
美 [ənd]英 [ənd]
  • conj.与;和;而;又
  • n.附加条件;附加细节
  • 网络并且;而且;及




1.和;与;同;又;而also; in addition to

2.加;加上added to

3.然后;接着then; following this

4.go, come, try, stay, etc. ~(用于动词前代替 to,表示目的)…为了used before a verb instead ofto , to show purpose

5.(引出说话或提问)那么,于是used to introduce a comment or a question

6.(表示结果)结果是;那么;就as a result

7.(连接相同的词,表示反复或连续)接连,又,愈来愈used between repeated words to show that sth is repeated or continuing

8.(连接相同的词,强调差别)与…不同,各有不同used between repeated words to show that there are important differences between things or people of the same kind.

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... his pron. 他的 and conj. ;又;而且 her pron. 她的 ...

字典中 如 字的解释 ... (1) 假如,如果[ if] (3) ,和[ and] (4) 或——表示选择关系[ or] ...


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... great 太好了 and 和,并且 how 多么,怎么样 ...

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... his pron. 他的 and conj. 和;;而且 her pron. 她的 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... his pron. 他的 and conj. 和;又;而且 her pron. 她的 ...

仁爱英语七年级上册单词表_百度文库 ... afternoon 下午,午后 and 和,,又,并 OK 好,对,不错,可以 ...


PCB技术大全 - zhangjianjunnj的日志 - 网易博客 ... 9.继电器: RELAY. LIB AND 与门 ANTENNA 天线 ...

Buddha may be easy subject to understand for many, but to implement it in life one needs to have faith, dedication and determination. 佛或许对很多人而言,是一个容易理解的对象,但要把它在生活中实践,需要信心、虔心和决心。
In the darkness, as he steered toward the faint glow of Havana against the sky, he heard them hitting the carcass again and again. 在黑暗中,他对哈瓦那对天空微弱的灯光指导,他听到他们打的胴体一次又一次。
And bring the bottle with you, since even so-called "waterproof" sunscreens don't last the length of a long, sweaty workout. 带一整瓶的防晒霜,因为即使那些号称“防水”的防晒霜在出汗的训练中也不能持续多长时间。
It is the jewel at my own breast that shines and gives light. I do not know how to hide it. 那闪烁照耀的,是我自己胸中的珠宝。我不知道怎样藏起它。
It was a display of unusual restraint in a country where officials and businessmen rarely bother to ask if their habit offends. 在一个官员和商人很少关注他们的行为举止是否妥当的国家,黄先生向我们展现了一种罕见的、可贵的自制力。
If the Little Mermaid slays the prince with the knife she will become a mermaid again and be able to live out her full life under the sea. 如果小美人鱼过关斩刀与王子,她将再次成为一个美人鱼能活出海面下她的整个生命。
Most of the time, our schedule was a bit too hectic, and several times a month I had to work through the night at the office. 绝大多数时间里,我们的日程都有点儿火急火燎,而且每个月总有几天我要在办公室通宵。
I remembered sitting at the smaller table with my cousins and siblings, feeling as if I were too old to sit at the kid's table. 我想起了跟我的姊妹和表姊妹们一起坐在小桌子旁,却觉得自己已经很大了,不该坐在小孩的桌上的情形。
We live in the south (georgia) and I know many people here did not want Obama to win but there was no problems at my daughters school today. 我知道这里很多人都不想奥巴马获选,但是今天我女儿学校里倒没发生这样的问题啵。
But there was an object destined to Shalassa that was never offered as it should have been, and has become the subject of many a tale. 但是,仍有一件预订要奉献给莎拉萨的珍宝一直没有被奉献,并因此成就了许多传说。
But even then we often do not know God well enough, and that's when doubt and anxiety can settle in, replacing serenity and trust and peace. 不过,即使这样,我们对神的认识往往只是皮毛,结果是疑惑和担忧乘虚而入,叫我们失去平静、信任和平安。
It was really nice to relax with my friends and let it sink in and to get some sun and just do nothing for a few days. 能和朋友一起放松的感觉很棒,享受阳光,什么事都不做了几天。
As if the nausea isn't enough, this week you may be noticing increased gas, indigestion, heartburn and general discomfort in you gut. 好像仅仅恶心还是不够的,这一周你可能发觉胃里涨气、消化不良、心痛和全身不舒服。
They were listening intently, and as though looking not at me, but at the pattern of my voice upon the air. 他们全神贯注地倾听着,他们眼睛里看到的仿佛不是我,而是我的声音在空气中传播的样式。
Yes, the moment I left the house, I realized how much I love you and I couldn't bear the thought of leaving. 是啊,我一离开这座房子,就意识到我多么爱你,我不能忍受离开你。
Employers understand that it's been a brutal market, and that you may have spent significant time without work. 雇主们了解,一直以来这是个残酷的市场,你可能有相当长一段时间没有工作。
Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? 你岂不是四面圈上篱笆,围护他和他的家,并他一切所有的吗。
It was an audacious if rather unwelcome entry: China officially recognizes only five religions, and Judaism isn't one of them. 这即使不是一个不受欢迎的举动,也肯定是一个冒险的举动:中国官方只认定了五种宗教,而犹太教不在其中。
and its about a little flightless bird who spends its whole life trying to devise a way to, to fly, and it's a really heart-tugging story. 它是关于一只不会飞的小鸟穷尽一生试图构设出一套飞行的方法,真是一个牵动人心的故事。
He underestimated the cost of a vacation and ran out of the money. 他过低估计度假的费用,把钱花光了。
Lucky for you Christmas is just around the corner and everyone of you will run each other over to be the first one to the cash register. 对你们来说,幸运的是圣诞节近在眼前,你们每个人都要挤破头的抢占收银台的第一个排队的人。
So many Web Albums, QQ space have such pictures, would like to know how you paste up the nerve, and when it did not take up that feeling? 那么多网络相册、QQ空间都有着这类图片,想知道你们怎么好意思贴上去的,难道放上去的时候没一点感觉?
"There was no way I could walk around with two kidneys and he had none, " she said. "It was the right thing to do. " 她说:“我不可能眼看着他死,而自己却留着两个肾。这么做是正确的决定。”
Calculated the way sales taxes usually are, the rate would have to be at least 30% and possibly much higher. 按照销售税的通常计算方法,新税率至少达到30%,而且还可能高得多。
Renown has established brands and high-quality manufacturing technology, but it had been struggling for many years. Renown拥有现成的品牌和高质量的制造工艺,但多年来一直在苦苦挣扎。
You know , a couple of times a week, have lunch and talk to that person. 一周几次,跟他吃吃午饭,谈谈话什么的。
'I wanted to live my life and not go die, ' he said. 'So I got up, and I found some ski tracks, and I followed those. “我想活命,不想死……所以我起身,按照节目中介绍的另一条求生技巧,找到一些滑雪道,沿着它们下山,”他说。
"We have at least one bespoke velvet jacket going through at the moment, " says Patrick Grant of Norton and Sons. “我们目前至少已有一款全定制天鹅绒夹克正在推介,”诺顿父子(Norton&Sons)的帕特里克·格兰特(PatrickGrant)说。
Scour your blog and ask this question of every element: would a new visitor know what this does, or where it leads? 重新排版你博客并对着每一个元素都问一个问题:如果一个新的访客来,他会知道这是什么,链接到哪里吗?
In this post, we'll take a look at a few of those people and some of the things which they do to be unique from everyone else. 在本文中,我们分析其中一些设计师,看看他们设计出的与别人相