
美 [mɪlk]英 [mɪlk]
  • n.乳汁;乳液;(牛或羊等的)奶
  • v.挤奶;趁机牟利;捞一把;捞好处
  • 网络牛奶;米尔克;鲜奶

第三人称单数:milks 现在分词:milking 过去式:milked

drink milk,buy milk,sell milk,give milk,get milk
raw milk,milk powder,chocolate milk,plastic milk


n. v.

1.(牛或羊等的)奶the white liquid produced by cows, goats and some other animals as food for their young and used as a drink by humans

2.(人或哺乳动物的)奶,乳汁the white liquid that is produced by women and female mammals for feeding their babies


the milk of human kindness

人的善良天性;恻隐之心kind behaviour, considered to be natural to humans


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米尔克》(MILK),肖恩·潘是第二次或奥斯卡影帝啦!提问者对回答的评价: 嗯 嗯 ~~~谢谢啦~2012-5-28 关于奥斯卡短片黄 …


麦当劳都有什么吃的?_百度知道 ... 大杯橙汁 Large O.J. 鲜奶 Milk 苹果派 Apple Pie ...


牛津小学英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... middle school 中学 milk 牛奶;挤奶 mine 我的(东西) ...


乳_百度百科 ... 乳罩[ cup,brassiere] 乳汁[ milk] 乳脂[ butterfat] ...


西餐香料大全 ... 咸鸭蛋 salted duck egg 牛奶,鲜奶,牛乳 milk 全脂牛奶 homo milk,homogenized milk ...

The place in listening to coke contains energy to also amount to 140 kilocalorie , comparative almost with milk of a bag of complete fat. 一听可乐中所含能量也达140千卡,与一袋全脂牛奶几乎相当。
He did not get rich seeking gold. But he made a great deal of money selling milk. 淘金没有让他富裕,而他出售牛奶却大发其财。
A hen has to lay eggs; a cow has to give milk; and a canary has to sing . but a dog makes his living by giving you nothing but love. 母鸡要下蛋,牛要产奶,金丝雀要唱歌,而狗活着只是要给你他的爱。
Fog lingering in the hills, milky fog that high in the hills around, as if it was milk-like world, white one, it is infinite yearning. 雾,萦绕在山头,乳白的雾围绕在那高高的山头,仿佛那是牛奶般的世界,洁白一片,令人无限向往。
Generally, milk bottles at the front of the shelf in the supermarket have an expiry date of only a few days. 通常,超市中架子前的瓶装奶仅有几天的有效限期。
Others call it a shout-out to the man who studied microbial decay, brought you spoilage-resistant milk and found a vaccine for rabies. 还有人认为把这认为是巴斯德的一种留言或者是警示,而巴斯德研究微生物衰变,并为我们研究出了抗腐败牛奶以及发现了狂犬疫苗。
She reached for the tray, making it wobble on Giorgio's knees. Then she picked up a piece of bread and dunked it in her milk. 她伸手接过托盘,将它摇摇晃晃地放在乔治的膝盖上,然后她拿起一块面包,在牛奶里浸了浸。
This milk has gone bad. You can't leave milk sitting out; you've got to put it in the refrigerator. 这牛奶已坏了。你不能把牛奶放在外面,必须把它放在冰箱内才行。
At this point, babies are able to consume up to 64 pounds of bottle milk. 在这个时候,婴儿能够喝上多达一瓶64磅的牛奶。
If and cried after feeding or biting nipples and hold, or slept less than two hours to wake up, all that lack of milk. 如果吃奶后还哭,或者咬着奶头不放,或者睡不到两小时就醒,都说明奶量不足。
In addition, experts remind you not expectant mother a year, pregnant women should began to drink milk powder. 另外,专家提醒各位未准妈妈,孕前一年就应该开始喝孕妇奶粉。
If you gave her a cup of milk or something, she would just drop it. She got to the point where she would just sit on the bed. 如果你给她一杯牛奶或是别的什么,她就摔杯子,甚至就在床上干坐着。
How much milk should a child drink each day? 一个小孩每天应该喝多少牛奶?
Actually, milk does not cause a build up of mucous at all - you can drink as much of it as you like and it will have no effect on your cold. 事实上,牛奶不会导致粘液的产生——你喝多少都可以,只要你喜欢,且它不会影响你的感冒。
"We must do something about Grandfather, " said the son. "I've had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor. " “我们必须对爷爷做些事情,”他儿子说道。“我已经受够了他泼洒的牛奶,嘈杂的进食,还有在地板上的食物”。
When I saw that look on her face and looked at the chocolate milk running down the wall, I simply started laughing. 看着她的表情和顺着墙壁流着的牛奶,我笑了起来。
How much milk is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少牛奶?
that man felt happy for his courage and thought it would be better if he gave himself a cup of milk as a reward. 那个人为自己的勇气感到高兴,并认为如果再犒赏自己喝上一杯也不为过。
The girt poured a glass of milk for her mother. 女孩给母亲倒了一玻璃杯牛奶。
A mother who just do not know how much milk to feed your baby. 刚做妈妈的人都不知道该喂宝宝多少奶。
Most are not even aware that raw milk has been used throughout the past centuries as a means of combating various illnesses. 大多数人甚至不知道在过去的数百年里,生牛奶一直被人们用来治疗疾病。
How much is a glass of milk, please? 请问一杯牛奶多少钱?
I thought that there was nothing wrong with having a chat with the leader. So I sipped the milk and chatted with him. 我实在是没有防备,认为领导找我聊工作不会出什么意外,所以,我就一边聊一边喝牛奶。
How much milk is here? 这里是多少牛奶?
I had to get out of the car carried the milk rice and flour on my back walked along the path in the dark. 我只好下车,背上奶粉和米面,走在夜色已深的小路上。
So, let's put some milk on top now, and make it, well, you'll have to leave it for a little while and make it really soggy. 所以,让我们先倒一些牛奶,并搅拌它,效果不错,你得离开它一会儿,使它真正的浸湿。
So he put the pail of milk into one of his jacket pockets and walked off home; and by the time he got there the milk was all spilled. 于是,他把这桶牛奶放进了自己的一个上衣口袋里便出发了。等他回到家的时候,牛奶全洒光了。
"Bring the best of the firstfruits of your soil to the house of the Lord your God. " Do not cook a young goat in its mother's milk. 地里首先初熟之物,要送到耶和华你神的殿。“不可用山羊羔母的奶煮山羊羔。”
Amy: She drank the milk and she said that it made some of the burning felling in her mouth and throat go away. 艾米:她喝完牛奶了,她说嘴巴和喉咙的灼热感减轻了一点。
load of milk is accepted it is pumped into, a silo to be used within a few hours or to be stored FOR later use. 一旦这些乳通过检验就会泵送到地下室几个小时内或以后利用。