈利面临着巨大的挑战。
The Europeans have been trying to manage the sovereign debt crisis for over a year now with only marginal success. 过去的一年中,欧洲各国一直都在努力控制主权债务危机,但是收效甚微。
Mr Murdoch's News Corp estimates that the marginal revenue from an occasional browser is less than one tenth of a penny a year. 默多克的新闻集团(NewsCorp)估计,一位偶尔浏览者每年带来的边际收入少于0.1便士。
The unit is often used on a marginal field that is surrounded by several marginal satellite fields or used for production testing. 这种平台常用于由几个边际卫星油气田所围绕的一个边际油气田,或用于生产测试。
A change in earnings of any factor can be found by analyzing the impact of the event on the value of the marginal product of that factor. 任何一种要素收入的变化,都可以通过分析某一事件对其边际产值的影响来发现。
But if, as Smith described, one man wrought the iron and another stretched it, who could say what was the marginal productivity of each? 但是,如果像斯密描述的那样,一个人负责对铁进行锻造,一个人负责对铁进行拉伸,谁能说出他们各自的边际生产率是多少呢?
Of interest here is a marginal number of buffer waits, and sequential scans, but a rather large number (at this point) of lock requests. 此处对缓存等待的边际数、以及顺序扫描的边际数感兴趣,而不是大量的锁请求。
Higher interest rates, the bank knows, would push thousands of marginal Chinese companies into at least technical bankruptcy. 央行知道,利率一高,至少会使数千堪能生存的中国公司走向技术性破产。
The location was marginal late at night but that was the only negative I had about this hotel. 旅馆的地理位置很偏但那也是我深夜到达时唯一可以抱怨的地方。
The tramway would have been a marginal proposition if it had cost nothing to build. 即便建造成本为零,有轨电车的收入也是微不足道的。
Good confused mind, empty, not touch marginal, as if I alone wander in the sea of central, finally is able to reach the shore. 心里好迷茫,空荡荡的,触不到边际,仿佛我独自一人徘徊在海的中央,终是靠不了岸。
Far from moving towards a world in which religion is absent or marginal, it would be truer to say that the secular era is in the past. 我们远远不是向着一个没有宗教或宗教边缘化的世界迈进,更确切的说法应该是,世俗时代已经过去。
Let's say hypothetically that the cost for a partner benefit is $10000 a year and the employee is at the 40 percent marginal tax bracket. 我们来假设一下,配偶的保险费是每年1万美元,而雇员的边缘税率是40%。
It can be effectively grown on marginal lands that are considered undesirable for food crops, making it a viable option as a new biofuel. 它可在粮食作物不理想的边缘地带高效生长,使它成为生物新能源的可行选择。
It will also be noticed that this utility function is one where the marginal utilities of X and Y are independent. 还须注意的是,这个效用函数中,X和Y的边际效用是相互独立的。
However, if the payroll tax cut is only a temporary holiday it is unlikely to affect business' perception of the marginal cost of labor. 然后,如果只是短暂地削减工资税,不可能影响到企业对于劳动力边际成本的态度。
So if it has been focusing on capital inputs in the long-term, it is bound to result in diminishing capital marginal efficiency. 如果长期一直注重资本要素的投入,势必会造成资本边际效率递减。
World Bank research shows that the marginal productivity of infrastructure in most emerging markets exceeds that of other physical capital. 世界银行(WorldBank)研究显示,多数新兴市场中基建业的边际生产率超过了其他物资资本的边际生产率。
And the business of selling information to consumers has always been a marginal one. 并且销售信息一直都是一个边缘行业。
It is the rate of change in total utility per unit change in quantity and is not the utility of a marginal unit. 它是(商品)量的每单位变动带来的总效用变动率,而不是边际单位的效用。
Golf played on such harsh, marginal land is known as links golf, and it has always been enjoyed in the U. K. and Ireland. 高尔夫起到这样苛刻的,贫瘠的土地被称为林克斯高尔夫,它一直在英国和爱尔兰享有。
Marginal willingness to pay----The amount of money an individual is willing to pay for the last unit of a good or service. 边际无意支付——个体金钱总额将去支付最后一单位的商品或是服务。
Marginal governments, involved in local expansionism , continually scuffle with one another and with major global powers. 边际政府,参与当地的扩张,不断扭打彼此间以及同全球主要的权力。
Since the marginal cost of making a piece of software is zero, and the cost of digital distribution is zero, prices ought to fall to free. 既然制造软件的边际成本为零,销售数字产品的成本也为零,那么价格也就应降至零。
Feng Boyi: Your method is similar to that of Picasso, to put the marginal things. . . 冯博一:就是说和毕加索一样,把那一边的东西。
From the aspect of literature, dramas all over the world have not appeared to be marginal, unlike Chinese drama. 文章认为,从文艺学的视点出发,世界范围内舞台戏剧并没有出现像中国那样的边缘现象。
The advocates of such a strategy are not marginal and cranky academics. They include some of the most influential US economists. 鼓吹这种策略的并非行为怪异的边缘学者,其中不乏一些最具影响力的美国经济学家。
Even though some of this would have to go in lowering marginal rates, it is a little like finding money behind the sofa cushions. 尽管这样做从某种程度上讲必将导致出现降低边际税率的后果,但还是有点像在沙发垫后面找到钱的感觉。
Remember, the marginal cost of a book is now the cost of the bandwidth to deliver it, so buffets make economic sense. 请记住,现在,一本书的边际成本只有传送它的带宽,因此,自助式在商业上解释得通。