deal with

  • na.办理;对待;与…交涉;与…交易
  • 网络处理;对付;应付

第三人称单数:deals with 现在分词:dealing with 过去式:dealt with

deal withdeal with

deal with


大学英语四级常用词组 ... deal out 分配,分给 deal with 做买卖;处理;安排 make a deal with 与…做买卖;和…妥协 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... cut across 走捷径,抄近路 deal with 处理,对付,安排 do without 没有 …… 也行 ...


支持的英文短语怎么说_百度知道 ... 【sustain;holdout;bear】 勉强维持支持门户 【deal with应付;打点 【supply】 供应 ...


字典中 待 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ wait for] (4) 对待[ treat;deal with] (6) 招待[ entertain] ...


英语选修8单词表_百度知道 ... 90. date from 起始于 91. deal with 处理;对付;相处;涉及 92. do a good deed 做好事 ...


我背诵了40集老友记台词_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... Ironically 讽刺的 deal with 处理 解决 Fall for 上当 ...


大学英语三级考试常考词组和固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... cut short 中断,打断 deal with 处理,对付;论述,涉及 deep down 实际上…


医学用语_百度文库 ... refer to v. 查阅;参考;提及 deal with v. 论述;处理;对 offer vt.&n. 提供;贡献 ...

It is OK to disagree but don't show it in an interview because people are not ready to deal with different opinion in an interview. 有不同意见没问题,但不要在面试中表现出来,因为一般人不愿在面试中处理意见不和的问题。
It is more difficult to deal with the self-esteem of man as man, because we cannot argue out the matter with some non-human mind. 由于我们无法和人类之外的智者辩论清楚,所以要处理这个人之作为人的自高自大的问题就更加困难了。
Whoever comes into the woods to deal with the natives, must use Indian fashions, if he would wish to prosper in his undertakings. 不管是什么人,来到这种林子里和工人交手,要是他想要取胜,就得按印第安人的办法行事。
The important work of this paper is to deal with result of query, auto link of references and resource discovery of digital library. 本文的工作重点是数字图书馆中查询结果的处理、参考文献的自动超链接和数字图书馆中信息资源的发现。
The concept of a (use case) transaction helps to deal with the variation in length and conciseness typical of use case descriptions. 事务(用例)的概念能够帮助处理不同长度以及大小的用例描述。
At a news conference in Florida, he said, 'It's going to be part of the president's job to be able to deal with more than one thing at once. 周五在佛罗里达州的一个新闻发布会上,奥巴马说:能够同时处理多项事务将是总统职责的一部分。
He said he was clever enough to deal with it by himself. 他说他足够聪明可以独自应付这件事。
His death was one of a series of signs I read to step back and take stock of the genetic problems I was repeatedly having to deal with. 它的死因是一连串的迹象之一,我回过头去钻研和观察这个我曾经重复必须处理的遗传问题。
He is able to eak directly to the student concerned and deal with the question just as he would in the real world. 他可以直接向学生和处置惩罚有关的问题一样,他将在实际世界中。
When I got to the office, our manager, Mr. Brown, had already started to deal with cables, telexes and letters. 当我到达办公室,我们的经理,布朗先生,他已经开始在处理电报和信件了。
The solution may be to add better filters, either to washing machines or to the sewage treatment plants that deal with all the wash water. 加上更好的纤维可能是解决方法,洗衣机或者是污水处理植物在处理所有的洗涤水。
The commission said the findings confirmed the importance of a review of its deal with major networking sites on safer Internet use. 委员会指出调查结果更加肯定了加强对主要网络站点在更安全的网络访问方面审查的重要性。
It is nothing uncommon to see people trying to deal with environmental protection with the most gain and the least pain. 人们尝试着在环境保护上以最少的代价换取最大的收穫并不是什么稀奇的事情。
He said China always had to deal with its primary contradiction and compromise with its secondary contradiction. 他曾说过,中国永远要解决主要矛盾,协调次要矛盾。
The next time a woman runs for office she will be better prepared to deal with discrimination in the media. 在下一次的某位女性竞选公职活动中她将会准备得更好来处理媒体的歧视。
Information technology is mainly used to deal with the management and information used by the general term for a variety of techniques. 信息技术,是主要用于管理和处理信息所采用的各种技术的总称。
Jennings began to suggest ways to deal with the problem, but Barras did not listen. 詹宁斯开始对如何解决这一问题提出建议,但巴勒斯却不予理睬。
You can shift your vibration a whole lot easier when you're dealing with today issues, than trying to deal with childhood issues. 当你在处理今天的事情时,你能比试图去处理儿时的事情更容易地极大地转变你的振动。
As a matter of fact, as long as you can deal with this emergency well, your leader will not mind accepting your own method. 事实上,你的领导可以接受你采用你自己的方式来解决这个紧急情况,只要你能处理得圆满。
Her first day in the job was a real baptism of fire because she had to deal with a very difficult case immediately. 从事这项工作的第一天她就经受了一场严峻的考验,因为她得立即处理一件非常棘手的事情。
The experiment results show that this algorithm could deal with the automatic human face detecting and tracking efficiently. 实验结果表明,该算法可以很好地进行人脸的自动检测跟踪。
MALLIKA Still, many companies in London aren't prepared to deal with their systems going down. 然而,伦敦还是有许多公司没有准备好系统遭破坏时如何应急。
d love to help you out, but I can hardly manage to deal with my own business now. 我很想帮你,但我现在连自己的事情都处理不过来。
Hyundai Motor said it expected the creditors to deal with the matter fairly, in accordance with law and bidding regulations. 现代汽车表示,期待债权人依照法律和竞购规定,公正处理此事。
In this respect , sleeping, drinking, and all that has no deal with class should be forbidden. 这样的话,睡觉、吃东西和所有与上课无关的都该禁止。
The advisory comes in the week before Christmas, a time when many companies and home users are least prepared to deal with the problems. 这一最新的安全公告出现在圣诞来临的一周,此时正是公司及家庭用户最无暇顾及解决问题之际。
Think positive, It's not always what happens to us that makes us feel down, but how we deal with it. 积极地思考,很多时候并不是所发生的事情让我们感到沮丧,而是我们所采取的处理方法。
While I worried how to help her deal with death, she was planning for her children's future. 当我正思考着如何帮助她面对死亡时,她却已在计划安排她孩子们的未来了。
Lixia, I deal with all day and cement, which is always peeling hands, you give I a glove it. 丽霞,俺整天和水泥打交道,这手上总是脱皮,你也给俺一幅手套吧。
My baby seems to prefer his father right now. What does that mean and how do I deal with it? 我的宝宝现在似乎比较喜欢爸爸,这是怎么回事儿,我又该如何呢?