if we try

  • 网络若我们用心去尝试;如果我们努力尝试;若我们试著去尝试

if we tryif we try

if we try


拯救地... ... It only cares of joyful giving 爱就是心甘情愿的奉献。 If we try 若我们用心去尝试, We shall see 我们就会明白, ...


heal... ... It only cares for joyful giving 爱就是心甘情愿地奉献 If we try 如果我们努力尝试 We shall see 我们将会看见 ...


孤独的王者... ... It only cares for joyful giving 它是无怨尤的付出 If we try 若我们试著去尝试 We shall see 我们将可以明白 ...


纪念麦可杰克逊... ... It only cares for joyful giving 爱只关心喜乐的施予 If we try 如果我们去试 We shall see 我们将会了解 ...


reach out中文歌词_百度知道 ... If we try 如果我们尝试 We can work it out somehow 我们能工作它以某种方法 ...


Karen... ... 03.如果拥有你 If I Had You 04.如果我们试一试 If We Try 05.记住一夜的爱 Remember When Lovin' Took All Night ...

Maybe it's all around to see If we try And maybe it's been inside of me All this time Love love love Love love love! Love love love! 或许就在目光所及只要我们看得用心可能就在我的身体无时无刻与我相依爱啊爱啊!
It's a period of actual crisis, even if we try to tough it out and act as if everything is under control. 这是一个真正的危机时刻,即使我们坚强与之面对,好似一切尽在控制之中。
Even if we try to squeeze in an hour at the gym, is it enough to counteract all that motionless sitting? 即使我们尽力挤出一小时去健身,这足以消化坐着不动的副作用么?
"If we try to leave, they will shoot us, " he said. 他说:“如果我们想离开这儿,他们就会朝我们开枪。”
"If we try to meet some of their needs, we make a workplace that is attractive to other generations also, " she said. “如果我们能满足他们的要求,那麽其他年龄段的人也会喜欢上办公室,”Sujansky说。
Our management styles do not fit, and if we try to be tough like men we are damned (like my acquaintance). 我们的管理风格不合适,而如果我们试图像男性一样严厉,就会遭到谴责(就像我认识的那个人一样)。
Most of us get tired if we try to run half a mile without stopping, but a specially-trained person can do this without much effort. 假如本人们试图跑半英里没有中止,本人们年夜大都人会累,但一个受过特别锻炼的人能够不吃力地如许做。
If we try crooked ways, we shall find that we cannot pray, and if we pretend to do so, we shall find our prayers shut out of heaven. 若我们心术不正,我们会发现自己无法祷告,即使我们试图继续祷告,天上的门也不会为我们打开。
Running is play, for even if we try hard to do well at it, it is a relief from everyday cares. 跑步就是玩,因为即使我们很努力做的最好,这就是解脱。
But if we try to solve all of our problems with government, government gets a bit overburdened. 但是,如果我们试图让政府解决所有问题,政府就会负担过重。
Now, if we try to sneak in a new employee with an invalid network ID, our application knows not to accept it. 现在,如果我们试图偷偷在一个新员工中输入一个无效网络ID,应用应该会拒绝它。
Speak his language, and propose that "instead of doing it like your example, what if we try doing it like this other example? " 不要用专业的语言解释,可以向客户建议:先不考虑这个网站,我们借鉴其它的网站设计是不是更好呢?
But even if we try to discover the unknown world, our memory either continues to float in the unknown world or remains as an analogy. 但是,即使我们设法去发现那个未知的世界,我们的记忆既会在那个未知的世界浮现,也会如同比喻般保留。
If we try to unite these two conceptions, the imagethatresults can be a rising spiral, a funnel ora parabola. 如果我们试图结合这两个概念,产生的图像可能是一个上升的螺旋形,圆锥形或抛物线。
If we try to focus on the reality, then what we need to focus on is what's really happening in terms of China and the United States. 现在让我们只关注事实,那么我们就需要关注当下在中国和美国正在发生的事情。
If we try to promote French, to the detriment of English, you may prevent people having access to the latest information and findings. 如果我们试图推广使用法语,而不是使用英语,那就可能妨碍人们获取最新信息和结论。
Ben: Wow! The story is so interesting! And it tells me that if we try , there's no impossible thing. 哇!这故事真有趣!同时它也告诉我,只要我们去尝试,就没有不可能的事。
I think if we try this for Haiti and it works, one could really then make diaspora bonds integral to any reconstruction effort in future. 我想,如果我们为海地试点发行这一债券且债券发挥作用,那么就有可能使债券对今后的任何重建工作发挥重要作用。
"Even if we try to live like normal people, " she says, "the [Hindu] upper-castes will never accept us. " “就算我们再怎么努力像常人一样生活,”她说,“上层种族也不会接受我们”。
If we try to tickle ourselves, our brains anticipate this "attack" and prevent us from feeling panicked. 如果试着替自己哈痒,脑部会自动预感到这种“攻击”从而使我们感觉不到惊吓。
Short, I believe that if we try, we will be able to improve our traffic situation. 总之,我相信,只要我们努力,就一定能改善我们的交通状况。
If we try to multi-task in too many directions, our brains begin to act exactly like what they are: overloaded electrical circuits. 如果我们要在过多方面做各种不同事情,我们的大脑就开始和其的本质一样:电路过载。
EXAMPLE: If we prioritize our goals each day we will accomplish more than if we try to do everything at once. 如果我们能按照轻重缓急确定各项目标,我们的收获将比同时手做所有事情更大。
If we try to save money now, we risk spending much more later. 如果我们现在尝试着节省资金,我们以后可能要花费更多资金。
If we try to make each action count, we'll do less, but focus on more important actions. 如果我们试图让每次行动有价值,我们会做得很少,但是集中在更加重要的活动中。
Furthermore, if we try to live by the opinions of others, we will build our life on sinking sand. 此外,如果我们尽力以别人的见解而生活,那我们自己的生活将是一盘散沙。
It will not work if we try to implement it while still doing business as usual. 不过,假如我们一边仍然像通常那样做着生意,又一边把这个方案付诸实施的话,它不一定管用。
Things will work out if we try to keep our attitude at the equilibrium point! 如果我们把心态平衡于等当点,一切就会迎刃而解!
I believe that everything can be good done if we try hard. 我相信没见事付出努力就能做好。
What will happen if we try to make things grow on the sandy beach? 什么会发生,如果我们试图使事情生长在沙滩?