it must be

  • 网络一定;一定是这样;肯定是

it must beit must be

it must be


新概念英语第二... ... bright,orange-coloured dress: 鲜艳的桔黄色衣服 it must be一定(推测) grown up: (形容词短语) …


哪有中文交际用语_爱问知识人 ... about it. 那是毫无疑问的(或:没有问题的) It must be. 一定是这样 I dare say. 我感说 ...


跪求新目标英语初一到初三的语... ... Trouble 麻烦事 ,名词 It must be--- (肯定是,100%) --- It must be Mary’s. (肯定; 一定) ...


must是什么意思... ... 4. I must go. 我一定去。 5. It must be. 一定是的。 6. Friends must part. 再好的朋友也有分手的时候。 ...


... 4. I dare say it is a lie. 我敢说这是一个谎言。 7. It must be. 这一定是的。 11. Yes,you can be sure. 是的,你可以肯定。 ...


英语月刊 ... 4. I’d like… 我想要…… 5. It must be那肯定是…… 1. May I have your order? 你(你们)点菜吗? ...


新二81-96第2讲答案解析... ... (either of them 两个中任何一个) (It must be 表示肯定推测) (help yourselves 表示随便吃 …

Oh, it must be very hard. The sun was scotching and you were in a sweat. 哦,一定很辛苦吧。太阳很晒,你满身大汗。
Lou held his head as if it were splitting. "Everybody will say we are crazy . It must be crazy , or everybody would be doing it. " 卢双手抱着脑袋,好像头要裂开似的。“谁都会说我们疯了。这肯定是在发疯,要不人人都会这样做了。”
"You know how it goes. Robin gets a question and says it must be great to play with all the highly skilled players, " he said. 你会清楚这其中的缘由。范佩西回答想和谁搭档的问题,那肯定是和技术最好的球员一起了。库神说道。
The continuing accumulation of these deposits reduces the activity of the catalyst to a point that it must be regenerated. 这种积碳现象会使得触媒慢慢失去活性,最后必需进行再生。
For RABS to be an appropriate technological solution, it must be very isolator-like. 为了使RABS成为一个适当的技术解决方法,它必须非常类似于隔离器。
It must be reached by a nation that takes its place in the international community by fully living up to its international obligations. 一个国家只有通过全面履行其国际义务,成为国际大家庭的一员,才能实现这个目标。
It must be difficult, I say, taking care not to spray crumbs on his sofa, working on three different programmes in such a tight time frame. 在如此短的时间里同时参与三个不同的节目一定很难,我一边说着,一边小心翼翼地不让饼干渣撒到沙发上。
If his plan had been put in practice in the imperialistic China, even if it was not the so called "modern" , it must be much more "better" ! 如果他的方案能够在帝制中国的历史条件下得到实施,其效果即便不是所谓“现代的”,也肯定将是更为“良性的”!
But Eli had not called him. However, the old priest knew that it must be the Lord calling Samuel. 可是艾利并没有叫他,不过这个老祭司知道,一定是上帝在呼唤撒母耳。
It must be nice for a young NBA coach to begin his career coaching one of the best players of his generation. 对于一个年轻的NBA主帅来说,要是刚刚开始教练生涯就能执教他这个时代最出色的球员之一,那一定是件很不错的事。
It must be hard to do that, when Western culture is all around them. 那一定很困难,因为周围都是西方文化。
For company applicant, it must be signed by a authorized by the company concerned and stamped with the company's chop. 如属公司申请人,须由该公司所指定的授权人士签署及加盖该公司印章。
A poem like a song, in case any portion of it makes you to have emotional resonance, it must be a good poem or a good song. 一首诗像一首歌的情况下,任何部分让你有感情共鸣,它必须是一个很好的诗或一个很好的歌曲。
If it's weird to charge for water when eating in a restaurant, then it must be natural to get free water in coffee houses when drinking tea. 吃饭时向饭馆要白开水得收钱,那么到咖啡馆喝茶,再添一道白开水总是天经地义的吧?
She could only imagine that it must be evident to many that she was the less handsomely dressed of the two. 她所能想到的只是,大家一定会看得很清楚,在她们两人之间,她的打扮较差。
The IP address is not the same as the IP address of the Windows cluster, but it must be in the same subnet as the Windows cluster. 此IP地址与Windows群集的IP地址不同,但必须与Windows群集位于同一子网内。
Whatever form it takes, it must be a living, breathing entity that's easy to update and easy to reference. 无论是何种形式,都必须是一个充满活力的实体,能方便地进行更新和引用。
And if it is part of your nature it must be serving something very essential, otherwise it would not have been there at all. 如果它是你本性的一部分,那它一定发挥很基本的作用,否则它根本就未曾存在过。
When you walk into the bookstore and see a table filled with books on dieting , you know it must be January. 当你走进书店,映入眼帘的是琳琅满目的减肥书,你就能肯定这一定是一月份。
It must be said, though, that the meaning of some of his speeches was often quite impenetrable to his ordinary listeners. 但是,需要指出的是,他的一些讲话的意思对普通的听众来说通常是不能理解的。
It must be understood that our agreement to postpone the payment does not amount to an acceptance of your opinion of the goods supplied. 必须了解,我方同意延期付款并不等于接受贵方关于所供货物的意见。
It must be so fulfilling and rewarding for you to see the difference you are making in the lives of others. 看到你在他们生活中引起的变化,你肯定感到非常充实,非常有回报。
For Mr Vajpayee, who once said that his life's ambition was to see India take its place as a great nation, it must be very dispiriting. 对瓦杰帕伊(Vajpayee)来说,有人曾说他的志向就是看着印度成为大国,这一定让他非常沮丧。
Fortunately she knew at once what to do. "It must be sewn on, " she said, just a little patronisingly. 幸好她一下子就想到该怎么办。“得用针线缝上才行。”她说,带点保护人的口气。
Owen's record with Heskey is brilliant. Owen will no doubt conclude it must be something he said. 欧文跟赫斯基搭档的记录是辉煌的,欧文自己也肯定了这一点。
If the computer is not a member of a domain , it must be manually configured to synchronize with a specified time source . 如果计算机不是域的成员,必须手动将其配置为与指定的时间源同步。
We couldn't believe it - I knew it must be a coincidence and yet, this time, I couldn't help feeling our experiences were linked. 我们都难以相信,我以为一定是偶然的,然而这次我不得不感到我们的经验是有联系的。
I told her that it must be the boy in my dream who had a happy face and chubby cheeks. And he looked like a little monk without any hair. 我告诉她,她所怀的男婴一定是我梦中那个笑容满面并有张圆胖脸颊的男孩,而且他没有头发,看起来就像个小和尚。
In Powers' case, Obama returned the picture of his father "since it must be important to you" , and thanked him for the "good advice" . 以鲍尔斯为例,奥巴马把他父亲的照片寄了回去并表示“这张照片对你来说想必十分重要”,并感谢他“热心的建议”。
If it is not to be mandatory, it must be in each creditor's interest to do this. 如果不是强制性的,那么必须符合各债权人的利益,他们才会同意。