back out

  • na.打退堂鼓;食言;退出;后退
  • 网络取消;收回;扭出

第三人称单数:backs out 现在分词:backing out 过去式:backed out

back outback out

back out


back 的中文意思_百度知道 ... back of 在…的后面;在…背后 back out 退出;倒退出去 back out of 收回(诺言等) ...


初中英语总复习_百度知道 ... back on one's feet 经受打击后重新站起来 back out 食言 backseat driver 指手划脚的人 ...


... at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 back out 不履行,打退堂鼓,食言 back up (使)积压,(使)拥塞 支持 ...


高中英语:必修一至必修四英语短语总结 - 豆丁网 ... turn up 出现;到场 back out 退出;取消 turn over 翻身 ...


初中英语短语归纳_百度知道 ... back away 退出 back out 放弃;收回;停止 back and forth 来回;往返 ...


航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(B) ... back oscillation 回波振荡 back out 扭出 back over 后盖 ...


back 的中文意思_百度知道 ... back of 在…的后面;在…背后 back out 退出;倒退出去 back out of 收回(诺言等) ...


消防英语专业词汇(B) ... back lag 后撑脚 back out 撤出 back pack pump tank fire extinguisher 小型背负泵式灭火器 ...

If the person you were engaged to marry had an accident and become a paraplegic , would you go through with the marriage or back out of it? 如果你的未婚夫因为车祸瘫痪了,你会坚持和他结婚,还是退婚呢?
He thought some clawed thing clutched at his leg as he yanked himself back out onto the passageway, shaking from more than the cold. 他觉得,有一些长着爪子的什么东西,抓住了他的腿,他猛然向后挺身,退回到过道上,身子颤抖着,当然并不仅仅是因为他觉得冷。
In just a few weeks, members will be back out on the campaign trail, emphasizing the differences between the two parties. 在仅仅几个星期内,议员们将退出竞选跟踪活动,不再着重于两党的差别。
The comet made two passes around the Sun and in 1779 again passed very close to Jupiter, which then threw it back out of the solar system. 这颗扫帚星在太阳边上逛了一下,1779年又到木星边上挑衅,这次木星把它赶回了外太阳系。
He brings her the tickets, collects the money, and then goes home and has his sockpuppet bidder back out of the deal with her. 他给了她票,收好钱,然后回家,撤销了对她的合约起诉。
Note that the core DOM API does not give you methods to either parse XML data into a DOM, or to serialize the DOM back out to XML. 注意,核心DOMAPI并不能使您将XML数据解析到DOM,或者将DOM序列化为XML。
Unlike Generals this was a targetted ability, they automatically fire in this mode until you switch them back out of it. 与将军里不同,这不再是一个需要目标的能力,在这个模式下他们可以自动发射,直到你切换他们的状态。
I said good-bye, my hand closed around the business card in my pocket, and went back out into the cold winter evening. 我用手紧紧握住兜里的名片,说了声再见,就走回那寒冬的夜色之中。
If there was an issue with the migration, I could easily back out to the previous release of AIX. 如果迁移出现问题,我可以轻松地返回前一个AIX版本。
The next thing I knew the house parent came walking back out of the back door by the garbage room and started yelling at me. 我所记得的下一件事便是宿舍管理员从垃圾房旁边的后门走了回来,开始冲我大骂。
A flower show to be 30, is a public, and color it touches very pretty, I just hesitate if I can get back out to accompany such a suit Sha! ! 一只花秀要30,是个公的,花色倒是挺好看,我就是再犹豫我要是弄回去陪啥还能出这样的花色!!
But he said he saw no reason to allow them to back out. 他说,但他没有看到允许他们撤销协议的任何理由。
My main concern here was that if there was a problem with the 9119-FHA, we did not have a way to easily back out to the old system. 我主要担心的是,如果9119-FHA出现问题,我们无法方便地返回到老系统。
Light that hits this layer and then comes back out of the skin tends to contain a reddish tint . 鉴于这层,然后回来点击出的皮肤色彩倾向带有红色。
And his Iraqiya friends say they will back out of any government if charges of Baathist links against three of their number are not lifted. 而他的“伊拉克名单”朋友表示,他们会退出任何政府,只要对他们三分之一的同伴关于涉嫌和复兴党有关联的指控不被撤销。
That of course turns into a bigger problem when you try to marshal things back out, and the problem propagates quickly. 当然,如果再尝试重新编组还会造成更大的问题,并且问题传播得很快。
If you could lend me the money, I could pay you back out of my lifeguard salary. 如果你借给我这笔钱,我会从我当救生员的工资里还你的。
But the U. S. is holding back, out of concern of appearing to be cutting back-door deals with its European allies. 但美国现在犹豫不决,不愿让自己显得好像和欧洲盟友在背后捣鬼。
But you're gonna be back out on the streets tomorrow. Back in your hood with your homeys. 你明天就会回到街上去,回到你的地盘和你的兄弟混在一起。
He helped her put the chairs on the porch and sat her down and then walked back out to put his hands on the guide bar of the lawn mower. 他帮着妻子把摇椅搬进门廊,让她坐下来,然后又走回草坪,握住割草机的手柄。
He finished his tea, went inside, found a book, then turned on the porch light on his way back out. 他喝完了茶,进屋找了一本书,回去的时候打开了门廊上的灯。
He spots balls that nobody else does and it's nice to see him back out on the pitch and playing well. 他能发现其他人都不能发现的传球路线,很高兴能看他回归球场并且很好的进行比赛。
The official line was that these were places to treat psychopaths with a view to one day sending them back out into the world. 官方对外的态度是这里是一个治疗心理变态狂的地方,有一天他们是可能回归社会的。
You must sit still all you can and keep your back out of sight. The front is all right. 你必须老老实实地坐着不动,不要把背部给人看到;前面是不成问题的。
It was a pretty frustrating moment knowing we were going to have to come back out here and tell you that we nerfed you again. 那确实是一段令人沮丧的时期,因为不久我们就会站在这里然后告诉你们,pal被削弱了。
As I say, I missed our three goals but then I came back out and I remember AC Milan putting us under a bit of pressure. 正如我刚所说。我错过了我们的三个进球,但之后我出来了,我记得米兰给了我们一些压力。
Or if it just slid up in the the information bar, and then the list slid back out, that would work too. 或者,如果它只是在下滑的信息栏,然后在列表推开了,那工作了。
I refuse to back out of an engagement. It has always been very important for me to keep my word. 我绝不违约,我一直信守诺言,这是非常重要的。
In January 2006, a bottle-nosed whale died in the Thames after it was lifted on to a pontoon ready to be taken back out to sea. 2006年1月,一只搁浅的拜式鲸在被抬到驳船准备运回海中时不幸死亡。
But besides the power of the initial wave crashing into the shore, the tsunami can be just as deadly as it flows back out to sea. 除了最初冲上海岸的力量,海啸退回大海时也同样具有毁灭影响力。